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Chapter 3

What will you do with Veronica?

Arc One: Negotiating Veronica's Contract

Ultimately, what it boiled down to was this.

You had caught Veronica at a uniquely **** position; one that every college student goes through at one point or another. The time where her childhood dreams were first being exposed to the cruel glint of a reality that didn't care. She had gone from effortlessly sailing past everyone around her to an environment surrounded by other dedicated musicians. Musicians that were nearly as talented as her and would go on to serve as her competition.

She had started to doubt herself- started to doubt whether she had a future in this industry. There were plenty that had failed out after all and even more who graduated only to not get a job. To add to that uncertainty was that she was going into a shrinking job sector. Thanks to the changes in musical taste away from the classics towards modern pop and rock genres, there were fewer jobs available now than there had been a decade ago. In four years, when Veronica graduated, there would be even less making competition all the more fierce.

And that was where you entered, offering to solve all her problems. All she had to do for that opportunity was suck your dick.

Standard interview questions were, for the most part, rather dull. Questions such as 'why do you want to work here?' were so common that there were entire articles on the web offering advice on how to answer them. Consequently, anyone with even the slightest bit of initiative tended to come to the interview with a decent understanding of how they wanted to answer and had probably rehearsed the answers beforehand.

This might have been the case for your interview with Veronica if not for one thing. "Remember, this is just so that I can get to know you. There is no right or wrong answer, so please, answer honestly." Without the ability to lie, the answer to otherwise boring questions got very interesting.

"Why do you want to work in the music industry?"

"I don't," she answered, taking you completely off guard. "I underestimated how fierce the competition would be, but I'm dedicated now. I'm going to a college that specializes in music, most of my credits are music-related, and most of my training is music-oriented. Giving up and changing tracts isn't an option anymore."

You stare at her for a second. "Then why did you choose to go into the music industry in the first place?"

Veronica offered you a careless shrug, a smooth motion that causes her breasts to rise and fall. "I was talented- I'm sure my dad already mentioned that- and at the top, there is a lot of money in music. A starting orchestral player can make a hundred grand annually, while at the very top, you can make as much as four-hundred grand a year. Add to that a nine-month performance season, I would have three months free to travel."

"So your decision was solely based on money?"

"My dad's rich. I grew up in an upper-class household and, at the very least, I want to keep my lifestyle. The makeup brands that I use are expensive, the clothes that I buy are expensive, my favorite restaurants are all expensive; the list goes on. I don't want to change it, and so I need a good career. It didn't hurt that I was talented in music and very little else. I glanced through my sister's biochemistry textbook and-" she cut herself off.

Going by the grimace on her face, you could imagine how that went. Still, this did give you an idea.

"What I'm getting out of this is that money matters to you. Money matter more than anything else, isn't that right?" You weren't sure if that command was necessary, given what Veronica had just said, but it was good to establish the groundwork's before you continued. "I think that we can both agree that it would be in your best interest to get this job."

"Is it?" she asked, puzzled. "The pay is nice; seventy-five thousand dollars, but a starting member of the orchestra makes a hundred grand. Given my talent, I think I have a fairly good chance of qualifying. This means that I would be making an additional twenty-five thousand dollars a year if I finished college and got a job then. That sounds like my best opportunity to make money."

"If you had a fairly good shot at making the orchestra, I doubt you would be here. The competition is fierce, and why would you risk it when you can have a cushy job right here? Think about it this way, you're going to a fairly upscale college which costs money. Multiply the yearly tuition by four, and you'll get what your spending for a degree that you don't need. Then add in the fact that you're going to be missing four years of salaries- well, the writing is on the wall there. I think you'll agree that it is in your best interest to secure this job. It's the most surefire way of making money."

You couldn't tell whether it worked or not- her facial expression didn't change nor did she nod or say anything in agreement. That made sense. Letting you know that she desperately wanted this job would have weakened her hand, and you suspected that your boss would have taught his daughters better.

As such, you counted it as a victory when Veronica asked about the requirements to get the job as neutrally as she could. "You mentioned there would be a performance in addition to this interview, right? You said you would be making your decision based on that?"

"Perhaps. You're not the only one that I'm interviewing; merely the first. The purpose of the interview is to find someone whose company I enjoy. Given that I'm going to be hiring them as a tutor, as well as a performer, that seemed like a good call. The parties are meant to help me," you searched for a word, "narrow the roster. Make sure that the person I hired is good at their job, as well as pleasurable."

Everything you just said was a lie meant to heighten the stakes for her- to make real the possibility that she might not get the job. After your previous two commands, it was a possibility that was unpalatable for her.

Veronica hesitated for a second, and then she threw caution to the wind. "And how am I doing so far?"

"You can be more pleasurable. Anything is justified as long as it gets you this job and lets you keep it after all." You tellingly let your gaze linger on her breasts.

Veronica catches your gaze and realizes what you're staring at. Perhaps in another world, this would have evoked a feeling of anger or disgust from her- after all, you were nearly twice her age and her father's friend to boot. Perhaps she would have walked out of the interview in a huff before complaining to her dad. Perhaps you would have had a very irate Jim to deal with.

This wasn't that world.

In this world, everything fell into place. Your three commands worked in tandem to suppress her first instinct and instead engendered one more beneficial to you. Everything was justified in getting this job, and through it, your money. Even if that meant sleeping with you.

Herr reply came in action. In one smooth motion, Veronica lifted her glamorous pink t-shirt over her head and let it drop to the side. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

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"This interview isn't pleasurable enough for you?" she asked with a sultry smile. "Perhaps I can fix that."

"Perhaps," you say rising to your feet, "you can." She mimics your movement, and the two of you advance towards one another. You had chosen to host the meeting in your manors living room. The two of you had been seated on either end of an expensive coffee table, one that was in your way. Rather than stepping around it, you move it aside in a single swipe- a feat made easier by the blue orb having enhanced your body in several ways.

Most of the upgrades were oriented around sex, but luckily for you, the entity had a very broad definition as to what counted as sex-oriented. You were now strong enough to manhandle blonde bimbo's (the coffee table moving ability was just a bonus.)

The feat of strength made Veronica's eyes widen, but she didn't let her slow her advance. She had her eyes on the prize, and so did you. You met in the middle, feet digging into the expensive rug that you had placed under the table. You wanted to kiss her, or at least feel her tits, but she was on her knees before you could.

An attractive attribute for a woman in most circumstances. Most. You would have liked to kiss her at least once before she blew you- you wanted to know what she tasted like before her mouth took on a saltier taste. It was just as well- you'd have her plenty of times. You could find out what she tasted like later.

Her mouth wrapped around your dick, sealing you in and for a second your thought turned to haze as pleasure overwhelmed your senses. In one straight motion, Veronica had taken you straight down her gullet. Eighteen she might be, but a virgin she was not. Up and down she bobbed her head, as though she were moving to a song. Every bob sent your member down her throat where she left it for a second or two before pulling back to the tip; giving it a lick before going back down.

As much as you were enjoying this, you didn't want to cum from a blowjob alone, and apparently, she didn't want you to cum from a blowjob alone. After a few rotations, she pulled off entirely with a 'pop' and slowly rose to her feet. One of her hands went to your saliva covered dick as she gently stroked it back and forth, both keeping you hard and distributing the lube.

She had her plans with where she wanted to take this, but you were the boss here, and it was time for you to show your authority. Besides, fair was fair. She had her chance and you would have yours.

You don't kiss her- you had no interest in finding out what your dick tasted like. Instead, you go for the side of the neck, kissing and almost biting down, before hesitating. You didn't want anyone to know about this sordid little affair of yours. Consequently, leaving a mark where others could see struck you as a bad idea. Compounding it was that Jim knew where his daughter went and who she would be seeing today.

Instead, you turn your bite into a chaste kiss. You kiss a trail down her body, following the groove of her neck until you reach her gravity-defying tits. Your hands, previously at work keeping her in place, left her ass and went to her tits; squishing them together by the sides. You wanted to see if you could get both her dark pink nipples in your mouth at the same time.

You couldn't. Her tits were too large. There was too much in between the two nipples for you to take them both in your mouth at the same time, so instead you focused on one and then the other; sucking on the right first, and then the left. You alternated between being gentle and rough. When you were being gentle, Veronica stroked your dick languidly but when you got rough, her grip tightened and her pace picked up drastically.

A consequence of no longer holding her by the waist was that Veronica was free to move and lead you with her. And move she had. While you played with her tits, she advanced slowly, pushing you back with every step. You let her, assuming she was going to be pushing you against a wall for a make-out session. It was only when you toppled backward that you realized that was not the plan.

She had pushed you back into- and on to- your couch. You stared at her in confusion for a second, but her purpose became clear when her hands went to the waistband of her shorts. One pull for her shorts, a second for her panties. She could have given you a show, but she didn't, instead opting to remove the articles of clothing as quickly as possible and get back to the fun stuff.

You didn't mind. You were hardly going to be complaining about a veritable goddess climbing onto your lap. It was with all too much enthusiasm that you guided your cock to her slit, and for a glorious moment, it seemed like Veronica was going to ride you, cowgirl style. And that was where she stopped.

"I think we should continue the interview now."

You stare at her, nonplussed. "Wha-"

She smirked down at you. "And don't think about thrusting up. It'll count as **** because you don't have my consent- and you won't until I get this job."

Oh. You saw what she did.

Without meaning too, you burst out laughing. Your hands leave her hips and instead come to together, giving her a round of applause made slightly awkward by the fact that Veronica was inches away from you, hovering just slightly over your lap and hardened dick. When you were done laughing, you look at her. A smile was on your face and good cheer colored your voice when you congratulated her. "Well played my dear. Well played." A pause and then, "The job is yours."

"Irrespective of how I do during the performance?"

"Irrespective of how you do on the performance. Though, you should try your best regardless. It would be embarrassing to screw up in front of the richest folks in town, wouldn't it? Now if you wouldn't mind..." you gesture to your lap.

Veronica ignored the gesture. "I also want a certain level of job security so that you can't fire me immediately. Let's say... five years?"

More than a bit impatient now, you replied, "Five years sound very reasonable. Now if you could get on with it..."

"I wasn't finished." Seeing the look on your face, Veronica laughed. "The last thing, I promise. I also want a raise. A hundred-thousand dollars annually. The same as I would have gotten as a starting member of the opera."

She expected you to give in immediately to this demand like you did all the others, which was why she was surprised when you instead let out a curt, "No deal."

It was her to turn to blink in confusion. "Wha-"

"A prostitute in Vegas charges between two and five-hundred dollars per night. You are beautiful." You emphasize your words by moving your hands to her ass and giving it a hard squeeze, "But you aren't worth an extra twenty-five thousand dollars. Not for a single night. If you want this job, it's going to take a lot more than that."

She frowned, and stared down at you; all mirth exiting her beautiful blue eyes. The negotiations had gotten serious yet. "Like what?"

"I'll pay you a hundred thousand dollars and give you more besides," you allowed. "Clothing and training. A theater to perform in when you're ready. All the equipment you can ever need. But in exchange, I want two concessions. Firstly, you move in, and secondly, I get to have sex with you whenever I want. This," you emphasize, "is my final offer."

Veronica thinks about it for a second. A second is all she needs really. She was already having sex with you to get her job, why not for a raise?

Your answer comes when she plunges and your dick enters heaven.

Shout-out: A massive thanks to my patron, MSquared, for supporting me. If you too would like to support me, you can donate at

So you continue with Veronica, or do you move on?

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