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Chapter 3 by FallenSaint FallenSaint

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Sex: Male

Class: Beast Tamer

Race: Fellgist


short dark hair. Lean and average height. He has blood red eyes that seem to see everything around him, and a short goatee. His tongue has magic runes glowing on it when he speaks to monsters or animals. Sharp fangs can be seen in his mouth when he talks or smiles.


Silvan is a rarity among his clan. Most of them train to be scouts, spies, or even assassins. But he was gifted in other things. At a young age, he was found outside of his town by the town guards. They were shocked to find him happily chatting to a wolf. His tongue glowing and the wolf with its head in his lap, as he gently stroked its head. To him, it was just a rather large dog. The elders of his town decided to have him trained in his gifts and he became the first Beast Tamer in many generations.

When he came of age, he was often employed to help the hunting parties or scouts on missions. He was able to keep the beasts at bay or draw them closer when needed. Hunting became an easy task for his people, but it bored Silvan. He didn't like just standing around while others did the work, and it felt wrong to him to use his abilities for something so trivial. And it didn't give the beasts a fighting chance.

When he was old enough and able to save up some money, Silvan gathered what gear he needed and set out, leaving his old life behind to find something new and entertaining. He is also a priest of the Fellgist God of Mischief and Adventure, Vanglief.


Sex: Female

Class: Prostitute/Thief

Race: Cat Girl

Bio: Silvan's first tamed Monster Girl. She has remained completely devoted and loving to him since their first encounter. She loves cream, both the kind from cows, and from men. She is almost constantly in need of sex and Silvan has had to be very careful during her times of Heat.


Sex: Female

Class: Prostitute/Warrior

Race: Minotaur\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_enUS440US463&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjh58vhq8vKAhUL0h4KHd\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_JC2IQ\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_AUIBygB&biw=1280&bih=685#tbm=isch&q=Monster+Girl+Quest+Holstarurus&imgrc=a-6CrN6UdaNDdM%3A

(The one on the left is the ideal model for Mona...)

Bio: A big, friendly minotaur that Silvan and Tila came across one day. She was under attack by a group of goblins and couldn't bring herself to hurt them, so fighting them off was difficult. Silvan stepped in and after slaying a Goblin, Mona became enraged. She attacked with such ferocity that the remaining Goblins fled and Silvan was **** to tame her in order to calm her. She hates fighting, but loves taking care of people she likes. Calls Silvan "Sil."


Sex: Female

Class: Prostitute/Changeling

Race: Slime Girl

Bio: After a particularly bad fight with a couple of slimes, Tila ended up giving birth to a little Slime Girl. Slippy, unlike most of her kind, has a pink glowing crystal inside of her body to mark her as having an owner. She is able to drain the life **** from anything she touches, but Silvan has taught her to control it.


Sex: Female

Class: Prostitute/Bar Maid

Race: Human

The true reason the Horny Goat is still operating is because of Winona's quick thinking and amazing skill in bed. She has slept with every man in the village and even a few of the women. Her marriage to Gert is loveless on her end, and she sees Silvan's girls as a chance to get her husband off her back, so she can be on it for other men.


Sex: Male

Class: Bartender/Cuckolded Husband

Race: Human

Gert and Winona married more for convenience than love, though he does harbor true feelings for her. It hurts him every time she takes a customer to a back room, though he gets an odd pleasure from hearing her moans as she is roughly taken. Rumor has it that Winona was more interested in Gert's late brother, but they are unconfirmed.


Sex: Female

Class: Adventurer/ Occasional Prostitute

Race: Human

The daughter of the town shopkeeper, Pepper has always dreamed of something more than the small town life. She's held on to her virginity in the hopes of finding a man she considers more interesting and experienced than the poor country boys that have tried to woo her. When she met Silvan, she was given the opportunity to make her dreams come true.

Lady Clair

Sex: Female

Class: Prostitute/ Magic Sensitive former Noble

Race: Zombie

A widowed woman who died of an illness fairly young in life. Her mage husband resorted to dark magic and experiments in necromancy to bring her back as a Zombie, but without the constant hunger for flesh and the ability to turn other living things into Zombies. After her husband died, she spend two hundred years alone before Silvan, Andreas, and Pepper stumbled upon her old house.


Sex: Male

Class: Writer/ Fire Mage

Race: Human

A bookish man that spends a lot of time looking for interesting things to write about. Silvan considers him to be his closest friend, and Andreas returns the sentiment, even though they make an odd pair. When not busy writing, he spends his free time searching for leads on Monster Girls for Silvan. He has lately formed an open relationship with Winona and working on some old scrolls that he came across in an old cave.


Sex: Female

Class: Prostitute

Race: Doll type Golem.

Dahlia was a Sex Doll used by the Yul Empire. Doll type golems made by the empire were known to have an artificial soul that was unique to the Empire, and made them more life-like. Surprisingly, Dahlia was even more lively than the others. She fell in love with the commander of the Yul forces, and after his **** and the following retreat, she fell into a state of despair that caused her to be abandoned in an old cave that the Yul had used as a base. When she was discovered more than five hundred years later, she was broken and only able to resort to her broken command core.


Sex: Male

Class: Swordsman/ Bodyguard

Race: Human

Reikan was a mercanary that protected the various traveling trade caravans that passed through the area. When Pepper was offered a job by Silvan, he told her to find a bodyguard to take on the road. Reikan had a good reputation and she liked his looks, so Pepper chose him. Reikan was attracted to the young woman, so he readily agreed.

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