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Chapter 3 by hottie morgan hottie morgan

Part 2....DUH

PART 2: If she smokes she pokes


This is the real part two...ahem.

Note to guy who added a chapter to disparage me: Bunz was NEVER an asshole to me. I had true feelings for Bunz which is why I was always undecided about what I did with Bill and felt pretty horrible about it. This is about something on guy.

That said I was a dumb bitch. I own up to that. I was a whore. Own that too.

You ever heard the term “if she smokes she pokes”. I smoke. Figure it out (LMAO).

Ok. I'm back. Thank you for the likes and comments. Sorry for all the boring explanation but I felt it was needed.

First I want to talk about how society screwed up language for women. Say COCK out loud. Say DICK out loud. Strong words. 'I'm gonna give her my COCK' or 'I'm gonna DICK her hard'. Even saying 'HARD' is sort of all manly and tough. 'I'm hard as a rock'. Now say the female equivalent. Say MOIST out loud. Gross. Say PUSSY out-loud. It sounds dirty and nasty and wrong. What do you even call a woman’s cum? Saying its cum sounds odd, but its what I do. It's either HONEY or JUICES or SQUIRT or FLUID. Women have to say things like VAGINA and EJACULATE like we're fucking doctors or some shit.

Guys listen up - DON'T SAY CUNT. Ever.

One comment I do want to address is the one about attention. I was going to reply down there but I want to bring it up here. This story is a cuckold/cheating/neotarare (I don't know how to spell that). The reality of it is more a cautionary tale about ATTENTION.

If you get NOTHING from this....PAY ATTENTION to your partner. Whether its a girlfriend – boyfriend – wife – husband or significant other. I'm not even talking about the sexual parts. Sure if Bunz pushed me up against the wall and fucked me once in a while I'd probably still be with him. I don't call it making's one MAKES LOVE...we FUCK (#truth).

I'm talking about what the commenter mentioned. Simply saying “your hair looks nice” wins you points. I thought my short hair was sexy and fit my personality. I like to think of my fashion sense as 'fashionable punk'. Tell me I look good in this skirt or that. Tell me I'm sexy and hot. If you want your lover (ugh hate that word) to LOOK sexy for you then make her FEEL sexy.

If Bunz gave me HALF the attention Bill did I'd still be with him. I was in a bad place being taken advantage of by family and bad friends and bad classmates and roommates. I had no where to turn so I leaned into Bunz. That dude to this day didn’t realize I was ALWAYS in skirts and heels. Hell my friends came to me for fashion advice and to do make-up and hair. I didn't dress up for Bill (yet).

All Bunz had to do was put his arm around me, cuddle me, or kiss me without me prompting it. If we were going to have sex I'd have to initiate unless he got REALLY horny. He would like dry hump me in bed with his boner if he wanted sex. That is how he thought sex should be initiated.

Hell once I even got into a tight gray jersey skirt full make-up and wedge heels on a random Saturday and came into my guest room (at my place when I got my own place) where Bunz was checking fantasy sports on my computer. I bent over waving my ass. He did nothing and didn't even notice. I was practically screaming “FUCK ME”! Nothing.

I counted days between actual physical contact and he didn't even kiss me for four full days and finally kissed my forehead. I’m telling you we were like roommates.

Had he given me the attention Bill did I would probably be married to Bunz with a bunch of kids by now. Instead Bill ended up being the one to make me feel sexy. So guess what, Bill got to have me in tight skirts, short skirts, really high-heels and all glammed out because I FELT sexy.

There is another point I want to make to guys about attention. Don't just fuck a girl and cum and think its over. That pisses me off. Here is the thing I want to say. You can have sex and play around and NOT CUM. We do it all the time (its called a blowjob). Bill actually understood this. Guy loved eating pussy. I don't even like having my pussy eaten but he loved it so I let him. He would eat me out for an hour making me squirt all over the place and cum a bunch of times. You know what I would do after? I'd suck his dick so hard you'd think I was trying to pull the cum straight from his nuts. I can suck your cock so hard your eyes-cross literally. You won't know if your in pain and going to hell right before I send you to heaven (LMFAO).

The other portion of the comment is a little hurtful. I'm not mad but I'm kinda still friends with Bunz. I'm legit eating edibles Bunz's buddy helped me get. He isn't pathetic (not always LOL).

I will say back then he sort of WAS pathetic. He was either too stupid and oblivious to see what is around him or (like he insists) he actively helped me into Bill's lap. I doubt that as most of his tales of my sex life with Bill COME from Bill. He was either a WIMP or a FREAK I guess.

There is also NO way he had cameras in his home or my home. If he did he would have been on to this VERY early on. I did suspect when I broke up with him (which I did and he denies and lies about that) that he followed us. I couldn't prove it but this story kind of does.

I do feel bad because I did feel pity for Bunz and I guess that means I saw him as pathetic. Sorry Bunz. When Bill and I emerged from hiding as a couple and tried to get back into the 'crew' it wasn't easy and real awkward. It couldn't have been easy for Bunz to see me and Bill all over each other making out in public and disappearing to fool around (by that I mean FUCK).

I felt bad until Bill and I went to Florida for Bill's cousin's wedding. It was our first trip and we stayed in Miami for a week longer just the two of us (thanks Bill's mom...I'll get to her later). I went out to dinner and clubbing in a tight leopard print dress and after getting ready in the hotel Bill was texting Bunz. I saw the texts. Bunz was asking how I looked in the dress. So I let Bill send a pic out of curiosity. Later Bill asked what Bunz thought. No response. The next day Bunz responded I looked “hot as fuck” and asked for another.

Dude was masturbating to me? DA FUQ? He couldn't be that mad right?

It was so surreal as to be ridiculous to me. My 'ex' who never paid attention was now actively masturbating to me? He never paid one fucking comment my way and now he couldn't get enough? Not gonna lie that gave me a weird sense of power over him.

Yeah...I guess that is kinda pathetic. Sorry Bunz. He's sweet though he is. He took a lot of shit through all this and brushed it off and stood back up after getting thrown down. I have respect for that and him even after all this. He's my BUNZ (not the real monicker but I GAVE his real monicker to him). LOL!

Before I get back into the story. I need to make my next apology. That would be for Hillary. I shit on her hard. Women can be horrible to each other especially a group of friends. Each day its gossip about why 'one' member of your 'girl crew' who isn't there sucks and the next day your laughing with THAT girl making fun of ANTOEHR friend. We're worse than boys.

We compete for men and attention. That included Bill. I was bad to Hillary and I'm sorry. I feel bad to this day. She wasn't very friendly when I openly dated Bill. Not for a long time.

She ALSO thinks Bunz is pathetic and has told me that from day one. Sorry Bunz (#brutaltruth). Hillary was one of the handful of people who knew that I had dated Bunz before Bill. She made a good point by always point out why would Bunz leave me alone with Bill in the first place.

Honestly shes right. This may speak to Bunz being in on all of this. How could you leave your drunk and admittedly ALWAYS horny girlfriend with your drunk and ALWAYS horny buddy whose sole GOAL in life was to FUCK said girlfriend. Your either DUMB or you want to watch your friend fuck your fiancee (yes Bunz and I got engaged at one point but only by verbal agreement. No rings. No set plans. Just talk)

I guess pathetic is a good descriptive term for him. Sorry Bunz.


I had just met Bill for the first time and I wasn't rushing to seeing him again. Bill only came around a few times a month as the drive to the city was rather long. This was good for me. I didn't see Bill again until the end of January or so. Which I was fine with. He ended up coming up for another Frat party. The frat was legit around the block from Bunz's apartment. A small walkway in the back of a school led to a street. Take a left and a quick right you were at the frat house. You could see the frat backyard through trees and fences. Well you could see the back of the frat and not into the yard I should say.

Bill came up and I was nervous as hell. I said 'hi' and he acted as if we hadn't had a 'thing' before which was fine with me. The night actually was quiet fine. Things were normal until the end. I found myself in the backyard smoking with Bill. I thought it was fine. He was being nice and making fun of the frat which I'll join in any time. He was drunk. Very drunk. We were in the back corner of the yard with a red fence behind me. Bill was being polite but all of the sudden he was on me. He tried to stick his mouth on mine and I turned in time to avoid him. Instead he moved to suck on my ear and then my neck below the ear. Stimulating my ears GETS me going. I didn't WNAT to respond but my body did and felt moist down there. I hate that word but there isn't a way to describe it. Not quite wet but not dry is the only other way. His hand snaked around and RIGHT into my jeans. He was groping my butt real quick.

I wear thongs every day. Another indication I MAY not be the most virginal of women. I like thongs. Today I regretted it because it gave Bill access to my little tushy. He was sucking on my neck and groping my bottom for maybe ten seconds before I pushed him off. To a young drunk girl that ten seconds is a lifetime. Just like before many people saw us and Bill became the guy who hooked up with a hot-chick in the corner.

I didn’t hook up with him. That was what people said though. People in BUNZ'S OWN FRAT. Bill was increasing his drunk legend at MY expense and Bunz was too oblivious, narcissistic and dumb to notice or he LIKED it. I still can't tell. He never asked who it was. I never told. Bill never told.

Either way I left Bill and adjusted my jeans. Its an odd feeling since it was sort of a walk of shame through the backyard. I was just a little slut to the girls there. Not going to lie I kinda liked that. Fuck them.

Bill ended up getting BLACK OUT drunk and he stumbled back to Bunz's apartment. I felt relief and Bunz and I enjoyed the night. We went home and Bunz began making hot-pockets in the kitchen. I went upstairs and changed into short red shorts that show a little ass cleavage when I'm sitting down. I'm always a nice girl even for my would-be attacker and I grabbed a blanket and went down to put it on Bill who was asleep on Bunz's dirty old orange couch that had no legs.

Bunz to this day claims he saw this and he may have but he never told me. If he did see this than I think he did want all this.

I was in an awkward position as I tried to lay the blanket down on Bill who was passed out on his back. Sort of bending down on my left leg. Bill's hand without him opening his eyes shot up and slid up my right white thigh diving up into my shorts. No...I was not wearing panties. Big mistake.

Note: I have to keep saying this is before METOO and all the 'go-women' shit. I'm not against it by any means but some of the elements in this story don't sit with current morals.

Bill's hand went right up my right leg and pushed my shorts aside and his two fingers (middle and forefinger) went right up into my pussy. The thing about me is that I'm kinda ALWAYS ready to go so to speak. You know what I'm saying. Wink. Wink. I'm rarely ever dry down there. His fingers slid right up into my pussy. Before I could even react they were up and inside me, and deep.

I've tried to tell Bunz time and again about how to find my 'button' or my 'g-spot'. It isn't hard. Hook your finger after you slip inside me and pull back and press softly at first then hard.

Bill found my g-spot instantly. As if he'd been up there exploring for years. He pushed right where I needed to feel that push. My hand had reach to stop his but when he hit my button my eyes shot open and my mouth did that 'O' face. More of an 'o shit' face than an orgasm face. I looked into the kitchen and DID NOT see Bunz. I looked around to see if any roommates were watching from above on the second floor or the room across from the couch. During this period of search Bill's fingers applied more pressure and moved in circles. If Bunz was watching he must have seen my grip on Bill's wrist ease and begin to rub his forearm up and down. He must have heard me moan seconds later. He could have seen because at that point my eyes closed and rolled. Bunz must have heard my pussy squishing around Bill's fingers clamping down as I came on Bill's fingers.

As quickly as his fingers entered me they left. Leaving me feeling kinda empty and ready for more. Bill ever the asshole brought his dripping fingers to his nose and then licked my cum off his fingers smiling. He NEVER opened his eyes. He NEVER mentioned this until years later I told HIM. Bunz has so either he DID see or Bill told him.

I stood there staring at Bill waiting for something but he didn't move. I walked around to the kitchen and Bunz was drinking a beer against the stove. I looked to make sure he had no vision into the room. He didn't. The door was way to the left of where Bunz was. I remember thinking 'fuck my fucking pussy cum is rolling down my legs'. I was scared he'd notice. He didn't.

I took Bunz upstairs and pulled my shorts down, trying to be seductive as he sat on the bed. More awkward moments putting a condom on (I hate those minutes). Once again I rode Bunz hard like a girl at a bar on a bull. I fucked him good and loud too. I think I wanted Bill to hear. I wanted Bill to know Bunz could make me happy in the sack. I made my little hip rotations on Bunz's pubic region and brought myself to an orgasm. Sadly it wasn't as strong as the one Bill had given me. I didn't feel Bunz cum and kept riding his cock. My boyfriend was yelping about being raw and I got off. Part of me still wanted to fuck and I stopped myself from going downstairs.

If your keeping score it took Bunz about a year to kiss me after meeting me. I hit on him strong. It took him a few more weeks to ask me out and about two more months to have sex. We did other things like oral play. I gave him a few blowjobs before sex. It took Bunz well over a year to get intimate with me.

Bill met me a month ago and this was the second time we'd met. He'd fingered me to orgasm and was a lost car away from getting laid.

A week later (I think) I started to move into my townhouse one floor home that my parents bought me (white privilege). We'd owned it for years but the tenant moved out and I moved in. I decided to let Bunz bring his buddies up since there was an indoor pool with a hot-tub. Bunz says I was sunbathing in his story but that isn't possible since it was like February. Even the indoor pool was cold since the area was partly open. The hot-tub was great though.

I was nervous about Bill coming up. I still wasn't INTO Bill. I wasn't. Things just happened with him. I was pretty sure when he fingered me he was blacked out. He hadn't told Bunz. I needed A LOT of tequila before the 'boys' came. Bill didn't bring up the fingering. I was relieved. He acted like nothing had happened which was good. They all went down to hot-tub first.

I ended up bringing the bottle down to pool area. You have to remember that the crew was four dudes and then me. I don't have a ONESIE bathing suit. This predated that being a thing. I had a pink bikini that tied on the sides and around the neck and back.

If you've ever been the ONLY girl with a group of guys in a bikini its an uncomfortable experience. Like I was REALLY insecure and wasn't sure how guys would react. I didn't WANT them to stare but at the same time I didn't want them to think I looked GROSS in a bikini. It's strange. All the guys were drinking and shooting shit when I started to take my clothes off. When I took my top off and then my shorts all the laughter and chatter stopped. All eyes on me. First time I TRULY felt like the ONLY girl around. Which I was.

“Cool bikini, looks good on you” Bill said. Nothing gross. Nothing crazy. A compliment. Again points for Bill. I mean he was obviously ogling my body but he said the right thing at the right time. He took the attention away from my body and centered it on my bikini.

I blushed and brushed my dark hair around my ears back (that's called a sign boys). A girl doing the hair brush thing when talking to a guy is instinctual. She's trying to look GOOD for you. I didn't even have long hair to fix. It was a natural response for me to Bill's comment.

Bill was ahead but like always he got wasted and went too far. This day he'd go too far when I wasn't there. He got black out drunk and tried hitting on me in front of Bunz. He told me he wanted to FUCK me and that I should be with HIM. I left him and Bunz watching basketball. The other boys had left.

I went out with my friends and Bill remained. Bunz texted me about how Bill was going on and on about how 'Morgan is sooo hot'. How he just wanted ONE shot with me. Bill asked my boyfriend if Bunz could 'hook him up' with Morgan. Bunz thought it was funny. I was more peeved than overjoyed. I was like DO SOMETHING BUNZ.

Bill was gone when I came home but I noticed something in the guest bathroom. My bikini which was in the MASTER bathroom was now crumbled on the floor. It was...messy. YUCK. I instantly accused Bunz. It wouldn't be the first time he'd used my bikini or panties to masturbate (yeah I know...just fuck ME and not my see what I'm saying). This time he didn't do it. This time it was Bill. No...I was NOT turned on by a man using my bikini bottoms and top as a fucktoy. That's not sexy. It's gross. I didn't even want to touch them and made Bunz wash them ten times. Legit ten times. I also was instantly turned off to Bill. I didn't want him around. Bunz wrote this right but he says I enjoyed this experience. I didn't.

The next time I met Bill (I think I can't really place all these times in order but I'm tying) was about two weeks after that at a party at Bunz's parents house. The locals in his hometown as EXACTLY what you'd think of locals in a very rural suburb in America. They're all drunk and kinda hicks. Sorry. Not Sorry. Bunz's parents had retired and moved south leaving the home they grew up in for the kids to 'crash' at. They had everything you could think of in the basement, including pool table, basketball carnival game thing, video games, a huge big screen TV with all the channels. It was kind of a fun place to hang out.

Bill kept his distance and seemed a little occupied with one of the local neighbor girls. She wasn't pretty (yes I compared myself to her). I was content with keeping distance and not chatting with him too much. I was elated he didn't bring up 'fingerbanging me'. That's what they called it back then 'fingerbanging' (again: men words boo). I also didn't want to see talk to him on account of his fucking my bikini.

I wasn't mad or jealous he wasn't talking to me. I was bored. Bradley still couldn't talk to me yet since he wasn't wasted. The other guy in our five person crew wasn't even there (remember I'm a PART of this crew...its only female IT....LOL). Bunz was playing in a pool tournament with a bunch of guys and I was kind of holding the wall drinking tequila straight to get wasted. It was cold. Like I said I wore jeans in winter. Bill finally came up and I expected to battle his hands all night. Instead he offered to smoke weed with me.

Now I've said a lot about being insecure and young and dumb. I do a lot of ****. Or I did a lot of **** when I was young. I LOVED smoking weed. When I first met Bunz he did too. He stopped. Freaked out on shrooms or something and stopped doing **** altogether. Bunz always joked I get REAL horny when I'm high. I'm here to admit this is 100% true. Who doesn't love to fuck high as balls. When your whole body feels great and every touch is amazing.

I get giggly and then I just would stare at Bunz like a cat about to pounce. He never got that but when I started dating Bill (later) he picked that shit up quick. We'd get high, I'd giggle then stare at Bill and we would take off upstairs to fuck in Bunz's parents house. Yes this is why I apologized to them. Yes Bunz was fine with us dating eventually as crazy as that sounds. Fine with us to the point of letting us fuck in his home LOL!

This night was WAY before that when I was still with Bunz. Bored and a little annoyed at Bunz not paying attention I agreed to go smoke with Bill. No I didn’t tell Bunz or ask for permission. I should have know something was up when Bill led me past a crowd of people around the back fence until we were on this path between back neighbors house that led to the back street. We were alone and I shouldn’t have gone. Yet again I followed him. I was really hoping to just smoke weed. I wasn't looking to hook up. I really wasn't. I knew I'd have to fend him off.

Bill disappointed me with a fucking 'roach'. If you know what that is it is the end of a joint that’s already smoked. I was kinda pissed off. Who the fuck brings someone to smoke a little bit of a joint. That is when Bill mentioned 'shotgunning'.

Now I had NO idea what shotgunning a joint meant. I do now, but at the time I was still a fucking teenager so sue me. I was dumb and young and naive. I had done bumps of coke and lines and rails or whatever. I had smoked bongs (I get FUCKED UP fun for Bill...bad for everyone else). I had never done a shotgun. I had shotgunned a beer.

Bill lit the small joint end and smoked in a big puff. He then told me to open my mouth while he kept trying to suck back the smoke. I did as told and Bill moved in and put his lips to mine and blew a direct hit of smoke right into my mouth which I struggled to inhale. THIS IS NOT SHOTGUNNING. I did not know that. I did suspect. I'm not dumb. I just kind of let him get away with it. This predates smart phone goggling remember. We had locked lips but to me it was mechanical. Nothing really. I mean that. It worked well too. I was couching and coughing unable to control it. The hit of weed made me HIGH AS FUCK! I almost fell over.

Bill wanted his hit. So he told me to suck down as much as I could, and I did that until I had to drop the roach as it burned me. I didn't know a shotgun but I knew how to hold in a puff from a joint. Bill opened his mouth and I moved in to connect my lips to his, and he tells me to 'go slow'. I gave him shit for not taking his own advice but pushed my lips onto his and slowly blew what I had in my lungs into his mouth. With my head turned to the side and lips touching Bills, other than the smoke bellowing from our kiss people would think we were making out. I recall looking at the street in the distance thinking how odd it would be if someone saw us. That's when I felt Bill's tongue enter my mouth and touch my tongue which I pulled back. Both of us began coughing and I punched his arm.

“Asshole,” I told him.

“I couldn't help myself.” He laughed.

We stood there high as kites laughing and pointing at stars as high people do. I remember teetering on my feet and shaking my head with a dumb smile. “Did you jerk off in my bikini?” I finally asked. Wanting to know if it was him or Bunz. Bill insisted he hadn't. I gave him an accusing look and laughed. “RIIIIIIIGHT!”

I decided to leave right then and there and went around the fence. I noticed some eyes on me, and then Bill followed. Another strange walk of shame. I went to Bunz, but he didn't say much and played pool.

At some point Bill got me outside smoking and then towards the back of the fence on the side of the house Bill pisses on. The front yard fence. Once more I was fighting his making out as he sucked on my neck and tried to grope my ass. Once more after I did I became the 'whore' of the party. I think this time I was the 'dark haired whore Bill fucked beside the house' while everyone partied.

My legend grew with Bill's. I was either the hot slut Bill fucked in his car behind X-Bar or the sexy dark haired whore he fucked on the side of Bunz's house. At least they all thought I was hot right? LMAO!

These rumors spread often. More in Bunz's hometown. He NEVER asked who the girl was and if he did Bill would just wink and say he'd never tell....but she was HOT. I never admitted it was me. Even though Bill and I DIDN'T HAVE SEX AT THAT POINT. Hell I never told Bunz Bill fingered me. I probably should have.

That night Bill and Bunz DID get into a fight, as Bill legit tried kissing me in front of Bunz. It was broken up and at least Bunz fought for me. Which made me think he's cute again. Sex did not happen that night for anyone. I passed out in Bunz's waterbed and then Bill and a bunch of people passed out downstairs. Bunz passed out last.

I always tell people my first kiss with Bill was at a bar when we were getting kicked out. He refused to pay the tab and said he'd only leave if I kissed him. I frame it as some romantic thing I HAD to do to avoid getting arrested. Bunz wrote about this because it is possible he saw this and I WAS still with Bunz.

That is not our first kiss. Nor do I count Bill continually pushing his tongue in my mouth. It was a few weeks later when Bill came up again. He'd come up twice but I avoided him by NOT going out with Bunz. I still didn't REALLY want to fuck Bill. I mean looking back, I kinda did, but I wanted to avoid that mess. I was falling for Bunz and cared about him. I didn't want to hurt him. We were talking about moving in and even marriage at that point. I know I was still in college and that’s a dumb conversation for anyone in college.

Bill came up and I avoided him like the plague. Eventually my friends wanted to go to that nights frat party. You see, every night started at the SAME bar with the same 100 or so people, even though we went to a school of tens of thousands. Same bar on Tuesday or the same frat. Wednesday had its bar and its frat. Same with rest of week. The only day we weren't drinking was Monday. Legit one day of a week. You only had two choices where the crowd was...that days BAR or that days FRAT. Everyone knew the schedule. That night I'd gone to a different bar skirting the norm but my slut friends wanted to go to the Friday night KEGGER at the Frat.

This was before smart phone but we did have texting and group chats (with limited capability). I texted my boyfriend where he was and was disappointed he was at the frat. Myself, Hillary and another friend went to the frat house and upon entering sure enough one of the dudes was like “you fucked that guy Bill in the car behind Bar-X.” I told him he was REALLY REALLY wrong. Hillary asked who I fucked and where. I explained the confusion. Mostly.

That is when Bill and Hillary met. They'd date on and off through most of this. I need to apologize to Hillary again as well. I treated her poorly. I cuckolded her if that's possible. She's short and curvy bordering on heavy. I'm sorry. She is. Her and Bill hit it off and were chatting close within an hour. I was fine with that. Maybe I wasn't. I don't know. I did like attention and was sort of jealous of Hillary. I'm a girl. Sue me.

The night went on and I felt sort of free to enjoy myself. Bill was inappropriately dancing with Hillary I was enjoying Bunz for once. Bill wanted to smoke weed and so did I. Bunz didn't and went to the keg. Hillary was now talking to another guy she had sex with before. She's a slut too. She admits that. I found myself being led by Bill to a seedy basement where a DJ was playing music. I knew the DJ, he was kind of a pretty boy in my boyfriend's frat. The frat had like 30 people in it. I knew some of the people down there dancing and drinking and looking at their phones but not many. A few dingy couches lined the walls. Make-out couches. That's what they were and that's what people were doing. I thought Bill was fine with Hillary and explained she'd be back.

He once again produces about HALF a joint this time. What the fuck, right? I joked about how shitty of a 'weed guy' he was.

“Do you wanna shotgun?” He asked. I couldn't hear over the music and he yelled it in my ear and people looked over at us sitting on the couch. I think I had my pink pleated short skirt, with my pink strap high heels. I made sure to cross my legs AWAY from Bill. Tip to guys: a girl crosses her legs in and she is GOOD to go.

“Fine!” I said back to him and made sure to end it with “NO TONGUE!”

Bill took his hit first and I opened my mouth. His lips hit mine and instantly a large tongue entered my mouth along with a healthy portion of smoke causing me to cough and slap him. “NO TONGUE DUDE!”

Bill pleaded with me. “Can't we do it JUST ONCE,” he said like a broken hearted kid. I asked about Hillary and him but he said he ONLY wanted me. How my legs were so SEXY. That my face was perfection and shit like that. That I was the hottest girl at the party. His eyes on my legs the whole time weren't lost on me. That he just wanted a little kiss. JUST ONE.

I sighed and for some reason I broke. I think I enjoyed being buttered up by his compliments and his attention. I did. It's what I wanted from Bunz and any guy. I also was kind of jealous of Hillary simply that he was choosing her but now he was back to me. I think I held up my five fingers. “FIVE SECONDS OF TONGUE....AT THE END BILL....” I made sure he understood. “AT THE END!”

Bill took a hit and puffed it into my mouth. I took one and did the same. The joint lasted three hits each. I was getting TOASTED and was already drunk. I'd say I wasn't thinking about the end but I was. My heart was pounding with anticipation actually. The whole time I was looking for Bunz in the crowd, noting who I knew and whether I knew them well. I checked for Hillary as we exchanged lip touching weed sharing.

Bill held it last and had to throw it to the ground as it burned his finger. We sat on the couch in the dark then. This 'five seconds' still hanging between us. I was looking in the crowd not trying to look at Bill. Here I was in some dark basement with my boyfriend's friend. Bunz was LEGIT in the building upstairs. I checked my phone for texts to save me from Bunz from Hillary. Nothing. There was a crowd all around us not five feet from the couch blocking the view. Tension you could cut with a FUCKING KNIFE.

Bill and I had never had awkward conversations and I can't recall if we ever did again but that was awkward sitting with him. We made fun of people around us as we often do but the elephant in the room wouldn't go away. The 'five seconds'.

I had always made fun of people who made out in public at parties and bars. I'm not saying I didn't ever do it. I had. Me and Bunz even did it our first kiss at a bar. It's always sloppy. I remember thinking two things. Number one I should leave immediately and find Bunz. Number two I was wondering why Bill wasn't making that move to collect those 'five seconds'.

There is an odd exciting anticipation when you are in that moment with a guy KNOWING you're going to hook up. Heart racing, nervous feelings. I knew I should leave and find Bunz. Stop this train before it crashes. We were going to get caught if we did this. I didn't leave. I sat there nervously looking around for someone I knew to come along. No one did.

I felt his weight next to me move closer and the faux leather behind my head sank. He was moving closer. I want to say that I wasn't excited but I was. I was waiting for my boyfriend's jerk of a buddy to kiss me.

“Your hair is really sexy,” he told me finally after silence.

I said 'thanks' and blushed red again and adjusted my hair. Like some smitten high-schooler I must have looked.

I felt his hand rest on my exposed knee and he told me, “The girls are sexy tonight.” Bill was referring to my legs. He already had a pet name for them. (WARNING: if someone has a pet name for your girlfriend or her body...BAD NEWS).

“They always are.” I laughed, and my pussy began to get even wetter than it already was. I was wet. Real wet. It was the whole dirty naughtiness of it all that worked on me. I want to say I didn't go down there to hook up with Bill. I think I knew it was always a possibility and maybe inevitable at that point. I still didn't look his way and I looked to see everyone around us on the row of couches making out. Make out couches. I sat with Bill on one. That's why they were there. I sat on one with Bill. I was going to hook-up with my boyfriend's friend and I was excited.

Looking back I admit that is WHY I went down there. I won't pretend at this point. I went down there to hook up with Bill. I was excited and wanted to.

Then I turned to him. If you've been in these situations you know the time when it comes. We both did. I turned my head and moved my face towards his. He was already moving his head to mine. In a flash we were kissing and this time my tongue was in his mouth. Five seconds turned to ten and then to twenty as my head was moving in time with his. Thirty seconds turned into a minute and we were off to the races sucking face. His hand roamed up my skirt to my thigh which I allowed. His other hand began to move to my breast and I stopped him. “Easy.” I told him. I could have stopped it there but we went back to kissing. That inappropriate kissing with our tongue out of our mouths swapping spit. Bill attempted to grope my breast again and I stopped him once more. “Let it happen. Don't push” I told him. We kept kissing for what must have been ten minutes on that couch.

We even stopped for a smoke. I lit a cigarette and took a puff, and then I handed it to him and what was left of my lipstick was on the end of his smoke. (WARNING: if your girlfriend shares beers and smokes with a guy...that's BAD). I then saw my lipstick all over Bill's lips and gave him a napkin from my purse. We shared a smoke on the couch and I was really close to Bill. His arm was around me and his hand was rubbing my knee and upper thigh.

We would stop smoking and kiss. This was a hook-up which is a little more than kissing. No one around us made notice or cared. This was college. We were in the 'hook-up' area. To anyone we were just a two people who met and were hooking up. It was rally normal. I decided to ask him again. “Did you jerk off in my bikini?” I poked him with my finger with that hand holding the smoke.

“Maybe,” Bill laughed.

I feigned anger and surprise with a slap to his stomach. “I KNEW IT!” We again went to kissing. I guess I forgave him.

My phone vibrated in my purse. It was Bunz asking me where I was. I checked the time. Five seconds had turned into a twenty minute face sucking hook-up session.

It was time to stop the games and I broke the kiss. “We have to get back.” I stood up and adjusted my skirt. I stood up and waked away from a protesting Bill. He'd had his fun I told him and pushed through the crowd. I made my way to the keg telling Bill to go a separate way to hide our time together. He did as told. I want to say that I told Bill it was never going to happen again. I did not tell him that. I always wondered why he didn't just fucking TELL Bunz. I get it though. He wanted more. Telling Bunz would screw it all up. I was giving him more and more each time. Why wouldn't he keep trying.

I spent the night watching Bill get wasted to black out again. Bunz pretending he was the COOLEST guy at the party. Except his girlfriend had just made out in the basement with the 'town drunk'. Bill got kicked out. We walked him back to the apartment and he passed out. Hillary and Me and Bunz went to the bar down the street. Hillary asked about Bill. I said I'd find out what he thought of her. I knew he thought she was fat. He told me. Bunz made a joke that Hillary was 'just Bill's type' when she was in the bathroom. It made me sort of angry. Not sure why. I asked if it was because she was fat. He told me it was more Bill only targeted girls with low self-esteem. That REALLY made me mad.

I'm going to end this chapter here. I want to point something out though. Bunz was so dumb and oblivious or TOO MUCH OF A WIMP to do anything about my growing legend with Bill. To his frat buddies I was the girl who fucked Bill in his car. To Bunz's hometown buddies (not the crew but the wider cast of locals) I was the girl he fucked on the side of Bunz's house. I hope you see how it was easy for me and Bill to transition into a couple. Bunz NEVER touched me or kissed me or held my waist or hand in public. He introduced me as his girlfriend WHEN he introduced which was sort of rare. All people saw was me leave a bar with Bill and me on the side of the house with Bill. To most people I was ALREADY Bill's girlfriend.

This was becoming SO prevalent that around this time I went to a bar with Bunz and the same group of 40 to 50 people was there. A girl that dated a frat brother who I barely knew other than saying 'hi' came up to me and asked where my boyfriend was. Bunz was a few bodies away struggling to get beers in the packed bar. You basically had to scream to be heard. I pointed to Bunz but the girl then asked, “I mean where is that Bill guy.”

I was shocked to say the least. I explained that I wasn't with Bill. The girl told me she thought that I dated Bill. She told me how she heard that the drunk guy Bill and I met at 'Bar-X' and then were MADLY in love to the point that I had let Bill cut his initials into my body at a Collegefest concert. I informed her she was incorrect and showed her my tattoo. The stories were getting so twisted that they mixed a story about Bill (told most likely by Bunz) when they were kids in high-school how someone dared Bill to cut himself with a knife while drunk. Bill did. He was dumb.

I began to clarify things but the girl shot back with “didn't you hook up with him in the basement of SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA (not the real frat I don't even know that name).”

I couldn't correct that. I did do that. I just told her....”I'm not dating Bill.”

She went on to explain that she 'got it'. That she wanted a 'friends with benefits thing' with her boyfriend but he wanted to be serious. “Who wants to be serious in college,” she said (or something like that). I kinda just nodded and drank the rest of my vodka tonic.

She knew Bunz. She knew me. Had he touched me at ALL this wouldn't be an issue.

What's next?

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