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Chapter 3 by BronzePlaceWriter BronzePlaceWriter

What Did She Command?

Her First Commands

Jasmine looked at herself in the mirror, her heart was beating fast. Apprehension and anticipation coiled like snakes in the back of her mind. She saw her own image reflected back at her, a woman that many would call beautiful. She had a slim build with dusky skin. Dark hair that fell down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes were green and striking, and her face was finely boned and pretty. Looking good was part of her job after all. Not because she used her looks the way certain people would want to claim but because it was her job to go to meetings, to meet investors, to interact with powerful and important people. Part of that was looking professional, like you knew what you were doing. it was hard to look professional when your hair was a mess, or when your make-up was rough and crudely applied. She'd taken to looking good early in life and like everything else she'd been driven to do, Jasmine had made it her own.

The only thing that was different, the only thing that drew the eye was the crown on her head. It threw off her expected image. Reminded her that this wasn't just a normal day. Now, at the precipice of her desire she hesitated. She bit her lower lip, looking at her reflection in the eyes.

Did she dare? Did she want to? Her body tingled. her mind was awash with thoughts and feelings. She was going to do something that she had never even contemplated before this day and the adrenaline was pumping through her body.

" this thing on?" She didn't know what to say to activate the crown. She didn't even know if it needed to be activated. But as soon as she spoke she felt something. It was hard to describe, a sort of hardness in the back of her mind. A flicker of something that wasn't her. Another presence in the wake of her own thoughts.

"That probably means yes." She said. "C-can you talk? Can you speak to me?"

Communication in limited terms is possible. State your desires.

The words were not words. They were not even thoughts. They were just shapes that arrived in her head all of a sudden, sitting tall and pretty as if they'd been her own. Suddenly whole sentences slammed down into her mind but they hadn't come from her. They simply arrived fully formed.

Jasmine felt her mouth go dry, but she was of an inquiring nature and pressed onwards. Her hand rose to the silver body of the crown.

"Are you alive? Are you self-aware?"

Construct, artificial. The thoughts bounced back to her. Neither alive nor dead. Self awareness of limited nature. Enough to understand and shape commands. Some creativity required for optimal use.

"Of limited nature..." Jasmine said. "Well, whatever. We won't worry about that now. I felt you touch my mind before in the bar didn't I."

Confirmation. Bond was formed in drinking establishment. Mental contact was required for finalisation of Bearer status. State your desire in the form of command. Will grant it if viable.

Jasmine had the impression that her questions were somehow putting it off. Like it hadn't expected her to start poking around with what it was and just jump right to what it could allow her to do.

She realised that she was stalling for time. She was asking it questions not because she wanted to know the answer but because she still felt unsure about what she was going to do. Her heart beat faster, anxiety rising up in her mind. But she also felt an embarrassing dampness between her legs, and a tingling of her womanhood which told her that not every part of her was against the idea. It was ghastly and degrading and she didn't know why she was even contemplating it but it wouldn't leave her mind. She toyed with it over night. Lying in bed she'd tossed and turned, alternately deciding that it was a terrible idea she could never go through with and also that it might be her chance to experience something that she had always secretly hoped for. Her desires felt shameful to her but the more she debated on it, the more the images that those desires conjured clawed their way into her mind.

Jasmine took a deep breath. She used the motion, feeling her chest expand and contract. It was calming and it let her focus her mind. She always did it when she had an important decision to make and not a lot of time to do so. She wasn't the sort of person to dither, to move back and forth. Once she'd made a call she stuck to it.

It was time for her to make her call. She hardened her willpower and plunged forwards before it could start to crack.

"Okay." She said. "This is how this works, right?"

The crown didn't answer but she could feel it paying attention to her words from inside of her own mind. it was not a terribly pleasant feeling.

"From this moment on the Colwell Investment Agency has the following new rules. The first is that Jasmine Adam is no longer a manager. She was demoted several days ago because of incompetence. In order to be pay for the money she lost she is being **** to serve as sexual entertainment for her former branch."

Jasmine took a breath. Her face was pale.

Jesus Christ, did I just say that? Did I really just make that a reality? What kind of person does that? Who just jumps into some sort of twisted fantasy like I just did?

Her hand was shaking. Shivers ran up and down her spine. She looked at herself in the mirror, green eyes meeting their own reflections. Her heart was thudding in her chest. Tension knotted her muscles. She couldn't believe what she was saying but at the same time she couldn't seem to stop. A lifetime of doing nothing but working for her career had bottled up her desires. Purified and concentrated them over many years. Now at last they were pouring forth and carrying her along for the ride.

"The second is that Jasmine Adams is allowed to be naked in public as well as to perform sexual acts or have sexual acts performed upon her by anyone the new manager of the branch allows. This is fully legal though still considered to be shameful for her. No, rather the whole point of it is to be shameful for her. This is meant to be a punishment for what she did so participants go out of their way to humiliate and disgrace her."

Jasmine was breathing fast. She could feel heat radiating from her face. Her womanhood tingled and she was trying to resist the urge to gently brush it with her hand. Her nipples had hardened against the fabric of her bra.

Before she could get too carried away, Jasmine decided to throw in some safety.

"Jasmine still cannot be the target of major ****, and cannot get pregnant from whatever is done to her in this capacity."

She didn't know if the crown had the power to do the last thing. It wasn't exactly a human law but she felt moved to add it just in case. Safety now assured, she moved on.

"Jasmine is now considered the lowest of the low. Her position is extremely shameful but legal, and she is bound to fulfil every order given to her by her former subordinates. If someone is seen to be too nice to her they can be punished themselves. The office has specialised equipment to handle her unique situation."

And that was that. Even as the words left her mouth Jasmine felt the crown do _something. _She wasn't sure she could describe it. It was like a whole body tingle but deeper, under her skin. She once more felt the strange sense of standing in two places before they snapped back together and became one.

It was done. Jasmine took the crown off her head with shaking hands. Her heart pounded. She felt a thrilling mix of elation combined with absolute bloody terror. It couldn't be real could it? But it had been in the bar and somehow she didn't doubt that it was now as well.

Well in any case it was almost time to go to work and see for herself.

What's next?

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