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Chapter 3 by MonsterInNeed MonsterInNeed

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Emilia Has a Nice Surprise For Felix

As usual, Felix came back home from work an hour after his wife. He grunted as he took his shoes off and set them on their shoe rack before walking down their hallway. "Honey?" He called out from their living room. "I'm home!"

"In the kitchen!" His wife responded from the other side of the house. "What would you like to eat?!"

"Uhhh... You decide." He mumbled uncertainly. She knew perfectly well that whatever she decided to make would end up being delicious regardless of how he felt about it. There was no surprise there. She was an excellent cook. What was a surprise, however, was the state of undress he found her in once he entered their tiny kitchen.

Emilia stood facing the sink, wearing absolutely nothing. Her large tits swayed hypnotically as she turned around to greet her husband, with a sparkle in her eyes. "Like what you see, dear?" She teased with a sultry smile on her face while wiggling her bare ass at him suggestively.

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"Well..." Felix paused as a rush of adrenaline and arousal surged through him. No matter how enticing she might look right now; this wasn't normal behavior for his wife at all. If anything this only served as a reminder of what had transpired in the morning. "Honey, don't get me wrong, this is incredibly hot, for sure, but..."

"But?" She raised an eyebrow curiously.

"You're not usually like this." He continued awkwardly, taking hold of her by the shoulders so he could better study her expression. "Are you feeling alright?"

His wife frowned and pulled away from him, almost offended. "I'm fine! I was just happy..."

"Happy to remind me how sexy you are without clothes?" He cut in bluntly and glared down into her brown eyes with concern.

She opened her mouth but remained silent, clearly confused.

"Honey..." He said gently, guiding her toward a chair. "This morning, when you were spacing out, I was worried and I made a nervous joke. I told you I thought you were happy to remind me how sexy you were naked but that it was freaking me out."

"What?" She looked up at him nervously as he sat down in front of her. "And so what? You think that's why I'm..." She trailed off as the meaning behind his words finally sunk in. "This makes no sense..."

"I know it doesn't make any sense!" Her husband exclaimed, exasperated. "But think about it? When was the last time you did something like this? The few times a month when we make love you insist on doing it in the dark because you feel embarrassed about your body, no matter how many times I tell you how attractive I think you are. And now you suddenly go out of your way to show yourself off to me with every chance you get?"

She remained quiet as she stared back at Felix with wide eyes; still struggling to process all this new information and even more concerned now with the possible implications of this whole thing. "Wait..." She finally mumbled. "Right before it happened you were..."

"Trying to snap my fingers."

"Do it again..." She whispered softly.

"What?" Felix was completely lost at her strange request. Even if this had really been what caused her to space out in the first place, why would she want him to do it again?

"Dear..." She smiled weakly while shaking her head. "If I somehow could fall into a trance whenever someone snapped their fingers I would like to know for sure. I'd rather do it with you than have it happen again randomly. So... Snap away."

Felix found himself staring into Emilia's brown eyes as he slowly moved his hand in front of her pretty face and clicked his thumb and index finger together once quickly. Once again the sound was louder than he expected and echoed through the kitchen. His wife's brown eyes widened slightly and her lips parted, allowing an audible breath to escape her mouth.

"Honey?" He asked cautiously after a moment.

"Hmm?" She replied absentmindedly, her eyes staring unfocused into nothing.

"Shit..." Felix muttered quietly as he felt himself get hard almost instantly from just seeing her reaction to the sudden click of his fingers. How could this be real? And more importantly, despite the guilt that threatened to overtake him over this whole situation, what could he make her do in such a state?

He reached forward without thinking about it and grabbed one of his wife's large naked breasts firmly. It felt warm and soft under his palm. A shiver ran down his spine and he glanced up at her questioningly, but she seemed not to notice nor care about what he was doing. Her wide open expression was entranced like she was daydreaming. Her nipple stiffened between his fingers as he started lightly caressing it while watching the effect his actions had on her with curiosity. She moaned slightly but remained completely motionless otherwise.

Would she remember any of it, he wondered. He didn't think she would approve of him touching her that way while she was under the effects of... whatever this was. However she didn't seem to have any recollection from her previous trance so it was unlikely. And what about giving her suggestions? Could he change the way she behaved? Could he make her a bit more... He almost jumped out of his seat when he realized that he was seriously thinking about fucking with the brain of his own wife.

He breathed heavily and tried his best to calm down. He loved her far too much to do such a thing, no matter how tempting it was. She wanted to know for sure what was going on, and he wouldn't overstep his bounds by taking advantage of her current state.

"Emilia?" He said softly as he looked into her glassy eyes. "Can you hear me?"

"Yes..." She whispered back with slurred words, barely audible as they left her lips. "I hear you..."

"Listen. After I wake you up I'm going to say the word... banana." He continued carefully as he felt himself get hard once again. "Once you hear me say it, and only once, you will... have an orgasm. The strongest orgasm you've ever had. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." She mumbled weakly. "If you say banana, once, I'll have the strongest orgasm ever..."

"That's right." He confirmed, squirming in his chair uncomfortably. His cock throbbed in his pants as he watched her repeat his instructions.

He rubbed his face with anticipation and snapped his fingers.

His wife blinked twice with confusion before clearing her throat. "Waow..." She muttered slowly, rubbing her temples. "I feel like I just woke up from a nap or something... Did it really happen again?"

Felix nodded and stood up from his seat, pacing around the kitchen.

"Are you alright?" His wife asked, worriedly eyeing the odd behavior of her husband. "What happened?"

"You really don't remember anything?"

She shook her head after a moment of silence. "Nothing..."

"Well shit..." Felix grunted, shaking his head. "I gave you some instructions while you were under..."

"What kind of instructions?" His wife inquired with suspicion.

"I needed to be sure." He answered nervously, pacing even faster.

"Felix!" She exclaimed. "What kind of instructions?!"


Emilia froze with wide eyes for a few seconds before leaning in her chair with her mouth wide open, shaking violently as the most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced exploded inside her body.

"Holy fucking hell..." He whispered as he looked down at her quivering form. He reached out and put one hand on her shoulder as he quickly went about trying to help her catch her breath. She put her hands in front of her mouth but couldn't hold a muffle scream of pleasure. She was still shuddering heavily when he let go of her and watched her fall back on her chair.

"Fuck that was crazy." He muttered.

His wife sighed deeply, finally regaining control over herself. "Is that what's going to happen every time you say... that word?" She asked him with a trembling voice, not daring to say it in case it would trigger another orgasm.

"No!" He said quickly as he knelt down in front of her and attempted to grab her hand. She however moved them both away from him with a scared expression. "Look!" He insisted. "Banana!"

She gasped and leaned back slightly as she braced for another wave of pleasure. However, nothing happened this time.

"I specified it would only happen once!" Felix explained. "I swear that's all I did!"

Emilia stared at him with curious eyes, clearly skeptical of his words. It took a long moment before she nodded hesitantly. "Yeah... Okay..." She answered uncertainly.

They both remained silent for a moment after they caught their breaths. Emilia continued to stare at her husband, seemingly unable to grasp the reality of what just transpired.

"I think I'm going to need some time..." She finally whispered quietly after several seconds passed. "I mean... I love you, Felix, but this..."

"What do you mean?" Her husband asked with a frown.

"I need time to figure things out..." She insisted, getting out of her chair. "I trust you but..."


"But you could do it again and I wouldn't even know..." She paused and bit her lip nervously as she started slowly backing toward the door of the kitchen. "...I'll stay with my sister for a while. Just so I can understand what's going on. Okay?"

"Wait!" He called after her as she quickly fled the kitchen. "Please! Wait! I beg you!" He screamed as she ran toward their bedroom and locked the door behind herself, leaving him alone in the hallway.

"Felix, please!" She cried through the closed door. "I can't..."

He snapped his fingers once again and the echo spread throughout the house like thunder.

For a moment he did nothing, listening for any sound of movement from within the bedroom. When nothing happened he got closer to the door and called once more.

"Emilia! Can you hear me?"

"Yes..." He barely heard her whisper back from inside the room. She was entranced again.

Felix felt his heart drop into his stomach as he contemplated what he was about to do.

"Emilia. When you wake up you wont remember anything about me being able to put you in a trance with a snap of my fingers. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." He heard her say. "I wont remember anything about the trance..."

He groaned quietly under his breath before continuing. How could he be doing such a thing to her? "You will think that you went into the bedroom to change..."

"I went to the bedroom to change..."

"You..." He mumbled, horrified by his perverted thoughts turning into words, pouring out of his mouth. "You want to get into the sexiest lingerie you have."

"I want to get into the sexiest lingerie I have..." She repeated softly from the other side of the room.

"Because you want to surprise me by being sexy for me."

"I want to surprise you by being sexy for you..."

"And you want to... You want to blow me."

"I want to blow you..."

"You love sucking my cock... fuck..." Felix mumbled, clenching his fists. "You love the taste of my... cum..."

"I love sucking your cock... I love the taste of your cum..."

Felix let himself drop down on all fours, breathing heavily with shame and disgust. Tears streamed down his face as he knelt there on the floor, knowing full well he had gone too far. There was no coming back from this one. He sat down against the wall, near the door, and snapped his fingers once again.

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