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Chapter 3 by vipy26 vipy26

Do you agree with her?

No, you prefer to stay as Onyx

"I don't want to be someone else." You tell Onyx.

She looks at you like you said the most stupid thing on earth. "Are you enjoying my body that much?"

"It's not that. I don't feel good at the idea of being someone I don't know. It's weird."

"You're the one being-!" She takes a moment to calm herself. "Listen, I've been talking to a weird clone of myself all this time. Can you understand me for a second? I get that you're the one suffering the most from the situation we're in, but I'd really like it if I could keep my body private."

"I'm sure that woman would like it too. Don't you think it's unfair to put that on a random stranger?" You try to argue.

"She won't know! Plus, we can't get out of the store as perfect twins, can we? It's the safest option, I'm sorry. We'll find you a more suitable body on the road."

"The safest option is to not use the camera more than we need to. We don't know how that crazy thing works, maybe doing it more can be harmful. I just don't want to take the risk."

That was a good argument and you see your friend's stubbornness falter a little.

"God, my voice is so annoying… I don't feel comfortable knowing you'll spend the night as me, Wall."

"Onyx, you have my word: I won't touch your body more than necessary, I swear. I wasn't myself earlier." You mean it. Well, at least for now.

"And you're still not, in case you forgot." She pauses, but it seems hearing that was a relief to her. "I guess I can wait here for a while, so you can go home for tonight. As long as we're not seen at the same time, people shouldn't be suspicious…"

You're glad to see she didn't put up too much of a fight. Onyx is not someone that changes her mind easily, but you can imagine the extraordinary nature of your situation calls for some leniency… That, or she's just more easily convinced by herself.

"Okay, tomorrow we'll go start looking around for information about the previous owner. This is our best chance. For now, you should go to your place. At least you don't have any roommates so it shouldn't be a problem."

As you think about your small gloomy apartment, a realization hits you like a truck. "Huh, Onyx?"


"My keys were in my pants."

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me…" She says, massaging her brow.

"I'd pay for a hotel but guess where my wallet was…"

"How many things do you keep in those pants?"

"I don't wear cargo pants so as not to use those useful pockets. You should try some, it's much better than these jokes." You respond, putting one finger in each hole.

"See where it got you."

"Sorry I didn't take into consideration that I'd magically turn into my best friend today."

You two burst out laughing at your made-up argument. The whole situation is such a giant fever dream it's good to laugh about it.

"Okay, I guess you should sleep at my place for tonight." Onyx finally says after getting back on track.

"What about Gladys?" You ask.

Gladys is Onyx's roommate. She's quite her solar opposite, but they are very close friends for a reason that defies all logic. She's always partying, talks way too much, and seems impossible to get mad. Nevertheless, she might not react well to the sight of Onyx undergoing mitosis.

"Don't worry, she has a party tonight and won't be back until tomorrow. You might as well use her bed."

"On a Monday night?"

Onyx only shrugs, searches in her handbag for her keys, and hands them to you.

"Here you go. You know my address. Just go to my room and wait for me. I still have the store to clean before leaving so I'll be there in one hour tops. And don't touch anything." Her expression was so grave during the last sentences that you can't help but gulp.

As you leave the shop, the situation hits you back in full ****. You're about to walk in public as someone else. As a girl. You're suddenly very self-conscious of your look. Onyx might not be the most feminine girl, but her tastes in wardrobe still emphasized her best assets: her ass, her boobs, and particularly her long legs. The feeling of the fresh evening air goes right through the stockings. Keys still in your hands, you take quick steps. This street is not the most lively at this hour. Most people are eating dinner and there're not many restaurants here. Still, a few passersby cross your path. They all seem to look at you like they can see right through your disguise. They know. A couple walks by you. Your eyes meet with both as they continue their discussion as if nothing's wrong. They know you're a fraud. A group of children runs in front of you, laughing. They are mocking you. A car blasting loud music honks when it passes you. They think you're a creep wearing female clothes.

Thankfully, Onyx lives only ten minutes away from her workplace. As you enter the door code and close the gateway behind you, you sigh. You realize how paranoid you were. Nobody can ever guess who you really are. They won't even believe you if you tell them yourself. As you climb the steps, you meet some old woman watering a plant in front of her door.

"Good evening, Paulina." She greets you with a big smile.

You quickly understand that your first real test has started, you need to play Onyx’s role, the one thing you were hoping not to come to.

"G-good evening… Madam." You stutter.

"I told you already, you can call me by my name, no need to be so formal."

"Huh, sure. Sorry." You already feel trapped.

"You're back early. How was your day at the shop?" The old woman doesn't seem to be in any rush to let you go.

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old." You answer with a smile.

Your Onyx imitation needs some serious work, and it seems the old lady is picking that something's not right.

"You feel very tired. You should get a good night's rest, girl. Don't let me hold you any longer." She says with a worried face.

"Yes, you're right. Sorry. Thank you. Goodnight!" You pursue your ascension without being said twice.

How could you fail so much on so little interaction? There's some solace in the fact that such bad impersonation was seen as simple exhaustion.

Here you are in front of the door. You've rarely been inside, only once or twice, just waiting for your friend in her entryway. It's not that she would mind, but if she invited friends more often, Gladys would certainly take that as permission to start throwing parties, which would be Onyx's worst nightmare. But now you had the perfect excuse to come inside, as for anyone watching, you're just going to your home.

Onyx and Gladys' apartment is composed of an entryway opening to a central corridor. There are three doors on the left, leading to a small kitchen, the bathroom, and Onyx's room. On the right, two doors lead to the living room, and a third to Gladys' room. Most of the rooms are scarcely decorated, with only minimal effort. The reason is the two roommates' inability to agree on anything, making their friendship the biggest mystery known to mankind.

Right on your left side is a thin cabinet filled with dozens of pairs of shoes. Two you recognize are from Onyx while the others are definitely not hers. You still feel intimidated at the idea of entering a girls' lair. As you put off your shoes, not without struggle, you finally notice the opened door to Gladys' room. Movements can be heard inside. You freeze. The apartment was supposed to be empty!

What should you do now?

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