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Chapter 3 by Emptyplanet Emptyplanet

Which option do you choose?

Go to Class (Tina Route)

Deciding that making a good first impression with your lecturer was more important you figure you'll leave the pill until later on, hurrying you both make it into the lecture hall right as class was starting - however instead of finding a room filled with students in rows listening to the lecturer teach from upfront - the rows had seemingly been removed leaving the room barren and filled only with sports equipment and props. Confused you hover over to the apparent lecturer who was in the process of laying out stretching mats onto the floor.

"Excuse me?" You began politely "Is this class 4a?" Now turning to smile at you, you could take in the lecturer in full. She was about your height, perhaps just an inch taller and wore baggy pants, a jumper with a whistle hanging loosely from her neck like a highschool coach might don. Her skin was of an olive complexion with the beginnings of lines forming around the corners of her mouth - her hair was a platinum blonde that was done up neatly in a ponytail and shone whenever the light refracted off of it. Her eyes were pools of muddy brown that felt like they carried on forever, sucking and inviting you in only to pull you down with her. Despite her baggy jumper you could tell she had a sizable chest behind all of that fabric, but you didn't linger on the area long enough to really tell.

"Alex and Stacy, right?" She held out a hand to both of you. Jolting clumsily you accepted her outstretched hand and gave it one firm shake, followed next by your girlfriend who you couldn't help but notice lasted a little longer, and were you right in seeing her stroke her thumb along the back of Stacy's hand? Surely not, right?

"Yes this is the right room, did you not read your contracts?" She asked with a hint of attitude.

"Uh, yes it's just I didn't expect for the 'mandatory class' to be..." I stumbled for the right word, I was supposed to be taking a media course after all so why was there so much gym equipment?

"Physical activity." She finished. "And from the looks of things you're long overdue for it." She said with a sweet tone that was at odds with the rather rude comment. However without lingering in the moment she immediately turned to Stacy giving you no chance to voice any complaint.

"As for you, it appears unlike your boyfriend you've been taking good care of yourself. Which means I'll unfortunately be spending a little more time with him rather than you this morning, but I'm sure we'll all become familiar with one another soon enough." With both of your brows raised you tried again to raise a complaint with the way you were being spoken to but before you could muster an objection; she slapped on you on the back and shoved an unfurled stretching mat into your hands. Then much more tenderly she handed your girlfriend a mat, but was touching her arm all the time with a smile that sent alarm bells ringing in your head for some reason. What was that smile and why did it unnerve you so?

"Thank you misses, uh." Your girlfriend went to say.

"Misses Fey, Tina if you wanna be less formal. I like informalities." She winked. Giggling your girlfriend was lead by Tina over to a spare spot in the room where she began to spread out her mat.

"This isn't a spectator sport, beansprout." Tina announced loudly which broke you out of your stupor. Following her lead you did the same nearby and watched as Tina instructed Stacy on how to get into form, using her surprisingly rough hands to model and manipulate her body into the shape and stance she desired.

"The purpose of this is to get you both loosened up first; I see you've already been doing some smaller exercises at home Stacy." She looked over at you for some reason. "But in order to take the bigger exercises, you gotta get loosened up." Tina's hands were just underneath her H cup boobs now, a slip upwards and the instructor would get a handful. Every now and then as her hands roamed your girlfriends body, the instructor would shoot you a lingering look that filled you with dread for some reason, causing you to look at your feet rather than hold her gaze for any longer.

"There, that's perfect. Try and hold that pose for a while whilst I do the same to mr lamppost over here." She cackled jovially. Ever the sweetheart, your girlfriend thanked the instructor for her help as she continued to strike the pose. Making her way over to you now, the instructor had a knowing smile on her lips as she sauntered over to you. She looked like a cat who had caught the mouse and was now playing with it like a toy.

"Here, leg up." She guided your foot upwards and to rest on your other legs inner thigh, in the process however you felt the back of her hand glide slowly against your ass cheek - you figured it was just a mistake and so you kept your mouth shut, then as she's contorting your upper body you feel her hands cup both of your pectoral muscles around the nipple like she was copping a feel.

"Yeah too much flab for a man, a couple of hours a day with me and I'll make you into something your mother can be proud of." She laughed in a joking manner, you wanted to tell her off for saying that since you were an orphan that had made your own way to University; you had no mom or dad and so the comment was pretty insensitive. You don't know what stopped you from speaking up, however Stacy chimed in for you in any regard.

"Umm Tina, Alex doesn't have a mother." She clarified for you, in that moment you could feel your heart swell as your girlfriend stood up for you as she always did; not just for you but for anyone she felt was being done wrong to.

"It was just a joke Stacy, I didn't mean anything by it!" She said dismissively.

"Oh ok, so long as you weren't being mean." Her answer seemed to satisfy your girlfriend, however you were still hurt by the comment regardless and were a little upset that she hadn't even apologized! Suddenly, your girlfriends pocket vibrated and the sound of a phone going off filled the room. Embarrassedly she excused herself from the room as she spoke to what you knew was likely her overbearing grandparents on the other line.

Seeing that there was only you and Tina left in the room, you felt an awkward silence fill your surroundings. Just as you were about to make small talk, Tina reached around and cupped your entire package in one hand from behind, giving it a couple of experimental squeezes. You were too stunned to move, as if all the world had come to a standstill, had she really just done that to you?

"I can be your mommy, if you want?" She breathed hotly into your ear. Despite the shock and much to your disgrace; you could feel yourself growing stiff in her hands as she continued to squeeze your balls. You just stood there like a statue unable to process anything - like a deer stuck in headlights you continued to allow her to fondle your package like it was the most natural thing in the world for an instructor to do to her students. You could call the dean right now and have her fired! Why would she risk her job just to feel you up? Then it dawned on you, you were alone in a room with her.

"Nobody will believe you, you know?" As if reading your mind she whispered into your ear with the hint of excitement lingering from her lips. With one final pat of your package she let go of your manhood and carried on manipulating your now rigid body into form, and then your girlfriend walked into the room with an apologetic look on her face excusing herself for her grandparents untimely call. It was as if none of it happened, and yet you were sure that it had.

Getting back into position Tina went over to Stacy and readjusted her as the two made small talk about how overbearing family members can be at times, both of them giggling as they shared stories of their mothers. Each time one of their mothers was brought up, Tina would send a brief but suggestive glance your way. Realizing that you hadn't taken your eyes off of her this entire time, you glanced over to Stacy to see that she was pretty intently looking at something else. Following her gaze you could tell she was looking at your pants? Then you realized that you must be sporting a boner from her earlier attentions, looking down you confirmed your worst nightmare. Glancing back up the two of you shared a shocked look with one another before Tina broke the tension with another of her jokes. You could tell you were in for a serious talk later on, but would she even believe you if you told her the truth? Part of you wished she would, but even you were finding it hard to believe it had actually happened.

What's next?

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