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Chapter 3 by Krevmh Krevmh

Is there a buyer?

Nobody steps up - THE TROPHY

Erana seems to have picked an appropriately unreasonable price. You stand awkwardly on the podium as no offers come in. Despite many of the matriarchs in the crowd staring lewdly at you, none of them seems ready to pay the named amount.

"No takers for the Killer of Ka'ilrana?" The fat man pleads. "The bastard of the black woods?"

The crowd doesn't stir.

"Well then, a disappointing note to end on. That concludes our show, come back tomorrow." The fat man concludes, dropping all performance from his voice in a hurry to get off the stage.

When you return to Erana's office, flanked as usual by at least two guardswomen but this time with the fat man in tow, Erana's eyes light up.

"Here you are mistress, one legally cleared unclaimed ****." The fat man flourishes as she presents you.

"Bubastis, my dear, you are everything a manager could ask for." She says happily as she walks over to shake his hand. Despite it all, she never once takes her eyes off of you.

"Anything to please the dowager supreme, if there is anything else you might need of me, I shall retire to my quarters and enjoy the profits of my labor." Bubastis flourishes finally before leaving. Erana shoos the guards as well, leaving the two of you alone. She fingers the key to your collar and returns to her desk. She gazes at you longingly as she adds the key to a long ring of them and circles it around her fingers. You stand near the doorway to the room, still denied clothing and unsure how Erana expects you to act.

"Come closer Cent, we need to talk." She finally says.

You step over toward her desk, she stops you when you go to sit down in one of the chairs.

"Remain standing, the sight of you pleases me." She purrs.

You stand awkwardly in front of her as she tucks the keys into her cleavage. Despite being old enough to show her age in the face, her body remains firm and seemingly ageless. Albeit, that might be the excessively tight clothes she insists on wearing. The few buttons above the navel that she actually buttons seem to strain futilely to hold back breasts that would be big on a woman twice her size. She catches you staring.

"By Domina, you're shameless. Do you want to fuck me? Right here, on the desk that I use for work?" She says, biting the end of her pen.

You don't exactly want to admit it, but the thought of it does make a wave of heat flash through you. You nod, begrudgingly.

"Tell me what you want to do to me. Let me hear you speak."

"I... want to fuck you." You offer nervously.

"And? Describe it to me."

"I want... to feel my balls slap against you while I pump your womb full of cum."

Erana breathes deeply. "If I were younger, I'd let you do it. I'd bend my ass into the air for you and let you just destroy me."

You feel an awkward twitch in your cock as she leers at you, she smiles at your reaction.

"Of course you want that, you animal." She muses. "Rutting like an animal, not a care in the world." Unfortunately, it seems like her professional side wins. "In time, plaything, in time."

She works through her paperwork quickly and quietly. She moves with the kind of efficiency and certainty that can only be earned through decades of repetition. The quiet scratching of her brass pen is only broken by the occasional dips and when it is set down to stamp something in wax. After some time she sighs and sets the last piece of paper aside. She looks back up at you and shows you her stamp.

"You know what this is?" She asks.

You nod, she shakes her head.

"No, you don't. There are only fifty of these in the entire empire. This is a councillian marker. It's unique, quite irreplaceable. Each one of its kind is unique to the owner."

She holds it out for you, when you reach for it, she slaps your hand away.

"It signifies that I'm recognized by the Empress herself as one of the empire's matriarchs. I have the right to own a council estate, to vote in the senate, and most importantly to own slaves for personal pleasure."

She toys with it another moment before that too disappears into her cleavage.

"Understand that it's with this mark that I stamped my ownership of you. You are allowed to live inside city walls for my pleasure. Nod if you understand."

You nod. She sits back and sighs.

"Legally, as a non-labored ****, I am required to tell you a few things. Firstly, that you should be granted citizenship if your slavery were to end. Secondly, that I cannot legally pass you to an heir. And thirdly, that I do not have an heir. Should I die at any point, you are a free being. Nod if you understand."

You nod as the nature of what she's saying pieces together in your head.

She looks at you expectantly. "You're a free citizen if I die, that means you're going to try to kill me now."

Not a second passes after she finishes speaking before you're vaulting over her desk toward her. Just as your hands close around her throat she spits an indecipherable word and your body freezes in place. She easily steps free of your reach as you crumple limply onto her desk.

"You really think you're the first non-labored ****? There isn't a councilwoman in the empire that doesn't know enough magic to treat disobedience." She scoffs.

She stands over you as you lay bent over her desk, you try to move as she circles around you but it's like your bones have been replaced by rock. You try to speak but your jaw won't move, leaving you to grunt pathetically.

"I'll admit, it would be unfair to punish you for a natural reaction, but it's important that I send a message." She laments.

Her hands are icy cold as she kneels and wraps one of them around your cock. She traces one of her fingers down your shaft with the other hand and circles one finger gently around your cock head. She pushes her finger gently into your urethra, it's a feeling that you're never experienced before and would like to never experience again. Despite everything trying to stop her, her finger slides in painlessly and without any resistance. You try to scream as she slowly pushes it deeper inside, when it can't go any farther you feel a small smooth ball forming around the tip of her finger. It grows enough to stretch your passage with some discomfort before she withdraws her finger. The ball remains inside of you, though it settles to a less painful size. She gives your balls a less than gentle squeeze before she stands back up.

"The desire for freedom is an animal urge Cent, you will have to learn to overcome it. You behaved like an animal so I've taken away an animal pleasure. Behave like an animal and you will be punished. Behave as I want you to and you will be rewarded." She lectures. She punctuates with a hard slap to your ass and it seems to release whatever spell she has you under. You fall onto your back and clutch your sore cock, trying to **** out the new foreign agent. It holds its place magically, just large enough to keep in any fluids that it doesn't want to leave. You have a suspicion you know what it doesn't want to leave.

"Quit whimpering, there's far worse I could still do." Erana snaps coldly.

You manage to slowly rise back to your feet. You look angrily at Erana, but the rational part of your mind keeps you from attacking her again and hurting yourself further. She looks at you measuredly, waiting to see if you'll attack again. When she's satisfied that you've learned your lesson, she claps happily.

"Good, there's an intelligent being in there somewhere. Poorly bred, but can be made to heel. Come, we're going back to my villa." She heads for the door and you follow her dejectedly.

Erana leads you back through the hallways of her headquarters. Once again you catch every pair of eyes you pass in the halls, but when they see Erana leading you they all snap to attention. She leads you down through the hallways and out of a door that dumps you into one of the backstreets of the city. An ornate carriage sits waiting, carried by two pure black horses.

"You called for me, domina?" A woman beside the door asks.

Erana turns "Amelie, dear, are the robes I asked for with you?"

The woman presents an extremely large set of loose white robes to Erana. Erana looks at them briefly before turning and handing them to you.

"Dress yourself, quickly." She commands, when she turns back to Amelie she's her usual warm business self.

"Amelie, sister, I've set the paperwork in place to let you assume control of my affairs."

"Are you leaving again, domina?"

"Yes dear, for good this time as well."

Amelie's face is twisted in shock, but she can't hide the excitement in her eyes. "You've chosen to retire?"

"Chosen, yes, over the next few weeks the work will be split between the two of us. In two weeks' time, you will be doing the entirety of it. If you let me down, I shall un-retire. Do not make me step back into that office, understood?"

Amelie stands at nervous attention "Yes, I won't let you down."

Erana embraces the younger woman "I have the utmost faith in you, domina."

The title makes Amelie's face light up. When she steps back inside, the women all salute her. By the time you look back, Erana is sitting in the carriage already.

"Come, get in."

The carriage is painfully cramped for somebody of your size. You're lucky that she's seemingly made robes to fit somebody of your size. You've done your best to tie them like you've seen the other citizens doing, but even then they give less coverage than you'd like. As the tiny wooden box rattles along the streets Erana looks out at the city wistfully. The further you get from the **** market, the nicer the buildings get. The carriage is climbing steadily up as well, into the area where the villas that dominate entire foothills are the most common buildings. Foot traffic is replaced by more horseback and carriage travel. The class divide in this area is immediately apparent, the matriarchs ride and the slaves walk.

"Have you ever seen a horse before?"

You nod.

"You have permission to speak."

"Once." You tell her. "They did not live in the black woods."

She nods "And not for a hundred miles in any direction of it. They're hard to get in Veloran, owning even a single horse is a sign of great luxury."

"How many do you own?" You ask.

"More than even the Empress."

"I hear you named me after one of your horses."

"Cent? Something about you reminds me of him, I can't put my finger on it." She says mischievously.

You feel a stocking-covered foot brush against your cock. Erana pushes her foot against you playfully as she keeps looking out the window. You shift your cock away from her touch, but she follows it. She's playfully rough, always insistent to remind you she's in control. You can feel yourself starting to harden when the carriage slows to a stop.

"Ah, home at last." She sighs. She immediately steps out of the carriage and you're **** to stumble out while trying to tuck away your half-erection.

Erana's home is a palace, there are no other words for it. You can look in either direction with your back to the entry gate and not properly see where her land ends. Horses run free in the wide fields to your left, gardens and fountains decorate the right. The place is conspicuous for a number of reasons, but one way is the complete lack of other people around.

"Come, inside. There's much to do today before I can relax."

You follow Erana into her estate, a lot of the large main chambers are completely open-air. Once again, the place is off-puttingly still and quiet.

"Where is everybody?" You ask.

Erana speaks without stopping, forcing you to keep up. "I don't use slaves for labor, too much paperwork. The workers come and take care of everything once a week, magic carries the rest. If you're lucky, you won't even see them."

She steps into a cozy personal room. Judging by how at ease she seems while inside, you guess it's her room.

"After work, I don't like spending any more time than I have to around other people. I value my privacy greatly." Without hesitation, she unfastens the few buttons on her top holding her shirt closed. Her tits are easily bigger than her head, probably bigger than yours. She gives them a gentle rub as they hang finally free of her shirt. She hands the discarded shirt to you.

"You see that door? Take the shirt inside and set it in the basket on the floor, bring me one of my towels. You know what a towel is?"

You realize that you don't, you shake your head.

"They're hanging from the wall on your left when you enter, square pieces of cloth, softer than anything you've ever felt before. One of those."

You duck into the room and find what she's asked for. When you come back, she's gotten rid of her pants as well. The sunflower-blonde pubic hair that covers her mound sits between a pair of wide-set hips with plenty of cushion about them. She seems divinely designed for breeding.

"Good, that one is correct. Come with me."

She leads you back out into the open-air hallway and walks shamelessly down one of the wings of her estate. The room she leads you into is dimly lit by fluorescent gems, the stonework smooth but earthy. There are several basins both deep and shallow all about, wall outlets from which water pours freely. Calling this a bathhouse would put everything else with the name to shame. Steam pours off of one of the basins and Erana sinks slowly into it, leaving only her face above water.

"Finally." She sighs.

She lays peacefully in the bath as time slowly passes with you standing outside of it waiting. You look on at her submerged body, her enormous tits float gently off of her body.

"Cent, dear, fetch me the bottle on the table, set it beside the bath."

You set the bottle of wine near where she walked into the bath. After a few more moments of floating she drifts back over toward it. She sits on the steps and looks at the glass sitting next to the bottle before drinking directly from the bottle. She sighs in bliss.

"Disrobe, join me." She orders, the edge is gone from her voice.

You slide out of your robes and step slowly into the bath. The water is absolutely boiling, but compared to the chill temperatures that seem to be the standard here it's welcome. Unfortunately, even sitting two steps below Erana on the floor of the tub, the water only comes up to your shoulders.

"Have you ever had a proper elven bath before?" Erana asks playfully as she drinks her wine.

You shake your head.

She raises her eyebrows "Come then, let me lavish you."

Erana rises from the tub slowly and steps out. You follow suit and she leads you into the back of the massive bathing room. There's a basin full of milky fluid, numerous masks on the walls with gaping mouths, and an unusual table. She gestures for you to lie down and you set your face against the ring of cushions at the top. As you do the table seems to stretch and morph to perfectly fit your body for comfort. Your face passes through the ring and into a lukewarm pool of thick fluid. The table shifts again, a hole appears beneath your crotch and lets your package hang free.

"Open your eyes." Erana commands.

You do, half expecting to feel the burn as the thick fluid touches them but instead, you see images that seem to make no sense. It takes a few seconds for you to piece together but you recognize that the images are from the eyes of the masks on the walls, all at once. If you focus on one image you can gaze exclusively through that mask's eyes. You look as Erana circles you slowly, stroking the table as it morphs to perfectly fit your body.

Erana claps, pleasantly warm water showers down from the open mouths of the masks. Erana rubs her hands over her mammoth breasts in the downpour, you feel your body relaxing. You only half-notice when the table closes almost pinchingly-tight around the base of your sex. Your whole body is overcome with a tingling lethargic softness.

"There you go Cent, let your muscles quiet. Relax, feel my touch." Erana coos almost softly. She runs her hands lovingly over your toned back, tracing the sharp shoulder blades and wiry muscle. She circles her fingertips around the small of your back and you feel tingles shoot down your legs.

"Just this once Cent, I'm going to give you treatment fit for the Empress herself." Erana breathes into your ear. "You must learn how I expect to be treated."

She grabs a pillowy-soft sponge and slowly pulls it up and down over your knotted back. The slow and loving strokes mixed with the gentle warmth of the water make you melt even further. You moan pleasedly. She scrubs down your back and over your ass, all the way down to your feet.

"It's said that the first empress refused to let anybody touch her spine," Erana says softly as she sets the sponge down in the milky pool and walks back over toward your head. "Even when her most trusted servants would bathe her, she would not allow them to touch her back."

Erana dips her hands in the milky fluid and draws them out slowly, when her fingers softly trace down your spine they move with oily ease and carry the warmth of a comfortable fire.

"Why?" You mumble.

She stops "You will need to get in the habit of addressing me as domina from now on, my pet."

"Why, domina?" You repeat.

"Much better my pet, the answer is that back at that time the empire did not keep any servants that were not of elven blood." She lectures as she rubs her hands smoothly over your shoulders, massaging their coating into your skin. "Most elven families have magic strong enough to be passed through touch. To let somebody touch the center of your movement with magic hands is often a bad idea."

A lightbulb clicks for you and you try to wriggle your toes to see if they still work, to your concern they don't.

"Are you having trouble moving, pet?" She whispers into your ear. "I took that away from you just now."

You let out a panicked yet relaxed gurgle, she shushes you without stopping the slow massaging of your shoulders. Her oily fingers slip under your collar and brush your sensitive neck.

"You'll get it back, you're no good to me if you can't move." She says as she bites your ear softly. "Just let me take care of you, don't fuck with the process."

You can't help but feel a surge in your loins at the sense of her mouth at your ear. She slowly and procedurally strokes down the small of your back, sending waves of comfort through you despite your nervous energy. Her hands luxuriate with your muscular ass, kneading and squeezing with sliding velvety hands. You feel her slip one of her fingers into your back door almost without resistance. She's easily able to slide in another and another before you can feel yourself stretching around her. You whimper softly as her fingers press downwards and stroke against you towards your cock. You feel her fingers pressing gently against your prostate with each stroke, each time sending a surge of electricity through your stomach and a rush of blood from your head to your hardening cock. By the time she slides her fingers out, you've started to trickle precum onto the floor. She takes her time working your legs after that, letting you stew in the haze of arousal she's hit you with.

"Now, let's finally get a good look at you."

You feel the table raise slightly as she passes under it. You watch it raise until she can stand under it freely. She circles around your hard cock in amazement, drinking in the sight of your powerful breeding tool. She grabs your sack tight above the balls and gives a soft tug, causing your jock to jerk so hard it almost slaps against the underside of the table. With her hand clasping your balls away from your body she brushes her fingertips against the tight skin around the orbs. You feel a shiver ripple through your body as you leak more precum. She circles back around and pushes your rod down softly, watching it spring back and slap against the table when she lets it go.

"I didn't think it was possible but you might be even bigger than Cent." She says with smug pride. Her husky voice only seems to be getting more playful.

You watch in an out-of-body uneasiness as the table starts to shift and close around your back. For a moment you're sealed in entirely as it shifts and you feel yourself being turned over. You suddenly snap out of your many-faced view as the wood recedes from the front of your body. Erana stands over you, looking hungrily at the cock resting just shy of your own breasts.

"Remember, my pet, behave as I want you to and there will be rewards. Act like an animal and there will be punishment." She signs as she brings her lips down to your immobile face. She plants a kiss on your forehead, then one on each cheek.

She stands behind your head and leans over you, stroking her hands down your arms. She lets her breasts cover your face, burying your face in warm soft breast flesh. Nothing would make you happier than to grab two big handfuls of tit meat and grab one of her nipples in your mouth, but you remain locked in place. She seems to know this and even takes joy in it as she sees your cock twitch hungrily.

She draws her hands back up to your collarbone before plunging them back down to your beasts. She circles your firm mounds with her small hands, tracing gentle circles around each hard nipple.

As divine as the sensation is, it's unbearably soft and slow. You give her a whimper through all of the breast in your face. She draws back and looks down at you.

"Too soft? Too slow?"

You grumble out an "mm-hmm."

She walks slowly down the table, sliding each of your legs to either side and leaving you spread open.

"Patience is what I want from you, my pet. You will be patient for me." She says.

She lifts one of your feet off of the ground and gives it a thorough massage, when she kneads her knuckles in the right spot you can feel lightning shoot up your leg. She climbs her hands up your leg with agonizing slowness. When she reaches the point of your thigh where her hands just barely brush your pulsing balls with each stroke, she takes her hands away and circles to the other leg, repeating the process.

She finishes your legs and stands back up, admiring her handiwork, Your pre-cum is pooling on your torso and the head of your cock is a swollen deep green you didn't think it could be. She grasps your cock around the base as best as she can with a single hand and lifts it up off of your torso. It leaves a long strand of pre-cum behind. Her hand grasps it with vice-like firmness, unmoving. With her other hand, she traces the lines in between your hard abs gingerly. She makes slow circles around your stomach like this, slowly sinking deeper toward your crotch each time she nears the bottom.

Finally, she lets your cock go to slap lewdly and wetly against your body. Your brain is a numb, horny mess that can barely string two words together. She grabs your churning balls in her hands and strokes the oil into them, squeezing and releasing each one steadily. It's too much teasing, if you could grind your teeth or throw her to the ground you would. She presses down at the base of your shaft and keeps her palm forcefully against your length as she pushes her hand up toward the head of your cock. You feel more precum come sloshing out lewdly as she does. She stands your cock up again, finally stroking her hands along the length and pressing the oil in. It's a gratifying set of pleasurable waves, but it's nowhere near enough. Even when she pulls the skin back from your tip and wraps her fingers around the base of your head. She sets her other palm over your slits and suddenly thrashes both hands violently, grinding the tip of your cock against her open palm while her fingers slide over the base of your head erratically. You feel your balls squeeze as you instantly cum.

Or at least you would, the orgasm runs into a wall jamming your release shut. Erana's gift from earlier makes the potential release turn into agony. You scream through your closed jaw as your balls desperately try to **** the magic barrier out with the volume of their load. Erana laughs and lets your cock drop back to your body, you shudder as you feel the cum flowing back where it started from, your balls screaming in protest.

"This is the price of acting like an animal, my pet." She scolds. "Get up."

You feel the feeling returning to your limbs slowly. You stumble off of the table, the debilitating weight and pressure of your cock making it hard to stand, let alone walk. Erana helps you along by tugging your chain. She drinks the last of the wine before hopping onto the table.

"I want you to show me what you've learned." She commands.

As she flips onto her stomach the table shifts, making room for her gargantuan tits and raising her thick ass into the air. You can see her pussy, slick with her wetness and seemingly hungry for you.

"Please me, and you will be rewarded handsomely." She commands, she looks back and sees your animalistic gaze. "If you're going to act like an animal, come and get it done with. I won't stop you, but there will be heavy consequences."

You look at her ivory skin on the table. She turns her face away from you, simply waiting for whatever comes next. Nothing would make you happier than to jump on her right here and right now, pounding away until you get some release one way or another. That said, you've already seen what Erana considers "light punishment." You're not sure you want to see what she considers heavy. That said, you don't know how honest she is about a "reward."

Animal or ?

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