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Chapter 3 by fifal fifal

What should Maia do?

Meet with the Guildmaster

{if MV School == true} As all new recruits must do on their first day, Maia was scheduled to meet with the of the MV School, Marikis. Powerful certainly, but Maia wasn't entirely she she knew a single thing about Marikis. Odd, considering how much of a public figure the Guildmasters of the other schools were.

Maia got lost in her thoughts, walking through the MV halls to the Guildmaster's office. Finding it without issue, Maia approached the bored looking woman who spoke abruptly "Just sit down. I'll tell you when she wants you to go in."

Obeying the assistant, Maia sat in silence as minutes past. After an awkward and deathly quiet amount of time, the Guildmaster's assistant spoke up "Maia {Eidola}, you're up"

Maia strode into the office, finding a masked woman sitting at the desk.

"Sit." she said in a voice that sounded just barely human.
{elseif Nova School == true} Maia was nervous. Very nervous. It was customary for recruits to meet with the Guildmaster sometime in their first year but no one, she was told, was ever called in on day one. Walking anxiously, she made great time on the short trek to the Guildmaster's office.

The door was open when she arrived, and a woman behind the nearby desk waved her directly in. "She's expecting you, sweetie" the assistant said in a tense voice that did nothing to calm Maia's nerves.

Maia walked in the open door and approached the desk in front of her. The woman on the other side of her had a stunning face, with soft features and deep, beautiful eyes. The woman gestured towards the chair across from her desk "Please Maia, be seated. Neither of us is here to have our time wasted."
{elseif Dyn School == true} Maia is introduced to the Master of the Dyn School, Soki
{else@} Maia sees a room filled with a deep void and the chirping of insects

Hesitantly giving a quick, awkward bow, Maia took the seat. The Master opposite her didn't sat in her chair intently watching every movement. Although her entire body was pulsing with anxiety at meeting one of the Great Weilders in person, Maia wasn't going to shy away from this rare opportunity to speak with one of the most important people in the world.

"First off let me formally welcome you to the {if MV School == true}MV{elseif Nova School == true}Nova{else@}{endif} School, we are honored that you have chosen our path." The Guildmaster straightened her back a bit and stared deeply into Maia's eyes "You, Maia, are my most exciting meeting of the day. I'm very excited to finally meet you."

"Master {if MV School == true}Marikis' presence is overwhelming, it's hard to even stand here. I just don't know... wait {elseif Nova School == true}Dujani is so beautiful, why wasn't I prepared for this! I'll just... wait {else@}{endif}what was that about being excited to 'finally' meet me? I only just made the decision to join the {if MV School == true}MV{elseif Nova School == true}Nova{elseif Dyn School == true}Dyn{else}{endif} School yesterday."

Steadying her thoughts, Maia concentrated and spoke "I'm honored to be here Master {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif}". Years of training at the Academy had drilled into her the countless ways to formally address someone, regardless of emotional state. "Charisma Suicides" Maia recalled one of her Professors call those who died due to unintentional offenses.

"I imagine there is a lot going through your mind right now {if MV School == true}Maia{elseif Nova School == true}little one{elseif Dyn School == true}child{else}{endif}, but it's important that you pay absolute attention to what I have to say."

Maia took a moment to fully encapsulate her anxiety and fear, obeying the Guildmaster and adopting an intense focus. Her emotions were sure to bubble up later, but for the immediate future Maia's mind was clear.

"The first matter we need to discuss is your allegiance to the School. As of this moment you are in a grey area of sorts, affiliated with the School, but not yet a full {if MV School == true}MV-Ri{elseif Nova School == true}Nova-Ri{elseif Dyn School == true}Dyn-Ri{else}{endif}. At the end of this conversation, this will no longer be the case." Maia's breath hitched as Master {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif} continued on. "You are smart {if MV School == true}Maia{elseif Nova School == true}little one{elseif Dyn School == true}child{else}{endif}, this much we both know. As such, you probably realize that it would be meaningless for us to have this little chat if your fate had already been decided. You realize now that the outcome of your future is dependent on what you are willing to share with us, and perhaps you are even clever enough to deduce that how you answer my questions right now may result in any number of terrible fates."

The undercurrents of threats were now overwhelming, Maia's breaths become painful and short, an eerie and fleeting silence permuted the room.

Maia managed to hold the quivering from her voice "What... what is it that you want to know?"

"To be blunt {if MV School == true}Maia{elseif Nova School == true}little one{elseif Dyn School == true}child{else}{endif}, your Ri is unique. " A spark of hope flickered in the back corner of Maia's mind, threatening to break her focus.

Making eye contact with Maia and seeing that spark of hope cross the young girl's face, Master {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif} continued "Although perhaps the more apt word would be 'infected'. The more you grow, the more the infection eats away at your Ri. If you keep on your current path, you will completely lose the ability to Spin in less than three years.". The spark of hope was snuffed out in an instant as darkness spread through her consciousness.

Eyes widening, Maia's mind fumbled through the words, trying to many any sense of it. "Infected. Infected. In-fec-ted... What does that even mean. I'm sick? No, not sick, I feel fine. I can cycle Ri, and I've been improving every day, not getting worse? No no no, I feel fine. She must be wrong. No." Her mind pivoted "This must be a test, gauging my reactions. She basically said as much earlier about my future.".

"Seems you had no idea. I suppose my questions are now meaningless. A shame." Master {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif} spoke, looking deeply into Maia's eyes.

Seeing the unflinching expression on the Master's face broke her resolve. She began to remember certain truths, truths such as the painful tingling she god when she cycled Ri for too long, feeling like someone was stabbing her with thousands of needles. She remembers the pain getting worse until it would simply just go away one day.

"I practiced so hard and so long. That... that was all just spreading an infection?" While her mind spun, her body was piloted by pure instinct and began to sob and shiver. Maia cried in front of {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif}, unable to contain herself.

Tilting her head slightly, with a stoic expression adorning her face, Master {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif} thinks "I didn't expect her to break so easily, almost a pity I don't have to use the other techniques. Maybe this one is special. There is no deception in her, no lies. She is weak, honest, and undirected. A weak-willed prodigy unaware of their potential. I suppose that, in a way, this couldn't really have worked out any better, although I do wish I could have had a little more fun with her."

"Come here Maia" Master {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif} instructs. Maia's body takes control, moving her quickly to the Guildmaster's side.

{if Height ID == 0}Placing her thumb on{elseif Height ID = 1}Crouching slightly to place her thumb on{elseif Height ID = 2}Placing her thumb on{elseif Height ID = 3}Reaching up and placing her thumb on{else@}She places her thumb on{endif} Maia's forehead, Master {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif} spins Ri into Maia's head, suppressing her most recent memories.

Maia's mind was blanked. "Why was I here again?"

"You may go now {if MV School == true}Maia{elseif Nova School == true}little one{elseif Dyn School == true}child{else}{endif}. Come back soon and we can discuss your situation more" {if MV School == true}Marikis{elseif Nova School == true}Dujani{elseif Dyn School == true}Soki{else}{endif} says, waving towards the door. "Oh, and please stop by my assistant's desk to get your stipend, as a full member of the {if MV School == true}MV{elseif Nova School == true}Nova{elseif Dyn School == true}Dyn{else}{endif} School, you are now fully entitled to all the benefits we can offer."

Maia wiped unknown tears from her cheeks, walking out of the Guildmaster's office in a unclear haze.

In what seemed to her as the blink of an eye, the rest of the day passed Maia by. She was given a key for her new home, a single room id'd as "L35". The contents of her old room at the Academy had been boxed up for her, and already deposited in L35. She had a plain bed, a small dresser and just enough floor space to make it not feel like a jail cell.

Maia fell face forward onto her bed, falling asleep instantly. Her mind was already busy patching the gaping hole in her memory.

What's next?

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