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Chapter 3 by VugiJugi VugiJugi

Who has the Tome?

Anna,a "proper" girl (Finished)

WARNING: the author of the chapter is not English-speaking, much less writes in this language, and NOT A WRITER AT ALL, all this was written with the help of a TRANSLATOR!! Reading this can cause a feeling of cringe, as well as spontaneous bloody tears. Read at your own risk =)

Exemplary daughter, pianist, good at school (very good) and secretly a fan of JRPG. OMG if you knew how much I love video games in this genre you would cry. But I have to keep my hobbies for video games a secret, because my mother won't tolerate something like that "interfering" with my studies. And my father will immediately say that this Japanese addiction is brainwashing me, tell me I'm doing something wrong, and reprimand me about it. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a minefield, one step in the wrong direction, and I immediately become wrong, bad, ungrateful. But I remember that there are people who live tens or thousands of times worse than I do, and it brings me back down from self-reflection.

This day began as usual. I got out of bed, walked across the unpleasantly cold floor, straight into the bathroom, a real zombie looking at me in the mirror. I wouldn't say I was lacking in looks, on the contrary a pretty face, brown eyes (which in the morning looked like I was indistinguishable from the people of Innsmouth), I was 55 inches tall, or one meter four ten centimeters. Narrow shoulders, C-size breasts, and everything below my stomach and back were always begging for my hand, my hips were not poor in coverage and my ass was soft enough to resemble a decorative pillow. My hair was short, not much variation on hairstyles, the same color as my eyes. Thin lips and chubby cheeks. Sometimes I felt like I was a kid, and my real age was stuck at the 14-year mark. Very funny, considering that it had been two days since I'd come of age.Wash your face, brush your teeth, do something with your hair to make you even remotely look like a lady. I was beginning to talk and think like my mother, albeit in my own head. For some reason these words (even though they were mental) made me want to cry. Not to cry from an unjust world, but rather just to shed one tear because that something was wrong.

-Anna: Even though I don't understand what ..

I involuntarily say out.

When all the things are done in the bathroom, you go back to your room and get your bag ready to go to school get the clothes of the private school you go to. It always has to be in order, every inch has been looked over since I was a kid, it has tamed me to pay attention to the little details.

-Аnna: (I don't even know if that's good or bad?)

You get dressed, you look in the mirror, you convince yourself that you're worth something. And finally you go to breakfast. My father and mother were always ready for the day's work before I was, and this day was no exception.

-Anna: Good morning, guys.

-Dad: Anna, you're not a child anymore, act like an adult.

Is he serious? What's wrong again?

-Anna:Dad, what did I do wrong again?

-Dad: First of all, learn to show respect for your parents. Don't ever call us "guys.

He spoke without taking his eyes off newspaper.

-Mom: Second, don't slouch and straighten your back and make your gait nice and straight.

Said my mother with a quick glance at me and then went back to doing the dishes.

-Anna: But I didn't even.

-Dad: And the third is not to spoil our mood in the morning.

-Anna: Yes sir...

Said I guiltily with my eyes down. They were important people in the rental company. And really I had to live up to their standards.

-Mom: Sit down to eat sweetheart.

Quickly she sat down at the table.

-Mom: There's a piece of cake left over from your birthday.

-Anna: Really? That would be nice...

-Dad: Honey, maybe you shouldn't, it might cause weight complications.

-Mom: Darling, she doesn't eat a lot of sweets anyway. Only once a year do we allow ourselves to pamper her, and in such a big way.

Yes, the cake was really big and delicious, and the celebration itself was appropriate for its size. True, I did not know anyone there very well, except my best friend Zoe. There were people there, rather my father's partners and their children, who were far from my friends. Although I admit there were some cute boys and girls my age. But the best was my friend Zoe, that little pompous girl I wouldn't sell for all the cakes in the world. She was the only one who could understand my passion for video games, and together we loved to read fantasy, imagining ourselves in the place of the heroes that save the princesses and overthrow the fearsome dragon. Treasure, horrible monsters and us against the world. In our hands we have a sword and a staff, and with us loyal companions.

-Anna: (really nice dreams).

arbitrarily I got a smile on my face.

-Mom: Oh, look at her, she's so cute when she smiles. Baby, I didn't know you liked sweets so much.

Quickly I took the smile off my face and returned to my "normal" state.

-Anna: No mom, i was just thinking about my frie...

And then it was as if all the spirit had been beaten out of me.

-Dad: Let me guess again about your Zoe.

And I immediately realized that it was like pulling the pin out of a grenade and throwing it under my feet.

Now the conversations would start again about who to talk to and how to deal with people like her.

-Dad: Speaking of her, why are you still talking to her? Didn't I say she was a bad influence on you?

-Anna: Dad, not again...

-Dad: Don't interrupt, you know that I look past your relationship with her, right? Lives in a large family, without father. How old was she when he left her?

-Anna: He died...

-Dad: That's what she told you. And her mother told her. Truth is, someone like him was afraid and ran away when he realized he couldn't handle the responsibility.

-Mom: Darling, don't start that again. An, finish your cake and get ready for school.

-Dad: The only one who deserves respect is the mother of this uneducated girl who is pulling her and her brothers on herself.

I was afraid to say anything, compared to us, she really lived pretty poorly. But that didn't change the fact that she was a very smart and kind person. Besides, she wasn't doing too badly, she was also working part-time and helping her mother around the house. They really weren't as rich as we were, but for some reason I always felt that from the house she lived in she took a piece of fun, from the happy atmosphere that reigned in it, and brought it to me.


Standing near the door, my mother turned to me.

-Mom: Are you after school as usual?

-Anna: Yes, to the library.

-Mom: You've been going there a lot lately. Why don't you go to the school library? Why don't you go to the city library?

-Anna: There are more books there, and I think it's quieter...

And I decided to add to my lie...

-Anna: It's more peaceful,for studing

-Mom: Right, right. Nothing should interfere with your studies. Well, if you're more comfortable you can go there.

She's doing me a favor. She's letting me go out on my own because she's heard what she wants to hear.

-Mom: Don't forget the piano tomorrow.

-Anna: Yes, of course.

I've NEVER forgotten.

-Mom: That's all for now, then, sweetheart.

She had to bend over a little to kiss me on the forehead. Nudging me a little, she gave me her tired smile, and with a few waves of her hand she escorted me out and hurriedly closed the door.


I wonder why I'm so short compared to my parents?

-Zoe: ?

Maybe it's pathological?

-Zoe: Anna?

Or is it gigantism? Nope, it's just my mother's heels. And the father is like a pro basketball player from birth.

-Zoe: AN!

-Anna: Wh... what?

-Zoe: Are you daydreaming again?

-Anna: No, I'm just thinking.

-Zoe: What's it about? Is it about thaaat?

-Anna: abouuut thaaat?

-Zoe: Is it about boys? Or are your thoughts so scandalous that you're thinking about me?

Shoving her shoulder, smiling and blushing a little she said.

-Anna: aaaah I'm afraid not, my beloved comrade. I've been thinking about the injustice in this world.

-Zoe: Oh, I'm sorry, my queen, that I interrupted you. I didn't think you could care about something like that.

Smiling she said.

-Anna: You understand that, don't you?....

-Zoe: Relax, man, I just want to be funny.

Compared to my pale skin, Zoe had a Light brown complexion given her . She was a head and a half shorter than me, had tar-black hair that was braided into two braids at the sides. She was a curvy girl.

With really lush d-size breasts. She wore the same uniform as me, which was no surprise since we went to the same school. Sometimes you could see a little fat accumulation in her tummy. My gosh it's beautiful, it's moderately big and moderately small. One day I thought about it and just without even noticing it I started massaging it and... we were in class. When she reminded me of her presence that day, I turned in her direction and looked at where my hand was. And I'll be honest at the time I wanted to be an astronaut to get off this planet, but Mr. Newton proved that it's not easy if not possible, at least for the moment. She giggled all day then, and I thanked Zeus, Cthulhu, Thor, Ra of all the pagan and non-pagan gods for not paying attention to us. I couldn't look her in the eye for a while, and she walked on the verge of laughing into tears every time she saw me embarrassed. And her legs, they were like clouds, someday I'd tell her to squeeze me between them and strangle me so I'd die in paradise.

If my ass was designed to be used as an anti-stress for arms, it could have replaced an airbag when I was inflating balloons at my birthday party, involuntarily thinking about that part of her body.

-Zoe: An you're going to drill a hole in me with your eyes.

And all this, the miracle of light was fixed, eyes as black as night , behind the lenses of large round glasses.

-Zoe: I will sue you for molestation,

-Anna: Kant, please help me...

When I realized, that I hadn't taken my eyes off her for 12 seconds, I turned away and massaged my head with a strange persistence.

-Zoe: You haven't been yourself lately, is it because your birthday? I shouldn't have come?

-Anna: Of course not, why did you think about it?

-Anna: If you hadn't been there I would have come to you, and we would have celebrated like never before.

-Zoe: It wouldn't have worked with my annoying brothers, they're like little goblins, nasty, clingy. But they're my goblins, which means they're the -sweetest and best goblins in this world.

-Anna: Without a doubt.

-Zoe: Honestly I don't think your father likes me.

-Anna: ... Why would you think that?

-Zoe: On your birthday I sometimes looked in his direction, as if he felt my gaze on him and immediately turned his head to where I was. And he had this look as if he would destroy me for doing anything wrong.

I think he had that look all the time.

-Anna: Don't worry about it, I've been around you all day, and there's a million percent chance he was watching me. I'm the one who's at home on pins and needles. He doesn't mind us hanging out, if that's what you mean.

I don't understand why I'm lying to her about this, maybe to take care of myself? She's a great friend who will take care of me. And if she finds out that my parents are against us hanging out with her, what would she do?

Will she say something like, "We can't be together, I'm sorry," or will she keep in touch with me, but more secretly? Honestly, I didn't want to find out, so I chose the lesser of two evils.

-Zoe: I hope so. Are you going to the library after school?

-Anna: I thought you were coming with me?

-Zoe: Sorry An, I have to go to work again, I have a shift ....

-Anna: I .... understand.

-Zoe: Don't get so upset amigo. You won't be there alone...

-Anna: Do you really think that old Esmiralda can replace the best company in the world?

-Zoe: It's not like I'm leaving forever, but tomorrow I'm free!

-Anna: The piano.

-Zoe: Oh right....

We finally made it to school, coming out last after a small stream of people. A pleasant breeze blew in my face, refreshing the stuffiness of the bus.

-Zoe: Shall we go?

-Anna: Other way around?

-Zoe: Come on, Mr. Baggins, we have to get you to the fateful mountain.

Let's go?

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