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Chapter 3 by Robert West Robert West

Who are you?


Looking in the mirror, you see a handsome, smiling young man. You comb your blonde hair back, allowing one strategically placed strand to fall in front of your face, trying your best to make it look like an accident.

"You got this." you say to yourself, staring deep into your own emerald green eyes. "You're the best quarterback Polk High saw in over three decades. Who cares if you couldn't get a scholarship? They might not know you're the best yet, but they will. You just gotta show 'em" You flash that winning smile, and throw a white t-shirt over your chiseled torso.

You're two weeks into your education at HSU, and so far, things have gone off without a hitch. Not as much attention from the ladies as you envisioned, but you've also stayed under most people's radar, which seems to be a very good move at this school. You've seen some other pranks, pantsings, **** flashing, even heard about one poor schmuck getting tied up in the girl's shower room completely naked. "Baby dick nick" is the nickname he's apparently gained since. You shudder at the idea that that easily could've been you.

You shake that thought out of your head, and focus on this afternoon, HSU football try-outs. You smile again. The day is finally here. Your classes go by in a blur, and before you know it, you're throwing a football in front of several older men, all of them holding clipboards. You don't disappoint. You hit every receiver, and make most of the other quarterbacks look like bumbling amateurs. When all is done, you hang back for a bit under the guise of getting in another run, not wanting to shower in front of the others.

By the time you finish your jog around the track that surrounds the football field, the sun is setting in the distance. You figure enough time has gone by, and you head back to the main athletics building. To your relief, there seems to be nobody in the locker room when you walk in. Still, you're very careful to have a towel wrapped around your waist before dropping your blue checked boxers, a habit you developed in high school. You carefully make your way tot he showers, and set your towel on a nearby wall.

You lather up, and shiver slightly. The one drawback to this method is that there's rarely any hot water left. You swear you hear quiet laughter, which causes you to whip your head around, but you see nobody. You convince yourself you're just paranoid, and quickly finish your shower. With your towel wrapped tightly around your waist, you head back to your locker, and your heart starts racing when you see another, much larger man changing down the way.

You turn away from him, and start getting dressed, hoping he just ignores you. No such luck. Once he is finished dressing, he walks up to you and slaps you on your shoulder. "Hey, aren't you Brent Wheelock?" You're astounded that he knows your name, so all you can do is nod. "I heard the coaches talking." he says "Looks like you might end up on Varsity as a freshie. That's crazy."

Now you let out a chuckle, calming yourself. He just wanted to say hi and congratulate you. "Yeah." You say with a smile. "I was looking pretty good out there."

"And you're not worried about the tradition?"

You give him a look of confusion, and pull your shirt on. "What tradition?"

"Well, whenever a freshman makes varsity, he has to go through what they call 'hell week'. I heard the last guy spent a whole day tied to the flagpole wearing nothing but sheer pantyhose. I'd be scared shitless."

Suddenly your confidence wanes. "S-so who's responsible for conducting all this?"

This is when a smile comes to the man's lips. He holds out his hand, as if he wants you to shake it. "That'd be the varsity captain... me." You can only stare at his hand, and then back up at him. He chuckle at you, before pulling out his phone, and flipping through a couple images, before pulling one up. He holds his phone up to your face, and what you see causes your heart to sink. It's a picture of you he must've taken a few minutes ago. You're standing in the shower, facing him directly, eyes covered in water, tiny dick shriveled in the cold water.

You are struck speechless, as he puts the phone away and walks past you. "This is gonna be fun."

How does hell week start?

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