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Chapter 4 by Mr. E Mr. E

Is there a problem?

One small detail...

Nudy Judy smiled excitedly. "Oh, no problem at all. This is actually a real good thing!"

Anisha let out a sigh of relief, closing her eyes. For a second there, she thought something bad was going to happen like something out of those Z-Grade shlock horror movies.

Until she opened her eyes, letting out a surprised gasp as she was now inside the mirror and Nudy Judy was standing in her bedroom!

Nudy Judy took a deep breath, exhaling loudly with a wide smile. "Ah, it is so good to be able to breath again!" She said, stretching out fully.

"Hey! What the hell's going on?!" Anisha screamed as she pounded on the glass. "I thought you said this was a good thing!"

"It is! For me." Nudy Judy replied, "My soul has been stuck in that plane of existence since 1979! And for the past forty-four years, I've been doing nothing but menial tasks for those eighteen and older who summoned me. Clean their room, dance for their gothic themed bachelor parties; you name it, I've done it at least once! And then you summoned me and... Well, you read my legend and summoning ritual."

At seeing Anisha's confused expression, Nudy Judy let out a surprised laugh. "Wait? You didn't read my summoning ritual completely?!"

"Well, I may have skimmed a little..."

"Ha! This is even better!" Nudy Judy exclaimed, "But let me clue you on the important details you glossed over on your, or should I say my..." A look of confusion came to her face as she eyed the cell phone in her hand, "What the hell is this?"

"My cell phone." Anisha replied.

"This is a cell phone? Where are the buttons and the antenna? Why's it so small and flat?" Nudy Judy asked in confusion before shaking her head. "Anyway, according to your... Er, cell phone, a very important part of my legend and summoning ritual is to give me something to do when I show up. Otherwise, the second the summoner - that's you - closes their eyes, then my curse is transferred to you. Meaning that I am reborn in the body I had when I died, free to walk the Earth again as a normal human once more. I get to eat, sleep, breath, and most importantly, put on clothes again!"

"Wait..." Anisha began, "If we switched places, and you clearly never took over my body, am I..." A panicked look came to her face, "Am I dead?!"

"No, no. You're good." Nudy Judy replied nonchalantly, waving a hand. "Your immortal soul is just trapped in the mirror planes. You'll get your body back once someone else is stupid enough to summon you and not ask for you to do anything. Keep in mind though, that may take awhile. I've been waiting for someone to screw up for forty-four years."

Without another word, Nudy Judy turned on her heel and began to walk away.

"Hey!" Anisha yelled, pounding on the glass. "Get back here! Where are you going?!"

"To the bathroom." Nudy Judy replied, "I've been holding it for over four decades now. And as a sixty-nine year old in a twenty-five year old's body, I may be a while."

"Why you little -" Anisha began, only to stop as she felt an invisible **** pulling on her. Fearfully, she screamed, "What's going on now?!"

"Looks like someone's preforming the summoning ritual. Oh, and by the way, I should mention that you're the new Nudy Judy now." Nudy Judy said with a smirk as Anisha vanished from the mirror with a scream.

"Don't worry!" The former ghost called out with a laugh, "You'll get used to that... In a decade or two."

Inside the mirror plane, Anisha screamed as she was pulled towards the next person to summon "Nudy Judy"...

Who summoned Anisha? What do they have her do? And how does the real Nudy Judy adapt to the modern world?

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