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Chapter 3 by ReaperofBalance ReaperofBalance

So, what's it gonna be?

Fourth Year.... Kind of... Somewhat

Harry bolted awake in his room at Number 4 Privet Drive as he gasped for air and his mind worked to catch up on everything. Looking around he saw the spell/ritual worked exactly as he and his allies intended. He was back in his younger body, if they aimed right then it should be the summer between his third and fourth year, meaning he was just about 19, if a couple weeks shy. Closing his eyes, he grinned as he felt his magical core was larger than it was, that meant their plan to have his older self fuse with his younger self worked and thus he had his core fused with his younger still maturing one with none of the blocks put on it.

All he had to do now was get emancipated and he could begin his preparations for the wizarding world and the whole world in the future. Not only did he need the Wizarding world controlled, but the threats that would come later would need to be handled especially with the allies he could gain ahead of time and get his lovers back as well.

However, he had to handle something first before he could go to Gringotts and get a bit of information to help his plans faster.

Raising a right hand to his scar, Harry grinned ferally, "Hello Tom, no doubt you're wondering what the fuck is going on. Well, you lose in 4 years completely and I gain all the power and prestige you wanted. The sad part, your real self is the one who kills this part of you since he decided that me dying was worth losing you. So, now here's what's going to happen: A) you can aid me extracting and absorbing your core to myself giving more power and potential as well as rights to Slytherin in full which means I can royally fuck over Dumbles and others. Plus I throw a good word in with **** to make sure you get a nice afterlife, maybe you can work for **** torturing the idiots and fools of the universe. or B) You resist and it's painful for us both but in the end you still die, but this time in agony and I leave you to deal with **** on your own." Harry stated and waited a long moment before he felt his scar split open slightly and a small glow came, "Thought so, I hope you enjoy the afterlife and the show of me screwing with everyone that ever did both of us wrong." Harry stated as his hand glowed and a black and green smoke came from his scar before it began sparking and turned into energy that entered Harry and he could feel his core growing more. He also felt the knowledge of Tom filling him as well, which would help as he could use a few rituals and secrets he held to further his own plans.

Once it was done, Harry fell back on his bed panting as his eyes were literally brimming with power while his scar sealed itself back up good as new.

Sitting up again, he cracked his neck and back before he stood and dressed, using wandless magic to adjust the clothes to actually fit him. The trace was only a problem if he used his wand before he was emancipated, but wandless magic was doable and easy... or at least easy for him as he was now, at 18 last time he was not so skilled, but now he had centuries of experience from his personal life, the life of Tom, and some other people he had stolen/relieved of their magic and knowledge when they finally pissed him off too much.

Heading downstairs, he rolled his eyes and made some breakfast with his magic before locking his room to ensure the relatives couldn't toss his stuff while he was gone. He also ensured his Occlumency and his own control of his magic were tightened to ensure no one could try to sense him or get into his mind.

Summoning the Knight Bus, he paid the driver a few Galleons he always kept on hand just in case of emergency and got out at the Leaky Cauldron.

Ignoring the stares of people, he entered Diagon Alley and went straight to Gringotts, giving a nod of respect to the guards before he went to the head teller. "Greetings honorable warrior, may your gold forever flow and may your enemies be robbed of their wealth and **** to beg for your mercy." Harry stated in perfect Ghukliak; the language of Goblins, Hobglobins, and Bugbears; much to the shock of the tellers and other customers.

"Greetings to you as well, Mr. Potter. What can Gringotts do for you today?" The teller asked still trying to process a human speaking their language so well.

"I am in need of speaking to Master Rangok, I wish to discuss my accounts, lordships, and future business between myself and your nation." Harry stated as he dipped his head as a sign of respect and to show he was not making demands.

"I was not aware you had met Head Accountant Rangok, but I will send a runner to inform him you are here." The teller stated before barking orders to a younger goblin, who quickly scrambled to obey the orders. "If you would wait here a minute, an answer should come shortly." He added after turning back to Harry, who nodded.

"I'm in no rush." Harry stated as he stepped to the side so other customers could speak to the teller if needed.

Two minutes later, the runner came back and gaspingly gave the reply causing the teller to nod, "If you'd follow him, he'll lead you to the office. Have a good day Mr. Potter and may your gold never lose its shine." The teller stated and Harry bowed his head.

"Thank you, master goblin, may your enemies know true fear and horror before you end their miserable existence." Harry stated making the teller grin and nod his head.

Harry then followed the goblin to a small unimpressive door and then walked off. Harry, expecting this, knocked three times creating large banging noises before he waited a moment. "Enter." A graveled voice echoed out and Harry entered and closed the door. The office was a little less impressive than the last time he was here, but Rangok had a few decades to gain more prestige and wealth to show in his office so it made sense.

Harry didn't move and didn't make a sound as Rangok was staring at his desk writing on some parchment. Harry didn't mind, he had shown up with no appointment, no forewarning, and no real reason as far as the goblins knew. So if he had to wait a few minutes for Rangok to finish some paperwork and then address him.

Besides, it was a matter of respect and courtesy to the goblin as well.

A few minutes later, Rangok moved the parchment away and set his quill back in the ink before clasping his hands back together, "Good to finally meet you, Mr. Potter." Rangok stated in English as Harry turned his attention to the goblin.

"Same to you, Master Rangok." Harry stated as Rangok motioned him to sit.

"May I inquire as to how you know me exactly? We have not met to my knowledge." Rangok stated and Harry smiled a bit before he waved his hand and a silencing and privacy charm were put up.

"Let's say I did something potentially dangerous and highly stupid and I find myself here in a younger body. However, I did not break the laws of magic, merely bent them and with magic approving it." Harry stated making Rangok look on in shock. "I am here now to begin preparations to both improve and claim the magical world and later the outside world. To do that, I need Gringotts' support and aid." Harry stated as Rangok processed everything for a few minutes before he sat up straight and gave Harry his full attention.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Potter?" Rangok stated as Harry smiled looking forward to the future.

What's next?

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