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Chapter 3 by Westwall Westwall

Which Starter are you going with?


“Chikorita!” I squealed, surprising even myself. I pointed at the Pokeball and snatched it from the case, my fingers rubbing the hard plastic with joy. I had never had my very own Pokémon, and yet here I was, holding one in my very own hand.

“Great choice, Lyra!” Elm said, shutting the case. Taking a deep breath, he put the case away and then provided a small machine, his smile widening with every second. “This is a Pokedex! You will need it on your travels. It will catalogue Pokémon for you and provide information on them as you journey through the Johto region.”

"Thank you Professor Elm!" I said aloud, my own smile unable to contain itself. "I will not let you down!"

I turned on my heel to rush out before a man in a suit stopped me, one of the governmental agents no doubt. His big burly hand and size intimidated me almost immediately, and I stopped in my tracks.

"Hold it right there, trainer. You need to sign your contract." he said, his voice deep and gravely.

"Contract?" I stuttered, looking back at Elm for reassurance.

"Yes, contract." the agent said, pushing me back towards a small table. A small electronic tablet was lit up, and hundreds of words were flurrying by. "You cannot start your trainer work without signing this."

"What does it say?" I asked, unable to focus long enough as the words flew by.

"It's simple. You are accepting a trainer contract and that means you are now free-use should you lose to another trainer." Staring down at me, the agent lowered his voice a bit more to really seal in the fear. "Your body can and will be used should you lose, and that includes forfeiting."

"But... Why?" I asked, my voice tiny and barely audible.

"Mostly for procreation." replied Elm, pushing his glasses up with his finger. "The region needs more population, and free-use is the fastest way there Lyra. I don't only study Pokémon breeding after all."

He let out a small laugh, though Lyra wasn't laughing much. Free-use meant a lot to her, and none of it was good things. Losing in a battle meant she could literally be fucked. Her virginity could be easily taken by any trainer, and that terrified her.

But it was worth it, wasn't it?

Does she sign the contract?

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