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Chapter 2 by Casinooo Casinooo

Should you go?

Of course!

Hey readers, it has been a while since I wrote anything so I would appreciate some feedback. If you like the story, let me know by clicking the like button!

Just like Old Bob said, he’d take care of it. As agreed, you just paid him. Although it was a bit on the higher side, he explained that it’s due to the late booking. Seeing as you don’t want to disappoint your girlfriend, you paid him the amount. He didn’t give you the tickets though as he kept all tickets to himself and scanned it for us when we needed it but he wouldn’t give it to us. Stacy was fine with this and felt like she was taken care of by Old Bob. She even gladly gave him her passport under the guise of so-called safekeeping. Initially wanting to hold your passport yourself, Stacy took it and gave it to him. She said it was handy to have one person responsible for all important documents.

The flight was fun and although it took several hours to arrive, Old Bob kept you and especially Stacy entertained. He would tell you stories about his younger days. How he lost his wife, or rather his wife lost him if you’d ask him. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself and was always looking for relief elsewhere. Especially after his wife left him and took the kids, he went on a crazier rampage to charm women into his bedroom. This was to distract him from the empty space that his kids left behind. Stacy felt sorry for him and kept on listening very attentively to his stories. She was almost glued to his lips. While listening to these stories you notice her behaviour again that she has with older men. Her submissive state to authoritative figures.

Stacy excuses herself to go to the restroom. As she stands up, Old Bob tells her to take care. Almost like a father to their own kid. Stacy blushes and says, “Yes sir.”, and leaves.

“Matt, it’s great of you to take this trip and bringing your girlfriend along. As you might have noticed, I don’t have many people left in my life. Mainly due to me being an asshole, I admit.”

Although you have heard stories about his narcistic and misogynistic behaviour in the neighbourhood, you sort of get along with him. As much as you can anyways as neighbours.

“Well, you’re good in my book”, I try to reassure him.

“That’s because you don’t fully know me yet, Matt. I can become very dominating. Even in just normal conversations, I like to take charge. It’s just my personality, also in the bedroom.” You are unsure of what he means by that last part.

“Being unfaithful wasn’t the only reason my wife left me. I used to dominate her with whips, cuffs, whatever you can think of. She couldn’t handle this and I would never **** a woman into my lifestyle, so I had to let her go.”

I thought for a bit, “Look, what you do in the bedroom is up to you. As long as you keep your dominance to the side during this trip. We should all get along.”

“Yes, most definitely and if we don’t, well I have all the tickets and passports.” Old Bob says this without any emotion, slightly threatening but not enough to actually come across as such. It’s rather narcistic and controlling, exactly what he just described before.

Just as you’re about to ask whether that’s a threat, Stacy comes back and starts to chat with Old Bob. Not wanting to do this in front of your girlfriend, you decide to lay back and just sit out the flight.


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