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Chapter 2 by xtremeenf xtremeenf

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Chapter 2

"No f*cking way..." Dani thought to herself "This can't be happening."

Dani's mind was racing with panic as she realized the gravity of the situation. Being exposed and **** in front of these unknown men was bad enough, but the thought of Miguel, a fellow operative, kneeling just behind her was unbearable. She couldn't imagine the embarrassment and shame of having someone so close to her private areas.

She was incredibly self-conscious and felt like a million questions and worries were flooding her mind all at once. She knew she needed to come up with a solution before it was too late.

"I need to think of something before it gets to that, I can't let it happen!"

"Where the hell is Guapo!? Damn that unreliable pet crocodile!"

Miguel, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off the sight before him, as if time had ceased to exist in that moment. The beautiful contours of Dani's coffee-hued buttocks were mere inches away from his face, causing a flood of sensory input to flood his senses. He could feel the heat emanating from her nether regions, like a soothing caress on his face, and the aroma that filled his nose was a unique blend of muskiness, raw femininity, sweat and other natural body odors. It wasn't the fresh, rosy fragrance he normally associated with female intimacy, but it was real, raw, and surprisingly sexy in its own way.

He couldn't see her face, but he could sense the unease that Dani must have been feeling in that moment. It was a situation that no one would want to find themselves in. He could only imagine how she must have been worrying not only about the situation in general but also about having her privacy invaded in such an intimate way. He knew that it must have been a horrible ordeal for her, feeling exposed and **** with someone so close, noticing every detail and smell.

Miguel, of course understood that Dani's circumstances did not allow for the luxury of daily hygiene, and he found her sacrifices for the greater good, her dedication to fighting Castillo and his regime, all the more admirable. Every imperfection, only served to make her more human, more relatable and ultimately more desirable in his eyes. He could look past any minor details and see the real Dani, the woman he was growing to love with every passing minute.

"Despite her fierce and tomboyish style, Dani has a feminine and attractive physique. I never thought I would have such a close view of her private areas. Her every pore, blemish, hair stubble, and bead of sweat is visible as they roll down her shapely ass."

However, the soldier behind him interrupted his thoughts before he could finish.

"Christ! Are you just going to stare at it?! Hurry up and start lubricating that hole! Otherwise I'll be performing the cavity search on her dry!"

Miguel knew that he needed to proceed carefully. Angering the soldiers could make things a lot worse. He placed two fingers into his mouth, moistening them with saliva. As he stared at Dani's beautifully shaped behind, he couldn't help but question if this was really happening and whether he should be doing it at all. But as the soldiers' impatience grew, Miguel knew that he had **** but to act.

Dani's muscles clenched involuntarily, her butt cheeks tightening as if her body was trying to shield itself from the impending intrusion. Miguel noticed the tension and, with a gentle touch, he placed his hand on her left cheek, delicately easing it open once more.

Despite the guilt weighing on him for exposing her again, Miguel couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he caught another glimpse of her most intimate area. Her vulnerability made her even more attractive, and he found himself torn between his desire and his conscience, knowing he was responsible for her current situation.

As he parted her butt cheek, the smell of sweat, grime, and other natural, earthy aromas emanating from her hidden depths filled the air, amplifying the already charged atmosphere.

His right hand, dampened with saliva, inched ever closer, his fingers trembling with a mix of anxiety and anticipation. He could feel his own heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to carry out the task, a storm of guilt and exhilaration consuming him. The tension mounted, the stakes higher than ever, as the line between desire and duty became increasingly blurred.

Miguel softly whispers "I'm sorry...", Dani hears this but remains silent.

His wet fingers gingerly made contact with her anus, planting them directly over it. The feel of his finger sent a shudder through her body, and Dani closed her eyes tightly, struggling to block out the cruel reality of the situation. Miguel started to move his finger in a deliberate, up-and-down motion around her opening. As the seconds passed, he began to make slow, circular motions, hoping that his touch was not coming across as sensual or inappropriate. The sensation of his fingers upon her was inescapable, and Dani couldn't help but curse the world, Castillo, and the soldiers for bringing them to this point.

Miguel, now thoroughly immersed in the moment, found himself consumed by erotic and wicked thoughts. He struggled to understand how, amidst the chaos and turmoil, he had found himself embroiled in such a sexually charged situation. He debated whether he should stop or persist, ultimately deciding to continue, swirling his fingers around and over her tantalizing opening. The sensation of her anus — warm, slightly damp, and encircled by taut, responsive muscles — beneath his touch was intoxicating.

The position granted him an unobstructed, explicit view of her most intimate area, exposing a part of her body that she had never before revealed to anyone. A perverse thrill coursed through him, and he couldn't help but appreciate the scandalous intimacy of the sight. He observed the rich, brown hue of the skin surrounding her anus, the intricate creases and ridges of her innermost region.

As Miguel's finger delicately traced the contours of her anus, he felt a growing curiosity and ventured to cautiously explore further. He gently pressed the tip of his finger against the opening, feeling the resistance of her tight muscles. Gradually, he applied more pressure and managed to insert the tip of his finger just inside her entrance.

With the utmost care, he began to slowly and rhythmically move his finger in and out, barely penetrating her but enough to feel the warmth and tightness enveloping him. Each gentle motion was accompanied by a heightened sense of intimacy and vulnerability. As he continued, he noticed Dani's body involuntarily reacting to his touch, a shiver running through her frame and her breathing growing heavy. It seemed that, despite her ****, her body was responding to the stimulation, betraying a hint of arousal that she couldn't entirely suppress.

The mingled sensations of pleasure and discomfort only served to heighten the intensity of the moment for both of them, as they found themselves caught in a delicate dance between desire and resistance, their bodies betraying their most primal instincts even as their minds wrestled with the implications.

The mix of his saliva with the inside of her anus created a strong, unpleasant smell that, under different circumstances, would have been completely repulsive. However, knowing that it was her scent and feeling the overwhelming intensity of his lust in this intimate moment changed how he perceived it. His senses were overtaken by the unique quality of the unpleasant aroma that belonged only to her, which only fueled his desire for her even more.

Dani's body trembled and quaked in distress and rising pleasure. Dani could not deny the exhilarating, forbidden pleasure of sharing such a carnal moment with her. His breath quickened as the warmth of her skin met his fingertips, her muscles tensing and contracting around his fingers as he traced slow, seductive circles around and over her entrance. He could feel the heat emanating from her, her skin growing slick with perspiration as the fervor of his movements escalated.

As Miguel's finger continued its slow, deliberate exploration of her anus, the tip of his finger teasing the sensitive rim with a tantalizing touch, a wave of forbidden sensuality washed over them. Each gentle slide of his finger in and out of her anus sent shivers of pleasure mingling with the taboo nature of their actions. The combination of the delicate touch and the daring act heightened the sensations and emotions coursing through them, making each movement of his finger feel even more illicit and thrilling.

The more his finger played with her anus, the stronger the smell became, it eventually reached a point where even Dani started to notice. The moment she became aware of her own scent, she suddenly snapped out of the spell, the once pleasurable sensations now becoming unbearable. The realization that Miguel, being so close to her intimate area, had undoubtedly been able to smell her as well, filled her with a combination of rage and shame.

The thought that he had experienced the unpleasant scent while engaged in such a taboo act struck her as deeply humiliating. No woman wants anyone, let alone a man, to be able to smell her in such a **** and intimate state. With her anger and embarrassment now overwhelming her, Dani could no longer enjoy the illicit pleasure. Her emotions took over as she confronted the reality of their intimate encounter and its consequences.

As Dani's mind raced with thoughts, the shame, anger, and embarrassment swirled within her.

"How could this be happening right now, of all times? It's humiliating," Dani thought, her cheeks flushed with intense embarrassment.

"This is so humiliating. I can't believe I'm being subjected to this, and worse, that Miguel is the one having to do it. I can't help but feel angry at him, even though I know it's not his fault." she silently fumed, her anger escalating at the unfortunate situation.

"I just hope they're too focused to nice, but who am I kidding? It's impossible not to notice," she lamented, feeling increasingly self-conscious and exposed.

Dani's anger and embarrassment intertwined, fueling her determination to take down Castillo and his regime – and to regain control over her life and dignity once and for all.

Dani closed her eyes, attempting to escape the reality of the moment. But the sensation of Miguel's fingers rubbing her asshole was inescapable. The situation had escalated to a point of no return, and she cursed the world, Castillo, and the soldiers for the circumstances that had brought them to this.

Miguel, too, felt lost in the moment, his mind consumed with a carnal and perverted fervor. He couldn't comprehend how, amidst the chaos and turmoil surrounding them, such a sexually explicit scene could be playing out with him at the center.

Miguel's arousal grew as his finger pushed inside her, feeling the warmth and tightness that seemed almost inviting. But as he pushed his finger further, he could feel her asshole tightening up, as if resisting his intrusion. His penis became fully erect, barely contained by his shorts, and his mouth went dry as the forbidden pleasure flooded his senses. He went deeper, pushing his finger further than before as his heart beat faster in anticipation. He felt her walls quiver and her sphincter muscles clamp down around his finger as her body protested against his invasion. His breathing grew heavy and his desire soared as he pushed against the resistance.

As Miguel's finger delved deeper inside Dani, the smell intensified. With each movement, her aroma became even more noticeable. Every time his finger slid out, it seemed to carry the scent with it, making it even more prominent in the air surrounding them.

"We're happy that you're having the time of your life playing doctor, but I asked you to make it wet, not play with it! So take those fingers, slobber them with a good amount of spit and do it again, properly this time!"

Dani's eyes shot open at the command, her thoughts screaming "No, no, no!" She prayed that he would use different fingers than the ones that had just been inside her.

Miguel cautiously removed his finger from inside her. His finger felt slick with sweat, grime, and her juices, and he could feel her sphincter muscles contract and the warmth of her tight walls clinging to him as he pulled out.

Miguel's mind was consumed by the heat of the moment, and his reason was forgotten in the throes of passion. His eyes remained fixated on the place his finger had just been as he hesitantly brought his fingers to his mouth, his tongue sliding over them, coating them with saliva.

As his tongue made contact, he couldn't ignore the strong, sour and earthy taste that accompanied the act. It was a flavor entirely unfamiliar to him, but in the heat of the moment, the shock of the taste was overshadowed by the excitement of the forbidden experience.

Dani, unable to look behind her, was filled with dread as she wondered which fingers he had put in his mouth. She desperately hoped that it wasn't the same ones that had just been inside her...

Miguel was entranced, lapping at his fingers with an unsettling eagerness, lost in a trance of arousal. His mind was filled with a dizzying combination of pleasure and guilt, as he savored the taste that still lingered on his fingers. The sensation of her tightness around his digits was still vivid in his mind, and he felt a sudden wave of arousal course through his body.

The soldiers, noticing his actions, yelled, "Look at what we have here! Who would have thought he was so into this? Licking the same fingers you had up her ass? You've got some guts, I'll give you that."

Dani was horrified - Miguel was licking the very fingers that had invaded her ass just moments before. Overcome with shock and anger, she spun around to face him, unable to believe what she was hearing. As she laid her eyes on the sight of Miguel's ravenous licking, her fury intensified. Dani's emotions were running wild as she struggled to process the fact that Miguel had just put his fingers in his mouth and seemed to enjoy it. She was angry and humiliated. "Miguel?! What the f*ck do you think you're doing?!" she shouted in disbelief.

Miguel was abruptly brought out of his trance, his fingers slipping from his mouth with a string of saliva still connecting them. His trance-like state had been broken, and he was now painfully aware of the soldiers and the anger that emanated from Dani. He quickly removed his fingers from his mouth, realizing that his actions had caused the situation to become even more tense. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him as he glanced up to meet Dani's eyes, not sure what to say.

But it wasn't just the act of Miguel eagerly continuing to lick his dirty fingers, coated with the filthy remnants from her insides, that fueled her anger; it was also the fact that he had a wife – one of her friends. It made the entire situation feel like a betrayal, as if he had willingly participated in their degradation without any regard for their friendship or his marriage vows. The combination of his actions and the soldiers' taunts was more than she could bear, and she felt her anger boiling over.

As Dani's fury grew, she knew that she couldn't let this humiliation go unanswered. The soldiers had pushed them too far, and it was time to fight back, to reclaim their dignity and bring an end to this nightmare.

The soldiers barked at her, "Turn back around and keep your hands on the tank!" Dani obeyed, keeping her hands in place. The soldiers then shifted their focus to Miguel. "You seem a bit uncomfortable in those swimming shorts" one of them ordered. "Strip down and join your partner before we continue."

Miguel, wearing only his swimming shorts, showed little resistance. He knew the soldiers had already made their threats clear, and he slowly removed his shorts. However, he knew that his erection would be clearly visible, and he tried to hide it with his hands. The soldiers immediately laughed, noticing Miguel's state. "Well, well, what do we have here?" one of them snickered. "Looks like someone has been enjoying all of this a bit too much."

Dani remained silent, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. In her mind, she knew she was the reason for Miguel's excited state.

The soldiers, clearly enjoying the power they held over him, barked out orders for him to raise his hands. As he complied, his face flushed with embarrassment and frustration, knowing that he was at their mercy and unable to cover his exposed arousal.

Miguel found himself standing before the soldiers, completely naked and ****. There was no way to hide his raging erection, which stood proudly with pre-cum leaking from the tip, a testament to the intensity of the situation they had just been through.

At that precise moment, the unmistakable sound of incoming mortar filled the air, followed by a massive explosion that rocked the ground just behind the soldiers. The **** of the blast sent them flying, their bodies careening through the air as chaos erupted around them. Miguel and Dani reacted on instinct, their bodies tensing as they shielded themselves from the shockwave and debris.

As the dust began to settle, they exchanged a knowing glance, understanding that this unexpected turn of events had provided them with a chance to make their escape. With adrenaline coursing through their veins, they prepared to seize the opportunity and make a daring break for it, knowing full well that their lives and the success of their mission hung in the balance.

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