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Chapter 3 by 2-C-mera-K-ng-5 2-C-mera-K-ng-5

Does he bring about world peace?


Justin thought about it first. He considered it longer than any good person should have. It would have been easy, and it would have made so many lives better. But that also came with a responsibility. He was deciding the fate of the world and literally every second he waited, someone was probably dying because of his hesitance.

But that was just it, wasn't it. Someone was always dying. Besides, would making those changes really make things better in the long run? If he just **** things to go his way, what would the outcomes look like to match his demand? To stop war, would people stop being able to feel anger or just become robots to avoid conflict anywhere, ever? And without cancer, would medicinal study stagnate and leave countless people in worse shape in the long run?

Eventually, Justin decided that these issues were too big to take on right now. Besides, he didn't even know how this book functioned with the little things, let alone such complicated issues of the human psyche and biology. He decided that the world should be mostly left alone. Not to mention the past.

This Old Rule option was dangerous, especially if it warped the past to match the phrase. He would need to be careful. He didn't want to accidentally erase himself out of existence.

"On that sobering note..." Justin muttered to himself before writing quickly in the book again.

New rule: This notebook's owner will always exist as he is, regardless of anything that might alter his past.

New rule: This notebook's owner will be able to clearly recall any changes made to his past and present made by this notebook, as well as how his life was before said changes. This will not put any strain on him.

'On that sobering note, I think that's enough big stuff for right now. Time to write something fun. But where to start?' Justin wondered to himself. He considered his considerable array of options, giddy at the prospects of simpler, less world-defining choices. He needed to distract himself from the nagging guilt that he now felt a little bit responsible for quite literally every horrible thing that now happened in this world from now on. So he needed something simple.

After spending some time again, he came up with some options. He wouldn't mind changing his body a bit, but he also wanted to fix his money situation. Not to mention that, despite his **** in changing anything for the world at large, it was rather tempting to change the things around his immediate neck of the woods for the better. Mainly for him.

Justin had an average body, perhaps more on the thin side of things. He had ok looks, but he'd of course want to be stronger and healthier. And then there was the money, because problems always revolved around money. He was still dealing with his university loans, rent at his apartment, the countless bills that tried not to complain about, and the mid-tier job he had as a website programmer. Then there were the countless other things he couldn't immediately name.

Which one should he pick first?

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