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Chapter 4 by Bigbop38 Bigbop38

How does the battle go?

Instant Loss.

“Tauros, use Take Down!” You command, and the bull charges off towards his opponent instantly, still at an impressive speed despite his tiredness. You know using a recoil move is a risk, especially with your Pokémon already not being at full health, but it’s the most powerful attack he knows. And Machamp is fairly bulky, so this is a risk you have to take if you want to end this quickly.

You’re expecting the biker to order his partner to try and dodge, but no such direction is given. Instead, he says “Take it, Machamp. Then grab the bull by the horns!”

This sets alarm bells ringing in your head. You’re not sure what his plan is, but your instincts as a trainer tell you it’s not something you want to let him get away with. But it’s already too late. Tauros’ course has been set, and by the time you’re preparing to tell him to stop, he is ramming straight into the four-armed stomach.

The heavy impact rocks the fighting type’s body, but it plants its feet firmly and holds its ground. Reaching down with its lower set of arms, it grips your normal type’s horns, just as its trainer commanded. “Now, Vital Throw!” Your eyes widen as the bald man barks out his next order, and his Machamp lifts Tauros up off of the ground. The biker’s Pokémon then starts to spin round and round, rapidly picking up speed as the bull it’s holding flails in the air, unable to do anything as it’s spun around like a ragdoll. After several seconds this happening as you look on is dread, unable to do anything, the opposing Pokémon releases yours, chucking him up into the air.

Tauros lets out a **** cry as his legs flail in the air while he sails back towards you, before he inevitably crashes into the ground ten feet away from you. The violent impact shakes the earth beneath your feet, and you wince in sympathy as your partner lets out a cry of pain. “Tauros, can you still fight? Please, get back up!” You call out, your voice rasping through your dry throat. The bull Pokémon makes a valiant effort to obey your command, rising on shaky feet. But only a second after he stands, he collapses once again, this time slumping to the ground entirely, falling ****. Your heart plummets, but you knew this was the most likely outcome from the start when you saw the matchup, even if you did everything you could to deny it to yourself. “…Good job, buddy. Come back and rest up.” You say gently, recalling the fainted normal type to his ball with a soft sigh.

Gritting your teeth, you turn to face the battle’s victor, whose smug smile enrages you like nothing else. “You come on back too, Machamp. Nicely done.” The fighting type returns to its ball as well, after which its trainer begins to walk towards you. With his every step your heart beats faster and faster, and to your horror it isn’t in nervousness, but excitement. You can feel anticipation welling up inside of you, which is just… wrong! Your head knows it shouldn’t be excited about this; you don’t want to have to give a forfeit to this asshole, or to all of his friends once they get here. But your heart and body seem to think differently, and it’s really freaking you out!

The biker closes in on you, his broad form looming over you as he walks directly into your personal space. Slimy grin still plastered on his face, he says. “Well, not so tough this time, eh bitch? Ready for me and the boys to pay you back for humiliating us last time?”

Seeing as you’d really rather that not happen, you decide to try and employ a trick you’ve used in situations like this one in the past. Putting on your most seductive smile and placing a hand against the man’s chest and staring up at in feigned lust... or at least partially feigned. Because there is a very real flush to your face due to the unusual desires you’re currently fighting against. “Or, we could just keep this between the two of us. Go back to town, get ourselves a room, spend the whole night together… What do you say? Sounds better than having to share me and only getting one go, right?” Spending an entire evening at this jerk’s beck and call is far from appealing, but when compared to getting gangbanged by him and his friends, it’s the lesser of two evils in your mind.

Unfortunately for you, he doesn’t take the bait. Instead, he lets out a barking laugh, then says “Sorry sweetie, but we’re past the bargaining stage now. If you had tried that before I let my pals know about you, maybe you’da had a chance at convincing me. But if I don’t deliver now, Viper’ll have my hide.”

“Oh, are you going to let whoever this ‘Viper’ is get in the way of you having me all to yourself? You aren’t scared of them, are you?” You say, doing your best to provoke him into defiance. Though you’re discovering this is all harder to pull off than you expected, given how hoarse your voice still is.

Instead of reacting in defiance or irritation, the biker just laughs again. “Fuck yeah I’m scared of him! And you should be too, if you know what’s good for ya! Hell, if he hadn’t have been off having a, uh, ‘business meeting’ when you came through, he woulda beat your bitch ass easy!”

Dropping your veneer of seduction, you reply. “Sure he would have. He can’t be that much better than the rest of you.” You had flattened the whole gang when they challenged you, so you doubt their leader would make much of a difference.

“Oh, if only you knew… Well, doesn’t matter right now. You’ll meet him soon enough. For now though…” The man’s hands move forward in a flash, gripping the front of your shirt. If one swift, powerful motion, the fabric is torn open, splitting the front of the garment in half. Before you have time to complain or even register his actions, the victor then does almost the same thing to your bra, snapping its clasp as he simply tears it off of your body from the front, freeing your C-cups from their confinement. Your already accelerated heartbeat picks up even more, and thoughts that don’t feel like your own enter your mind once more. ‘Finally! It’s almost time, I’ll get to taste it soon!’

Glaring up at the bald man and doing your best to continue ignoring the ever-harder to ignore desire to suck cock, you growl. “Was that really necessary!?” Your extra clothes are all back in your room at the Pokécenter, so now you’re going to have to walk back to Fuchsia topless once this is all over with!

Reaching out, the man takes hold of your tits, engulfing your modest bust with his massive mitts and squeezing down on them hard, eliciting a yelp of pain from you. “Aw, what’s the matter? Didn’t expect your words to come back to bite you? This is what you get for calling me and the boys trash earlier! Now get on your knees!” Moving his hands up onto your shoulders, he roughly shoves you down onto the ground, bringing you eye-level with the bulge in his jeans. You let out an involuntary gulp, cursing inwardly as you hear your victor start chuckling. “Damn, didn’t realize you would be looking forward to this. Eager little slut, aren’t you?

“NO.” ‘YES!’ Your mouth and mind contrast, and you’re suddenly very glad that the biker hasn’t taken your skirt off quite yet, because otherwise he would be able to see the inexplicable wet spot on your panties.

“Whatever you say.” He shrugs, unbuckling his belt and dropping his drawers, revealing his half-erect cock. To your shame you start salivating as his rod is revealed, and you quickly snap your mouth shut in order to avoid actually just drooling over his penis. Grabbing the back of your head, he shoves your face into his crotch, pressing your nose into his ballsack and letting his shaft drape itself over your forehead. “Breath it in slut, get a good whiff.”

You’re almost lucky he said that, because when you start to inhale through your nose, it looks like you’re just obeying his command for your forfeit. In reality, you had started to do so reflexively all on your own. Something in you wants to breathe in that thick, manly stench emanating from his scrotum, and you didn’t have the wherewithal to stop yourself from doing so, even before he ordered you too. And the smell is… intoxicating. You can feel your mind growing foggy as his musk enters your nostrils, can feel yourself slowly relaxing and your breathing becoming ragged. This is so wonderful… it feels so…

Wrong! You feel a mental snap, like the sensation of waking up right before you hit the ground in a dream where you’re falling. This isn’t right, it isn’t a good thing, you shouldn’t be enjoying this! Sure, you’ve enjoyed going down on people in the past, but that’s always been with people you chose to have sex with, or even just those who hadn’t been assholes after beating you! And you can’t say you’ve ever found the smell of cock especially appealing, so why is it having this effect on you now!? Something has been wrong with you this whole time, and it’s really starting to freak you the fuck out!

You’re given a brief reprieve from your panic as the biker pulls your head back from his nuts. As you gulp down fresh air in an attempt to clear your system, he says “Ah ah, no breaks! Let’s see that sharp tongue get used for its main purpose. Start licking.”

Given the intrusive thoughts you’ve been having about this very act, and given how much just his scent affects you, you’re extremely concerned about going any farther… But you have **** but to obey, given the fact that you lost against him. Hesitantly, you stick out your tongue, running it along the side of his thick shaft…

The effect is instant. A light pulse of arousal hits your body, and you can’t help but let out a faint moan as you make contact with his dick. ‘Yes, finally! This is what I’ve been waiting for, this is what I NEED!’ The alien thoughts exclaim, starting to almost feel like a second version of yourself screaming from within your subconscious. Concerned as you are about your strange mental state, you continue to do as your victor has instructed, licking up and down the underside of his prick with gusto. Only because you must, and because it will end this quicker. Your sudden enthusiasm has nothing to do with the fact that with each movement of your tongue you can feel your pussy become wetter, or with the fact that the salty taste of his flesh rod seems unimaginably good to you right now. No, it’s only because you have no other- ‘Fuck yes, this feels so good! More, more, MORE!’ Shut up inner-Emma! This doesn’t… feel… good…

You keep on licking the biker’s package, letting your tongue become familiar with every vein on his shaft and every wrinkle of his sack, unable to keep from humiliating yourself by moaning as you do so, the building pleasure now having soaked through your underwear and started running in rivulets down your thighs. “Fuuuck, that’s a good bitch. Moaning on my cock like a little whore. No wonder your throat is so damn bruised, no guy could resist slamming into the back of it when you’re this damn cock-hungry of a slut!”

You want to tell him that he’s wrong, that you’re not a cock-hungry slut… but that’s slightly difficult to do when you can hardly bear to pry yourself away from his manhood long enough to speak. Instead, you simply keep on moaning as inner-Emma keeps on encouraging you, affirming that this feels good and is exactly what you should be doing. It’s taking a massive amount of willpower to keep from touching yourself, so arguing with inner-Emma is taking a backseat in your mind at the moment. You’re just focused on riding this out, on getting to the end with some dignity left intact. ‘No, no! The only thing worth focusing on is cock! I have to stop worrying about silly things like dignity or pride!’ Inner-Emma insists, and it’s getting increasingly difficult to resist her.

“Enough with the appetizer, time for you to enjoy the main course.” The bald man says, yanking on your hair and pulling you back from his cock. This gives you just a moment to collect your bearings, and to become extremely alarmed at just how bad the longing you currently feel is now that your tongue has been pried away from its object of worship. That’s all you have time to process though, as your attention is directed to the angry red head of the man’s erect penis. “Go on, give him a kiss.”

Far more eagerly than you’re happy with, you lean forward and press your lips against the cock in front of you, tasting the salty precum gathered at the tip… and having your eyes widen in shock as the liquid hits your tongue. The taste is positively sublime, far more so than the rod itself had been, and it has a wonderful side-effect; it soothes your throat. For whatever reason, the moment you swallow that clear fluid, the irritation that has been bothering you all day starts to fade, and another pulse of pleasure rocks your body as you let out a pleasurable gasp around the man’s cockhead. And for the first time, your thoughts line up with those of inner-Emma; I need more.

Unprompted, you begin to glide down your victor’s shaft, eliciting a groan from him as you attempt to draw out more and more of his pre. “Oh damn… Feels so fucking good. You really are cock-hungry, huh? Well go for it, have as much as you want. There’ll be plenty more here soon… Man, boys are gonna love this. Viper’ll probably make a premium off of you too!”

You fail to register his words as you begin bobbing your head up and down his meat, milking him for as much delicious nectar as you can manage. The soreness in your throat doesn’t disappear entirely, but it fades more with each drop, and you finally lose against your urge to masturbate. You use your right hand to begin rubbing yourself through your panties, bringing your left up to fondle the man’s testicles in hope of making him produce even more delectable juices for you to suck down. Part of you is still screaming internally, horrified at what’s happening to you, but she’s starting to become the smaller voice. This cock tastes so good, feels so good to suck on… This is what’s right.

“Holy shit, are you seriously touching yourself?” The bald man says, a mix of bewilderment and amusement on his face. Barking out another laugh, he pulls out his phone again, and this time starts to record you. “Hot damn, this is turning me on! Keep it up bitch, you’re gonna get yourself a nice, big treat here real soon!”

Just enough of your true self is left to feel ashamed and humiliated by your actions, but not enough to stop them. Instead, the prospect of your victor’s impending orgasm makes you double down on your efforts. If just his pre is this incredible, what will his load taste like? You have to find out. Pushing yourself to your limit, you rapidly deepthroat his cock over and over, going from base to tip each time, and the thing may as well be fucking your cunt with how good this feels. Your moans and his mix together as you speed up your masturbation, feeling your own climax rapidly closing in on you as well. You’re so focused on earning your reward for all this hard work that you don’t even notice the sound of multiple engines closing in on you, don’t even comprehend what it means for you. Again, a small part of you is still aware, still dreading what’s to come, but her voice is drowned out by the pleasure you’re feeling right now.

With a final grunt, the biker grabs the back of your head and hilts himself inside of your throat, pouring his thick white cream directly down it… and blessing you with relief. The dryness that has been plaguing you all day vanishes completely, and release takes you as well as soon as the first rope hits your stomach. It’s an incredible orgasm, causing you to spurt girlcum through your panties and onto your fingers as your legs shake beneath you. Your long, drawn-out moan of ecstasy vibrates on his cock, further pleasuring him and earning yourself more and more sperm. You continue to rub yourself through your climax, unable to resist adding more pleasure as you continue to suck down his seed, rocking your body with aftershocks as the man’s own climax finally reaches its end.

He releases you, and you fall off of his dick gasping for air. You fall down to the dirt, light-headed and reeling from just how hard you came. It’s been a long time since you’ve had an orgasm that intense… Why? Why was it so intense? As the pleasure fades, your panic slowly returns. None of that was right. None of that should have felt that good. Something is terribly, terribly wrong with you, and you have no idea what or why-

But suddenly, in an instant, you remember why. Because a trigger has just been set off in your mind, a trigger to remember the events of the previous night you thought you just forgot due to drunkenness. No, those memories were taken from you… but now, they come flooding back, and you remember exactly what happened after you spilled your drink on that beautiful woman, exactly what she did to you…

What’s next?

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