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Chapter 3 by fifal fifal

What should Maia do?

Get up early and visit the Training grouds, hoping to catch the mists

Sometimes in the early mornings, before the training really started for the day, a light mist descended on the training grounds. All but the most early of risers in the Nova School would go their lives without seeing the mists.

Waking in a daze, Maia was intent on seeing those mists today.

"Ayl is always talking about how beautiful they are, I guess I'll need to see them with my own eyes at least once"

Maia quickly cleaned and dressed herself. Just as quickly she lobbed dozens and dozens of insults at the concept of morning, declaring evening to be must less invasive with her sleep schedule. "Inconsiderate piece of trash." she mumbled, finally ready to face the precursor to her normal day.

She made it out to the craterous training grounds, and was somewhat shocked at the lack of regularity in the explosions. The mists were certainly present, reducing visibility in the area to only a few dozen feet, but they weren't what Maia would consider beautiful. Certainly they weren't worth waking up at this hour for. As far as Maia was concerned, there still wasn't a single thing in this world that required waking up this early.

She walked out into the mist covered grounds, seeing flashes of lightning and fire illuminate the clouds every so often. Maia eventually made her way to the plot that her team normally used, and it was there that Maia saw something that finally made her morning worth it.

Ayl stood at her easel, visibly spinning her prismatic Ri around her and through the tip of her brush. With each stroke, the Ri changed in tones, yet always remaining beautiful. The scene was of a large tree, it's leaves frozen in ice yet still green and healthy. Snowy drifts piled all around the tree as it refused to succumb to the elements. The background was still unfinished, but still this was one of the most beautiful works of art that Maia had ever seen. However enchanting the painting may have been, at this moment it didn't compare to the artist herself. Ayl was dressed in her normal attire which accentuated her soft curves and slender body. Her hair, however, was a different story. Rather than it's normal silky black, Ayl's hair shimmered, changing in tune with her cycling Ri. This mists drifted between them as Ayl's Ri shifted to a powdery white. The artist's brush trailed across the canvas forming an imperceptible drift near the frozen tree.

For just a moment, Maia's body refused to breathe, the sight in front of her was something of sublime beauty; the moment fleeting but the memory immortal.

A thunderous crack of lightning erupted nearby. Turning her head instinctively, Ayl finally noticed Maia staring at her.

Maia rushed towards Ayl, bringing their bodies close together. {if Height ID == 0}Maia's face was just above Ayl's. She gazed deeply into the beautiful artist's eyes.{elseif Height ID == 2}Maia had to look up to see Ayl's face, she looked so perfect that Maia nearly forgot what she was going to say.{else@}Maia embraced Ayl, bringing their faces close enough to feel the other's breath.{endif} Maia's {if Eye Color ID == 0}brown{elseif Eye Color ID = 1}purple{elseif Eye Color ID = 2}royal purple{elseif Eye Color ID = 3}hazel{elseif Eye Color ID = 4}emerald{elseif Eye Color ID = 5}deep blue{elseif Eye Color ID = 6}sapphire{elseif Eye Color ID = 7}yellow{elseif Eye Color ID = 8}blue{elseif Eye Color ID = 9}sky blue{elseif Eye Color ID = 10}brown{elseif Eye Color ID = 11}jade{elseif Eye Color ID = 12}green{elseif Eye Color ID = 13}forest green{elseif Eye Color ID = 14}red{elseif Eye Color ID = 15}ruby{elseif Eye Color ID = 16}pink{elseif Eye Color ID = 17}prismatic{elseif Eye Color ID = 18}chromatic{elseif Eye Color ID = 19}rainbow{elseif Eye Color ID = 20}black{elseif Eye Color ID = 21}obsidian{elseif Eye Color ID = 22}white{elseif Eye Color ID = 23}grey{elseif Eye Color ID = 24}silver{elseif Eye Color ID = 25}gold{else@}brown{endif} eyes were unflinching, causing a deep blush to come across the fair skinned Ayl.

"Please don't stop." Maia whispered to Ayl.

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