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Chapter 3 by jaymac1337 jaymac1337

Where is he headed?

His client's morning

Tammy had been slumbering soundly when a cheery, bubbly tune roused her awake. Her curtains slowly drew open and lit up the room in a candy pink that painted every object in sight. "Good Morning, Tammy. Get ready to start a totally awesome day!" The autohouse had a peppy, feminine voice as colorful as its owner's aesthetic. The master bed began to slowly shift and massage its occupant, preparing her for the day and preventing her from returning to sleep. After enjoying the muscle work for a few minutes, Tammy wiggled her way off the bed, jumping to her full, petite height and bouncing to her mirror. She looked as pretty and perfect as she had paid for: unblemished skin with an obvious, healthy tan, a trim waist was balanced between a wide, bubble butt and perky, DD breasts. She had a pair of long, slender legs supporting her curvy frame, and toned arms posed limply at her sides. A gorgeous mane of golden curls surrounded her angelic face, already perfectly and permanently made up. Her shining, blue eyes roamed down her body as her hands did the same, meeting at the hidden crest between her thighs. She didn't need visual confirmation, but a few quick fingers reminded her of the delicate lips nestled under a trim bush. Every inch of her body was expertly constructed to her specifications, and she loved being the epitome of feminine beauty. She stretched her tiny arms high over her head, not quite fully awake. She usually was still asleep at this time of day, but she was expecting maintenance this morning for her closet.

Tammy approached the automatic doors leading to the malfunctioning space. Her massive, revolving wardrobe was currently still; something had caused the mechanism to stop working, and customer service confirmed it was more than just a software problem. They were sending a technician to repair it, and she wanted to be awake when letting a stranger into her bedroom. She grabbed a robe that she prepared for the morning and wrapped it snuggly around her frame, cinching it at the waist. She skipped her way to the kitchen, wanting a full breakfast before her busy day. She planned on letting the worker in as she was heading out and coming back to a fully fixed closet before her girl's night. The rest of her lofty apartment lit up as she entered each customized room, each one decked out in expensive decorations and fashionable furniture. "What would you like for breakfast today, Tammy?" The auto-house asked. It could reasonably calculate the answer based on the 29,079 meals logged to her profile, but it always asked.

Tammy placed a dainty, acrylic-tipped nail to her pouty, lower lip in contemplation. "Let's do blueberry pancakes and a chocolate milkshake." Tammy ordered, feeling in a sweet, sugary mood this morning, matching the saccharine tone of her melodic voice. After a jaunty confirmation tone, the meal fabricator hummed to life. Tammy swayed patiently, swinging her wide hips as she shifted weight from one foot to the other in an idle dance as her breakfast was prepared. Shortly, her food was dispensed, a tall glass filled to the brim with creamy beverage. Tammy clapped happily and grabbed the drink, eagerly guzzling it down. She licked a foamy mustache from her lip as she slowed her meal consumption. As requested, the concoction tasted exactly like blueberry pancakes and chocolate milkshake. She took her mobile meal to the comfy, room-sized couch in the living room, triggering the television to tune into her favorite, daily gossip channel. As vibrantly dressed hosts dished on the latest Hollywood drama, a fashion magazine was overlaid on screen for Tammy to read as she listened. She sipped idly as she caught up on trends and noted what was now out of style from her current collection.

"A package is waiting at your front door, by the way." The auto-house kindly informed its master. "It was delivered about 3.2 hours ago by a Simp-U-Lyfe Industries employee. He was pretty cute. Should we find out his name?" Tammy's azure eyes sparkled with delight as she recognized the order she had placed for top-of-the-line fashion accessories. She finished her breakfast drink and placed the emptied glass on a coaster, which quickly retreated into the table, taking the cup to be cleaned. Tammy hurried to her front door already opening for her. A sleek, pale box with the Simp-U-Lyfe logo sat at her feet, and she squealed in delight as she brought the delivery into her home. She placed the package on the table, finding a slim, sharp knife waiting to be used, which she quickly did, sliding the blade through the tape securing the delivery. The stiff cardboard sprang open when the adhesive was released, providing easy access to its contents. Secured within shock-dampening foam were five metallic rings: one large ring surrounding four smaller rings. Tammy unsheathed a small band to inspect it. When not immobilized by its packaging, Tammy saw that these devices were actually hinged, allowing them to open and be secured on the body as designed. She placed the clasp on her wrist, testing its fit. It molded perfectly to the limb as expected, eliciting another giddy titter from the owner. She quickly returned it to the box and took the entire package back to her room. These were Posture Trainers, an ingenious device that harnessed magnetism and physical weight to train the limb's muscles while disguised as outfit accessories. They were a simple way to train the body during the everyday. Entering the out-of-service auto-closet, Tammy added the new accessories to its inventory. She could wait to try them on until later, plus this would calibrate the devices to her profile automatically.

Exiting the closet, Tammy checked the clock on the wall. She had just enough time to get dressed before her scheduled service call. "Patty, play my 'Morning Mood Booster' playlist. The friendly confirmation tone hummed through the room and the bouncy, pop beats of today's hits echoed through the halls. With a spring in her step, Tammy started to dress in her typical, casual attire. When she was fully clothed, she returned to the living room to resume her channel surfing as she waited for the technician to arrive. She would give him 5 minutes past the scheduled time before she filed a complaint to the company. She was annoyed by the inconvenience of her broken closet but could make do with public ones if the worker she had been assigned was lazy. The compensation she would receive for poor service would more than make up for any added hassle on her part. Her concerns were moot as Patty announced a visitor at the door.

Who could it be?

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