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Chapter 2 by dreamthenights dreamthenights

Who will we be following?

McKayla, a 19-year-old teen

“Shit!” The girl said, falling off of her bike.

She tumbled for a moment before catching herself near a hill, hands in the wet mud. She groaned, not because of getting dirty, but rather because it was a hell of a hit. The fall had knocked the wind out of her and it was tough to breathe.

“You okay?” Her friend Amy called out, now looking behind her after stopping her bike. “Need any help?”

“Nah, I’m good.” McKayla said, getting to her feet. Her ribs felt sore, and her whole upper body was now filthy. She typically didn’t mind getting dirty as she was the outdoorsy-type, but today seemed to be the exception. The rain from the night before didn’t help the trail conditions, but she figured it was also kind of her fault for agreeing to go mountain biking.

After wiping dirt off her hair and getting back to her feet, she climbed back onto her bike and peddled toward her friend. They both continued together down the trail once more.

“You sure you’re alright?” Amy asked, now riding alongside her. “That looked like a hell of a fall.”

“Yeah, I’m good.” She replied. “I just need to catch my breath. That fucked my ribs up badly, it feels like I can barely breathe.”

“Well, you’ve always been the type to brush off injuries, so just let me know later if you need anything. Don’t act like I forgot about your broken ankle incident.”

McKayla grinned.

“I suppose I will.”

They peddled all the way back to a neighborhood, where the two nineteen-year old blondes resided. They had been friends since childhood but had grown especially closer due to them living together after graduating high school and attending the same nearby college. Both of them witnessed their parents moving away, which elicited them to live together. Although they got along most of the time, there were more than a few times where the teens butted heads. But today was luckily not one of those days.

After opening their front door, both walked in and made sure their shoes were mostly clean of dirt. They took off their dirty shoes, with McKayla taking off her socks as well. They had been soaked through due to her tumble off the bike and left her with uncomfortably wet feet the whole way home. But now that she was finally here, she could get washed up.

“I’m gonna hop in the shower first, I need to get this mud off of me.”

Amy turned towards McKayla for a second and nodded.

“Alright, just try to hurry up. I feel gross just sitting here in this mud.”

As McKayla showered, she watched the water tinge to a dark brown color, relieving her. As much as she liked being outside she hated looking and feeling dirty for long periods of time. She rinsed her hair, and looked down at her feet where she noticed imperfections.

Her eyes squinted and she couched down, examining what looked like a rash on the top of both feet near the arches. It was only slightly discolored but it was noticeable when examined closely. Upon touching the rash, she didn’t feel any discomfort or irritation. Perhaps it was just from wearing those wet shoes for so long. Her feet did splash in a big puddle, after all.

After finishing her shower, she called out for Amy letting her know that she was done with her shower. Amy quickly entered the bathroom and McKayla heard the water start up as she walked away.

Later that night, McKayla sat at her desk while working on some homework. A lab report she had procrastinated about doing was due in a few days, and she knew that if she were to put it off last minute like her last project there would be a good chance she wouldn’t pass the class.

As she typed away, the rash on her feet grew slightly less discolored. It wasn’t painful at all, though. In fact, she didn’t notice any irritation or further symptoms that would prompt her concern. But as the rash disappeared, symptoms of a much bigger problem started to occur.

It started with the wiggling of her toes. Her right foot scrunched its sole completely out of McKayla’s volition, though she didn’t immediately notice. However, when her left did the same and both feet began to rub back and forth on her carpet, her eyes quickly shot down to the end of her legs.

She was confused. Yes, those were her feet, and they were moving although she didn’t necessarily “want” them to. She just watched as they continued rubbing against the carpet, until they began bouncing up and down on their toes.

This didn’t make sense. She could feel the sensations of the floor below them, but she couldn’t control what she was doing. As much as she tried, her efforts to stop her feet from bouncing were met with unsuccessful results.

She pushed herself back in her chair to get a better look at her feet under the desk. The movements were completely foreign, and she began to worry as to why this was happening. She had been well-hydrated throughout the whole day. She had just eaten a meal earlier, and felt satiated. Her legs felt somewhat tired, but not sure to the point of causing muscular cramps. Why the hell was this happening?

McKayla determined that it would be best to try to walk around to mitigate the spasms. But standing up was a challenge of itself. She stood upwards, only to fall backwards in her chair a second later. She tried again, only for her feet to tip her forward onto her desk.

“What the fuck— WHOA!”

McKayla noticed that the feeling of the loss of control began creeping up her calves. Her toned, sexy legs began contracting from the knee down, furthering the unsteadiness when she stood on her feet. In fact, it seemed like her legs began to try to manipulate where she stepped as she tried to hold on to her desk.

This feeling, whatever it was, was spreading

How does McKayla react?

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