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Chapter 2 by Withness Withness

Who will start this lewd and perverse story? Amy, Anita, or April?

Anita, the Afro-Latina school bicycle

Alright class! Congratulations on arriving at our first fieldtrip destination!" the Special-Ed teacher Randy Larkin hollored to the dozen teenagers he'd brought along as well as the handful of adults who had 'volunteered' to come along. Except for the more 'special' kids, everyone else who came along looked liked they'd rather be anywhere else. This included the slim, but curvaceous, dark-caramel beauty Anita. Unlike the majority of the class who were (mostly) a bunch of retarded boys, Anita was in Special-Ed due to apathy, not developmental issues. The attractive teen had spent more time in her senior year skipping class, smoking weed and fucking anyone halfway decent who could offer her something than actually attending school. She could give less of a shit about the bullshit 'education' from this backwater school, but unfortunately, Social Services, and a family even shitter than every other asshole in town 'convinced' her to attend a makeup year. Frankly she would have been happy to drop out and move in with some stud with a bit of cash or **** and their own place.

But here she was instead. Fuckin' great. Her makeup year wasn't looking any better. She tuned back into their dickhead teacher Larkin, or more accurately, the mousy, plump girl in a boring, theme park uniform flapping her jaw. 'Fat bitch.' Anita thought.

"-but Willy didn't give up. He knew this World of Wonder would amaze and delight minds and spirits young and old." the girl gave a speech as rehearsed as an alibi. Anita could clearly see she was phoning it in. "The park is almost completely automated, with minimal upkeep or interference from human employees. You could be here a week and only catch a glimpse of maybe one worker. But please be assured everyone is completely safe. It can seem quiet, but our belief is exploration of our surroundings promotes exploration of the self."

Anita rolled her eyes openly and looked about the area. They'd traveled on a train for almost six hours to reach this place and it was practically in the middle of nowhere. They'd passed what looked like a huge factory complex on the edge of a ghost town and had just exited the station with their luggage. About a block away was a multi-story building that looked like the apartment complex she lived. Only more gray and less damage. The dumpy chick waved towards the building and she caught the words 'hotel and dorms'. Figured.

The pasty cow continued, gesturing in various directions like an old woman trying to shoo away a bee, "While the park may seem abandoned, there is plenty to keep entertained during your stay. The amusement park has a variety of rides and exhibits to enjoy on the midway. Our Center of Convergence is a series of large rooms and spaces perfect for games of hide-and-seek or just to find somewhere spacious to collect your thoughts."

'Not likely with this group,' Anita thought as she eyed her classmates. That blonde, dumbass cheerleader with the huge tits Amy and her creepy, super-pale, almost-as-big-titted vampire-punk chick follower April whispered to eachother. Occasionally the punk would smirk, but the bimbo giggled and smiled with her usual bitchy tone. Probably making fun of how lame this trip was. She would too, but she wasn't some sorry ass white chick with more honkers than brains. At least the goth didn't talk too much.

Other than April and Amy, most of the class was boys who either looked around dumbly or stared at whoever was talking with the same blank, glazed look.

"Thank you Dina." Mr. Larkin said when the employee finally stopped talking.

The pasty chick turned to him and spoke up timidly, "Actually, my name is Je-"

"Now everyone, we're going to head to our dorm section to drop off our baggage." Larkin continued without even paying attention to the girl who tried to correct him. She didn't try to speak up again and just quietly looked at the crowd. "After that, you can spend the rest of the day settling into your rooms or take the time to explore a bit." At this their teacher eyed up his assistant with a sneaky look, but Anita saw. Creepy fuck just wanted some tail. Same as any dick carrier.

Mr. Larkin's Teaching Assistant Heather Singer recently started with the class. Not that Anita had gone to class when she actually started. She'd heard the white girls gossiping about it in the hall one day when she'd been rolling a joint in her locker nearby. She was supposed to have been kicked over to their school when she screwed up at some snobby school. She acted like it too. She'd spent the first week helping the class with a barely contained sneer of disgust. Even now she'd always seem like she was looking down her nose at anybody who wasn't rich. The next Monday, Larkin took her away for a few hours and she came back looking shook. She still barely contained her attitude, but when Larkin spoke to her or got close, she tried not to flinch. She was a tall, elegant, Asian looking chick. She stood a few inches over Larkin in flats, and her long, black hair usually sat piled up on her head in a severe bun. She mostly wore skirt suits with the hem above he knees and looked mdown her nose at anybody else in class or the school who wasn't above her through wire framed glasses. In short, she looked like some nerdy, Asian, ritch-bitch librarian. Probably fucked some rich ho's husband and got kicked out on her ass.

Anita had to chuckle to herself at that image.

"Ok, class, since there's a decent amount of people and we all need a little help sometimes," Ms. Singer began to addess the class. God, even her voice sounded stuck up. How the fuck was that even possible? "we're going to be using the buddy system. Can someone tell me what the buddy system is?" she looked at the class getting only blank stares. A 'how-the-hell-did-I-get-here' look crossed her face briefly before she sighed and answered her own question. "The adults are going to keep an eye on you, but you're also going to be paired with a classmate to accompany you. Don't go anywhere without your buddy! Stay together! Got it?" More blank stares. She might have muttered something under her breath.

Ms. Singer started rattling off names in pairs. Then she called out, "Anita and Sammy."

The dark skinned hottie growled out "Fuck this shit!" so loud that nearly everyone heard her. Besides a gasp or two from the adults and the employee glancing quickly back and forth between Anita and Larkin, who was more interested in eye-fucking his TA, nobody else gave a shit.

"Hey Anita! How are you? I like your shirt! Do you like the trip? Why is your hair that bright red? It's really curly! Is it a perm? Do you know what a perm is? Can we look it up? I could tell you." The flood of rapid fire speech greeted Anita as her 'buddy' rushed to her side.

"Shut the fuck up!" she hissed at him just barely low enough to not be heard again. The scrawny fucker was even more mousy than the cow of a tour guide. Anita would have called him more of a rat. He was a little shorter than her, a scrawny white boy with an underbite, greasy skin and oily, short hair. He often walked with his arms folded up in front of his chest like he was imitating a hamster and either didn't really talk or yammered on pointlessly in quick bursts. There was usually no inbetween. He'd earned the nickname of 'Speedy'.

He looked briefly down at her outburst, but quickly perked up as his eyes homed in on her rack. Anita wasn't as busty as the white girls, but only just. Despite her luscious rack, or possibly because of it, she hardly ever wore a bra. Like the other women in her family, Anita was blessed with a very perky pair of hooters and she often liked to casually flaunt it. That was great when she was trying to get a discount on scoring some **** or 'convincing' some pig of seeing things her way, but in the Special-Ed class, it got her leered at by the freaks and her teacher and the Principal Killerby often found some reason to stand next to her when she was sitting down and in something low cut. By now, she was used to anything male talking to her chest more than her face. Speedy was no different. If it has a dick, it thinks with it.

Mr. Larkin added a final word of warning. "We're serious about the buddy system everyone! If any of you lose your buddy after we drop our stuff off, from now on find an adult or one of the 'Assistance Buttons' scattered throughout the park. If you get separated, your buddy reports you and we find out it was deliberate, the vacation is over and we'l have a meeting with both the Administration and your parents!"

That gave Anita a bit of pause. She knew her mother had Principal Killerby over for dinner one night during the summer break after she'd skipped her summer school and had to take her senior year over again. She'd found a message on her phone after she sobered up that night to not come home until she was called. She wasn't called until the next afternoon. And one of her older sisters had met the Principal at her job and then went on an after work 'date' as a 'favor' to Anita. She was a stripper.

If she ended up back in front of the Principal and her family, she didn't think it would go well for her. Fuck! She had to play nice with these assholes!? Fuck!

Speedy beamed at her. "This is gonna be fun! Should we go to the Factory first? Or the Park Rides? I wanna see the exhibits! They might have plants there! And cool art! Sculptures? Maybe!" He paused for a breath, "But we have to go to the Center of Convergence and spend lots of time there. I heard nobody else is there most of the time and we could en-"

Anita put her face in her hands and tried not to scream. "Fuck you." she muttered as she picked up her backpack and trash bag with clothes and walked behind the rest of the class toward their rooms. Trying to tune out Speedy's constant chatter the whole time.


After walking about a block to the 'hotel' Anita dropped off her stuff and spent several minutes poking around her room. Every room had two beds and and was a bit more high class than Anita was expecting. She was a little surprised. Of course she had a roommate. One of the other adults on the trip. A pudgy, stupidly upbeat soccer mom who'd clearly been over the hill bemfore Anita hit puberty. She nattered on and on to Anita about how she was so thrilled to be here and when she was her age, she never got to come to someplace so cool and she knew Anita was such a lovely young lady before a glare from the caramel beauty got her to shut up. While she knew she could kick this fat sack of flab's ass, she also knew the skank would go bleating to Larkin or Singer the instant she thought Anita was being a problem. She had that 'I-want-to-speak-to-the-manager' look to her. So that meant Anita couldn't kick back and smoke a bowl and and light some bones like she wanted to. If she had to deal with this 'buddy system' bullshit, she sure as hell didn't want to deal with these losers without being high.

Like a bad dream, several knocks rang out on the door. She didn't even have to look from where she laid on her bed with an arm over her face to know who was here.

"Is Anita here? I put my stuff away. You're not Anita. Your hair looks soft. Are you a parent? Hi!"

There was a squeal of laughter in response from her bunkmate. "My, my my." some laughter from the flabsack. "So many questions! What a sweet young man. I think your friend is laying down at the moment, but I think she'd be thrilled to be accompanied with such a cutie."

Anita held down the urge to flip off both of them with her free hand. While fatbag and ratboy were chatting for a minute, Anita quickly dug through her bag and stuffed what she could into the pockets of her little daisy dukes. She may not be able to blaze up in the room, but in this abandoned park? Speedy could give her the opportunity to toke it up away from all the other idiots.

"Hey, Anita! Why do-" Speedy began as he approached her but she pushed what she could into her pockets with one hand and grabbed him by the wrist with her other as she hurried away out the door and down the hall.

"Yeah, whatever, let's go!" she said.

"You kids have fun, don't forget to call if myou need help!" flabs called after them.

The second Anita thought she heard the door slam, she let the bird fly.


They'd gone to one of the exhibits by the rides. Mostly because he wouldn't shut up about wanting to visit. Partly because it gave her an excuse to let him go in alone and keep himself occupied while she found a dark corner out of the way and blaze a spliff. Anita took a few minutes to scope out the area, keeping an eye out for cameras that could catch her in the act, but she didn't see anything. No exposed cameras, no dark bubbles, no odd boxes. Nothing. Either the place had zero cameras or there weren't any. All she did notice was a bunch of colorful buttons scattered at random around the area. She'd seen them all over. Every several dozen feet, there was another button. Some red, some blue, some green, yellow, purple orange, whatever. It was practically the only artificial color in the park. Speaking of which, they were not kidding when they said it was quiet and abandoned looking. She hadn't seen another soul but her and Speedy since they'd left the room. If she didn't know any better, she'd swear she was alone in a ghost town.

Seriously, no cameras?

Only one way to find out.

Anita had only been smoking for five minutes and was just barely feeling a buzz when she noticed a voice nearby crying out, "Where are you!? I'm lost! Help! Anita!"

Huh. That sounded like Speedy.

He must be lost.

Anita shrugged and continued to enjoy the smoke in her lungs, easing away her stress. She was sure he'd get some help and find his way eventually.

Maybe he'll hit one of those help buttons. Then someone will come and find him.


Without his buddy. Which was her.

Past the haze of her high, something made it's way through. If Speedy was found alone and she was found smelling like weed, either way, she'd be in trouble. That would be bad.

Anita got a burst of speed as she called back, "Dumbass! The fuck are you?! Speedy!"

"Help!" he called out. He sounded closer. "Help!"

Anita turned around a corner and saw the dumbass wandering towards one of the buttons, his hand poised to press. He'd literally walked out the door on the other side of the building around another building and gotten lost.

"Don't you dare fucking touch that thing!" Anita almost screamed. Speedy jumped about a foot in the air and turned to look at his travel buddy. His hand was still just about to hit the button. For once he wasn't talking his ass off and just looked at her with wide eyes. Like a rat someone had just kicked. "You're not lost." She said in a somewhat strained voice. Noticing she still had a lit joint in her hand, she'd never dropped it, she tried to talk him away from the button. "Why don't you look at the pretty lights on the rides while I sit down for a bit around the corner. I gotta take care of something."

Speedy's eyes had settled on her tits when she showed up, but followed the line of her arm while she talked and noticed what she had in her hand. "What's that?" he asked. "Why did you leave me alone? I got lost." the pathetic loser almost whimpered.

Anita put the joint behind her back to try and hide it. "Nothing. I just didn't go in right away. Give me a few minutes and just stay here. Move away from the button."

"Were you doing something bad?" he glanced at the button. He still hadn't lowered his hand. "I was alone and lost. We're not supposed to lose our buddies." Oddly, when Speedy looked back, his eyes didn't settle on her tight top, but her waist where her arm was hidden behind her back. Anita noticed his eyes flick up slightly a few times but not rise up to her chest. He was paying attention to her hiding something, but distracted a little too. Then she realized the shorts she was wearing. The jean shorts were practically skin tight and the legs were cut so high up on her thighs, almost a third of her bubbled ass was exposed in the back. Also the shorts were so tight nd minimal, she couldn't wear anything more than a g-string. The sides and back were peaking out right now, showing some whale tail.

Anita got an idea. Her skin almost crawled at the thought of what she was about to say and maybe do, but she'd done more for less. Speedy wasn't the only one with a nickname. The other students and even some of the teachers called her 'Anita Needs It' due to her promiscuity. She'd learned early on from the ladies in her family that guys think with their dicks. And what they think about is tits and ass. Guys who gave her rides someplace ended up with her head bouncing in their laps while they drove. Guys who could hook her up with good things often ended up between her thighs. And she was definitely not an anal virgin. She didn't spread her legs for anyone. But she was no stranger to putting out.

Speedy had a reputation for liking tits. He been caught staring at enough chests to earn his share of warnings and ass kickings. Anita also knew he had a crush on the lavender haired goth skank in class. His eyes were glued to her body when she moved around. That might be useful later, but right now she needed him distracted enough to forget the button and what was behind her back. With her free hand, Anita lifted her top over her pert, rounded knockers. "You like these Speedy?"

His expression showed that he clearly did.

"You like this?" braless tits still exposed, Anita moved her hand down to her waist and played with the side of the g-string riding over her hip. He didn't seem to know what to focus on, his eyes bouncing back and forth between her rack and hips so rapidly it would have been funny to someone else. "Come over here with me and you can play with these a bit." she said, running her hands over her full rack, pinching the tight nipples a little with one hand.

Speedy's hands reached out for her and he made a beeline for Anita like his fingers were magnetized. Not worried about him hitting the button and her getting in deep shit, she hurriedly backpedaled and glanced around for an out of the way place to continue. Not fast enough she was considering leading him around a corner to an alley between buildings or actually going inside when he reached his mark. His grubby, clammy paws fondled her rack eagerly, reveling in the soft, pliantly firm warmth of her breasts. A little too enthusmiastically.

Anita gave a slight yelp and muttered "Fucker." as he kneaded her chest with a look of perverted joy. They were right by the doors and she hadn't heard alarms yet. Awkwardly entering the exhibit hall with a human rat molesting her, Anita scanned the ceiling and corners. Still no cameras. What was up with this place. The building was empty except for posters and framed exhibits on the walls, other exhibits in glass cases and benches along the walls. The areas with something to display were brightly lit. Non-occupied spaces had shadow. Anita backed up to one wall and watched Speedy continue to fondle her. He was too focused on her chest to pay attention to what she had in her hand. Giving a little shrug, she raised the joint back up to her lips and started to relight it. She'd barely started to enjoy her first lungfull when Speedy asked without ever looking away from his busy hands and her shapely melons. "What are you smoking? It smells funny. Is that why you left me alone?"

She scowled at him, but he didn't seem phased. "It's nothing. Forget it."

"Is it weed?" he asked, continuing to grope her. He alternated between kneading her tits, pinching and flicking her nipples and hefting the firm, soft weight of her knockers.

She didn't respond.

"If it's weed, you could get in trouble." he said.

"Oh, gonna squeal on me rat?" Anita responded contemptuously.

"You also left me alone. You could get in trouble for that too." he said.

She didn't have a reply for that. But she had an idea. "So waddaya want?"

Speedy was quiet for once, and just stared at his hands playing with her breasts. Anita decided to press her main advantage. Sliding one thigh sinuously between his own, she rubbed against his crotch. She could already feel a boner in his pants. Pushing her body closer to his, not chest to chest because of his own activity, she slipped her free hand down to his bulge and massaged it expertly. "How about we make a deal, stud?"

"What kind of deal?"

She kept rubbing his crotch, encouraging the hardness she felt. The more worked up he was, the quicker this would probably go. " proabably don't get a lot of action. And I know you have a thing for that pale cutie in our class." It was an act of will not to sneer when she mentioned April, but at her reference, Speedy's eyes actually rose to meet hers. Bingo.

"Tell you what, handsome, forget about getting lost. Forget about my hobby," her fingers toyed with the front of his pants, popping the button and playfully gripping the tab of his fly. "and you can enjoy my mouth." Speedy was looking her directly in the eye and she could feel his shaking, "While your hands play anywhere they want. And later, I'll talk to April and let her know what a cool guy you are." She leaned in and tried not to shudder in revulsion. "Deal, sweet thang?"

He didn't even have to think about it. "Really?" he asked. She nodded silently with a slight smirk. "Deal!"

Bingo. "Nice." Anita breathed. She stepped away a bit while he tried to stay attached to her rack. "Let's go over here." she said as she lead him to a nearby bench half in shadow and pushed her chest into his hands to get him to back up and plop down in the seat. He was still glued to her. Anita took a few deep hits off her joint to make sure she was good and buzzed for this, then snuffed it out and slipped it back in her pocket.

Speedy protested slightly when she crouched between his legs and disengaged his hands, but stopped when she gave him a thoroughly fake smile and peeled off her top to toss it next to him on the seat. Topless with her thong showing out her shorts, Anita started to pull his fly down and shuffle his pants and underwear down his legs to give her better access and hurry this up. Boxers. Go fig. A smile and a wink later and the Afro-Latina formed her cherry red lips in a soft oval and plunged facedown in the retard's lap.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed before letting out a low groan. "Ohhhh that feels so goooood...."

Anita had given head often enough that she could judge when a guy was about to blow his load by the temble of his dick between her lips and the sound of his voice. She didn't think this would take long. Bouncing her face in his lap, Anita blew him like the expert cocksucker she was.

For his part, Speedy felt like he was in heaven. She was good! He always dreamed about having April like this, under his covers while he fell asleep, her mouth lovingly working him to bliss. And Amy too. He'd love to be balls deep in that whore. He didn't usually lust after the slut servicing his pole now, but watching her cherry red curls bobbing in his lap, hearing the occasional moans and constant wet slurps, he could definitely see her appeal. But he never imagined any girl sucking his thing would be this energetic.

Contrary to any belief he may have held, Anita was humming, moaning and sucking like a porn star because she enjoyed it. She could taste piss and ball sweat. And she swore something gritty was in her mouth now, but she marshalled on like the professioanl slut she was. And if she wanted this to be over with, she needed to bring her 'A' game. Anita blew him like he had a gun to her head, which he kinda did. Rolling her tongue over any sensitive spot she could find, she paid attention when he tensed up or made a noticably new noise. Other than the ones guys usually make when a hot chick is giving them a blowjob. Her lips formed a tight seal as they traveled over his cock, leaving red smears from her lipstick. She'd probably have to redo her makeup after this. She didn't let that stop her however as she continued to build saliva in her mouth, bathing his cock, polishing him to a slimy shine as her spit drooled down and soaked the curly wires of his pubes. She used one khand to gently massage his hairy scrotum while jacking him lightly with her other hand, making sure that his shaft mostly felt her mouth.

Anita sucked and sucked like she was trying to turn his ballsack indside out, but made sure it was never too hard and kept her teeth clear of his turgid rod with practiced grace. Giving her hands a break, she ran them sensually over his legs, his thighs and even teased his stomch and chest underneath his shirt, trying to get him off. After several minutes, she was starting to get worried. He was a braindead loser, how was he still hard and how had he not blown his wad yet? There was no way he got head so often he was used to it and could last this long! Then a worse thought assaulted her. Was she somehow bad at this? Anita almost got pissed off at the idea. Picking up the pace, her red curls bounced wildly. Blindly reaching out with her hands, she found Speedy's hands and pressed them firmly to her own head before dropping a hand to his balls and slipping her free hand down the front of her shorts to play with her smooth pussy. Guys always like face fucking a slut and she'd be more convincing if she could make herself horny and maybe get off.

Noticing her new aggression and the way she'd placed his hands, Speedy rose to the challenge and started bucking his hips off the bench, while driving her head down on his shaft. While he did what he could to **** her throat, earning gags, pained moans and a volume of throat slime from the honey bown slut at his feet, he started to let some verbalizations out. "Ohhh yess! You fucking slut!" he started to grip her hair harder and trusted more roughly. "That's good you cunt! Fucking whore! Keep Sucking! EARN THAT LOAD!"

Now Anita had no control over her pace and just submitted to his pace. She concentrated on catching a breath where she could and pulling out the oral stops. She didn't think he'd get this aggressive! Only dealers and thugs used her like this! Her eyes watered and tears leaked out, leaving wet streaks down her fce as she tried to look up pleadingly. It was offset a bit byt the fact both of her hands were down her shorts between her legs and she was genuinely wet right now.

"BEG FOR MY LOAD WITH THAT FUCKING MOUTH SLUT!!! FUCK!! FUCK YOU!!! FUCK YOU SO GOOD MOOOUUUTTTHHH!!!!" And Speedy finally came, nearly standing while he brutalized her oral passage, pumping his cock so violently down her throat as he came she was vaguely afraid he'd break her nose and rip chunks of her scalp out. Anita felt the familiar, hot, sticky fluid pass her tonsils and run over her tongue and into her stomach. Her tongue danced around the twitching member as she did her best to swallow everything. Didn't want to leave a mess as evidence after all. When Speedy came down from his orgasmic high, he felt repeated taps at his legs and stomach. Looking down mdumbly, he saw Anita looking up at him with wide, reddened eyes, a tear streaked face and bare tits glistening with spit. She'd been trying to tap out to get him to pull out. Her nostrils flared as she tried to keep her oxygen flowing.

"Oh. Sorry." he gasped out nonchalantly as he withdrew somewhat reluctantly from her amazing mouth. He was already wondering how he could get back in.

"So we *gack* have a *heave* deal?" Anita's voice was hoarse after that escapade.

"Huh?" Speedy replied. "Then remembering why she blew him, he gave her a double thumbs up with his wilting cock still out and smiled. "Oh sure! Your secret's safe with me buddy!"

Anita retched and tried to keep his jizz down as she buttoned her shorts back up and reached for her shirt. She still hadn't gotten off. She'd need to jill in the shower or something when she got back to her room. "Whatever." she croaked out as she wiped off her face and tits with her top.


Once they got back to the dorms/hotel (Speedy insisted he walk her to her door) Anita looked put back together and Speedy seemd no different. Aside from the sly, creeoy grin he gave her as he openly ogled her. Anita did her best to ignore it. She'd put his pants back on for him and tucked his weiner away with a kiss at his insistence (she'd even had to say 'goodbye' and everything). She'd still rolled her eyes. As he dropped her off at her room like a gentleman, he'd said, "That was fun! Maybe we'll be buddies tomorrow and go exploring more! I bet there's lots of fun to be had." he grinned.

She didn't doubt that 'lots of fun' translated to her other holes entertaining his cock. Her asshole clenched at the thought. "Whatever." she answered and went and turned to go in.

"Goodnight...." he said as she reached for the door.


Anita froze and turned to look at him. A little shocked he'd talk to her like that. Usually he was twitchy and timid. But now he just looked her in the eye and she couldn't think of anything to say. Smiling he stuck his tongue out at her and walked off.

Anita let herself into the room and took a quick shower. As she laid down in bed, trying to fall asleep, she could still taste his load even after brushing her teeth. She only had one question as she drifted off.

Had that really been worth it?

(Hi all. Withness here. I know I keep saying this, but I really do want to add more chapters to this story. I like the characters and concept. Furthermore, if you have any critiqes about my writing style or constructive criticism, I'd love to hear them. Anything you like or noticed about my writing. Habits or tendencies. Strengths or opportunities. Feel free to leave a comment with your response or send me a message if a comment isn't your style. Hope you all enjoyed it. Also if you jerked/jilled off to this chapter, please leave a commment if you can. Again, I'm a pervert. It's nice to know my writing is serving a purpose I can enjoy.)

Does anything else happen that night? Do we go back to the present, or the next day?

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