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Chapter 13

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Drafting and Proofreading

No one gets it right the first time. So it's essential to draft and proof your work. Drafting is re-writing, and proofreading is checking for typos and grammatical errors. It takes me at least two, usually three drafts, before I consider posting a short story or a CHYOA chapter. And I only post after I have proofed for typos.

And, yes, I am sure a few get through even these tests. But that's what happens when you do it by yourself. Sorry.

When you feel like you have written something exciting, it can be tempting to post immediately.

But you really should wait for one last proof. This is because one tends to read what they want rather than what is on the page. Just wait a couple of hours before a final proofread; you will be amazed by all the errors you couldn't see before.

Spellcheckers are a lifesaver. Use them. But they could be better, even the premium ones like Grammarly. It's always best to check it yourself after a break, and even better if you trust someone to proofread it.

You can also read your work aloud. A lot of writers swear by this technique. They say doing so brings to your attention the bad writing

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