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Chapter 3 by deerenbung deerenbung

Who is she?

Cosplay Competition

Lisa had been a small-time cosplayer before the world changed. Nothing was more satisfying to her than putting together a costume with her own two hands and winning the respect and admiration of fellow con-goers with it. A lot of guys assumed she did it for the attention, but the feeling of creating something and having it recognised by other people gave her more of a warm glow than all the lecherous gazes in the world combined. Besides, it wasn't her fault that every female character in every piece of media seemed to have her tits and ass out full time. Or that she had been blessed with an abundance of both.

Things were very different now of course. Between getting fucked and stretched at all hours of the day she had barely any time to work on her cosplays, and any time she wore one it would be torn or stained beyond all repair by the first man who found her. She only had one left in a decent state: a zero suit Samus costume, one of the first cosplays she had ever put together. It was only when her brother had crashed into her room that morning with it and insisted that she wear it that she even remembered it existed. It was old; her chest and butt had grown enough in the intervening years to dangerously test the limits of the spandex's elasticity. She told her brother as much while she struggled into it.

"Who cares?" Came the response. "The tighter it is the better you'll look. It'll be torn apart soon enough, you only need it for the start."

"The start of what?" Lisa was nervous now. She had assumed he just wanted her dressed up while he fucked her around the house, but this made it sound like he had bigger plans.

"The contest of course," he smiled devilishly at her. "Haven't you checked your calendar? Comic-con starts today. Now, I'll give you twenty minutes to do your hair and get some makeup on, then come join me in the car."

Twenty minutes was not enough time to fully prep for a day on the convention floor, but at the same time Lisa knew any preparations she made wouldn't be enough no matter how long she was given. When her time was up her naturally blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her face was at least presentable to her eyes. She made her way awkwardly down the stairs - the four-inch heels built into her suit not helping - and found her brother in the living room. A curvy Latina girl Lisa didn't recognise was bouncing up and down on his dick, the 11-inch monster making a clear imprint on her belly as it went in and out of her bladder. Tears were streaming down her face but she was silent, even as Lisa's brother idly fisted one of her nipples.

"Um, I'm ready," Lisa announced. Her brother turned around and assessed her appearance with a grin.

"Not bad. I reckon you're in with a chance of winning." He unceremoniously shoved the girl impaled on his cock away. She collapsed to the floor and lay there panting, one hand idly rubbing her stretched nipple. "Let's get in the car."

The drive down was uneventful. Her brother didn't want to mess her costume up early so he just had Lisa give him a slow blowjob to keep him hard. From the taste it was clear he had fucked the Latina girl's ass at some point and the flavour made Lisa grimace. It wasn't a long way to the convention centre though, and the two of them got out into a parking lot filled with nerds of all varieties. Some were in cosplay, some had backpacks festooned with badges proudly displaying their favourite anime and waifus, and many of them dragged at least one woman along too - at a glance Lisa didn't think she could see any women who were attending voluntarily.

They made their way to a side entrance marked as being for cosplayers. It would let Lisa get to the competition stage relatively unmolested; any girl going through the main entrance would likely be stripped and fucked into a sticky mess before making it to a single booth. They were guided to a waiting room with two cosplayers already in it. One was a petite Asian girl in a blue wig and a maid outfit; the other a dead ringer for Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn, right down to the abundance of tattoos and candy-coloured twintails. Neither was there of their own volition judging by their uncomfortable expressions and the men groping them. Lisa's brother copied the other women's chaperones and started alternating between roughly squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples as hard as could.

Around ten minutes later a member of the convention staff entered the room and ushered them up to the wings of a stage. The men, including Lisa's brother, were led down to the audience where reserved front row seats awaited them. The three cosplayers exchanged nervous looks and awaited their cue to walk on stage.

"Toilets and gentlemen!" There was a great, booming call from the stage. A man was walking on from the opposite wing, a microphone in his hands. "Welcome to this year's cosplay contest! I won't lie to you all, the lineup is a little smaller than usual. I think I can see many of our regular beauties practising other talents out in the audience. However, I can promise we won't disappoint! Not only are this year's cumbuckets ssssmoking hot, but we've also got a new competition format that I think you're all going to enjoy." He accompanied that last line with a conspiratorial wink at the legion of horny men in front of him.

"Now without further ado, I give you: Rem!" The Asian girl stepped out into the bright lights, stumbling slightly. The presenter directed her to a spot near centre stage.

"Harley Quinn!" The Margot Robbie lookalike followed, exposed asscheeks wobbling slightly beneath her tiny denim shorts with every step.

"And Samus Aran!"

That was Lisa's cue. She had done this dozens of times but never without her own name at least being mentioned. In this new world though, they had dropped all pretence. The men in the audience were only there to see hot girls dressed like their fantasies and the idea of those girls having lives outside of that wouldn't cross their minds. Lisa focussed on walking in a straight line towards her spot on stage. She ignored the audience, knowing that the sight of all the women in it being used, stretched and abused would only make her even more scared.

"As you can see," the presenter continued, "these three girls have worked hard to bring your favourite characters to life. But if we just judged them on their costumes this would all be over before any of us have had any fun. Instead, today's winner - and today's very special grand prize - will be decided by a series of fiendish challenges that only the most skilled whore, sorry, cosplayer," he winked at the audience again, "can complete."

There was raucous applause from the audience. Lisa wanted to swallow nervously but her throat was too dry. Suddenly her legs felt barely able to support her. She knew the challenges would be awful, painful, degrading, and yet she also knew that with a word from any man in the room she would have to complete them to the best of her ability. She almost wished her brother had taken her through the main entrance and let her get carried away by the tide of attendees. Even a gangbang by a hundred sweaty nerds could seem preferable to an unknown "challenge", if the mind that came up with it was depraved enough.

"Let's get started! First up, our intrepid adventuresses will have to show off their..."

What will the first challenge test?

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