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Chapter 3 by TheRandomSN TheRandomSN

Should Jen press her luck?

Chance going left.

Jen made her decision based upon trying to get to her car faster. This meant going to her left and sneaking through the trees and praying she would avoid detection. Even though she could probably move at a better pace if she went to her right she felt the detour would cost her more time in the end.

She turned and began picking her way back towards the main trail of the park. She estimated that she was about fifteen yards away from the picnickers and moved further away from them to increase tree cover.

Jen didn’t make much distance before the trees started to thin out. She began slowing down, standing behind each tree and listening briefly for any unusual sounds that might indicate she’d been spotted. She then checked the ground and made a path to the next tree, before poking her head out from behind the tree and judging how much cover she could count on from the trees closer to the people in the clearing. She then scampered out of the temporary hiding spot, quickly moved to the next tree and repeated the process.

They’re still keeping themselves distracted, she thought. Keep the football game going and that’ll keep any eyes off me.

Stepping out from her latest piece of cover she began heading to the next tree which was about fifteen feet away. Her attention bounced between the picnic party and the ground ahead of her. She was about halfway when she felt a sudden sharp pain in her foot. She lifted the foot rapidly and threw her balance off, stumbling forward. Feeling herself starting to fall she put her arms straight out in front of her and walked quickly to try to regain her footing. Her shoulder brushed a low hanging branch and the surprising sound of the rustling startled her. Regaining stability she dashed to the next tree and pressed herself flat behind it, the rough bark scraping at her bare breasts and abdomen.

Shit! Shit shit shit! Someone must have seen me after all that noise!

Holding her breath she listened carefully. The football players were clearly not distracted but she couldn’t tell if anyone else might have heard. Slowly moving her head around the tree she carefully peered out and saw one man looking roughly in her direction.

Oh no, she thought. Please don’t come and investigate. Even if you saw me, just leave it alone. Naked woman sneaking around, that’s not harming anyone. Just drop it.

She watched the man and decided he wore an expression of curiosity and not surprise or amusement. After a few moments he turned back to the lady sitting next to him, returning to their conversation.

Letting out a long sigh Jen turned around and put her back to the tree. She lifted her foot to see if she’d broken skin, but saw only a pink mark. I must have stepped on a rock mostly buried in the dirt. I need to be more careful if I’m not going to be caught. Keep my eyes where I’m walking and not on the people out there.

Turning her attention back to the travel ahead of her, Jen fell back into the same rhythm, quickly and quietly moving from tree to tree. Ten feet here, twenty there. Slightly favoring her sore foot. The shouts and laughter of the football players started to fade as she made distance away from them.

After a series of quick jaunts from tree to tree Jen started to see cement ground ahead of her. She was getting close to the main path through the park. The trail running alongside her to her right continued on, intersected the main track and continued beyond that, leading towards a street Jen knew was far ahead.

At the corner of the intersection the trees grew slightly thicker. Jen crept forwards and settled between them, hiding her from several directions. She took stock of her surroundings.

The main path ran north and south with the parking lot to her right. Ahead and slightly north was a dog park. No pet owners were present but a woman sat on a bench reading a book. Straight ahead the trail leading towards the street curved around behind the dog park. Jen had never been that direction before but the trees ran beside it. Thick in some places, slightly sparse in others. She wasn’t sure if she could see the street through the thin sections but felt it was likely she could make out any cars that happened to pass.

As she watched she saw the lady in the dog park close her book and stand up. She began walking towards the main trail. Looking straight north Jen saw some trees lining the right side of the main path.

Okay, I can wait for her to get out of sight then cut north on the path. But… once her back is turned, maybe, just maybe I can get on the path a little sooner and get moving. I don’t want to lose any more time. I can stay near those trees, there’s not many but I can step off the trail and break any line of sight between me and her. I can walk a little slow and let her gain ground on me as well. Otherwise I’m stuck waiting and praying no one else comes along to delay me further

Is she sneaking being her, or waiting?

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