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Chapter 2 by doctor-drox doctor-drox

Who are you?

Angus - A Chubby Gay Bull

Angus wasn't stupid. He fully understood just how suspicious the situation was. A brochure for a mysterious island getaway to the DeLeon Resort, promising rest and relaxation which promised to "make [him] feel young again," appearing in his mailbox alongside an already paid for plane ticket, a set of directions, and a hand written note from his boss telling him to "Take as much time off as [he] needs." All without even the faintest trace of who sent them or why. It was all very sketchy to him... But who could turn down a free, all-expenses paid vacation?

A chance to eat good food, laze around on the beach, and maybe meet some cute guys? It all sounded very appealing to him. It was certainly a welcome change of pace from the grueling, dismal life of an office worker.

Angus was a bull. He had a velvety chocolate brown hide that was splotched with a few patches of cream and the physique one would expect of a former athlete after several years of working a desk job which regularly supplied donuts in the breakroom. His thick belly pushed against his shirt as he sat and pulled the fabric taut over his plump moobs, exposing their appealing curvature to everyone else on the boat.

The last leg of the journey from the airport was a short ferry ride to the private island the resort was built on. He looked around at the dozen-or-so other furs who were sitting around him. They were all men of different species and builds and some were closely examining the same brochure along with similar looking documents to his own. Did they all get the same mysterious package that he had? One of them seemed like they were actually familiar with the resort from how he talked about how long he'd wanted to come here but he was seated so far away from Angus he couldn't make out he was saying over the idle chatter of everyone else.

Eventually, the boat moored itself at the dock and let everyone off before beginning to sail back to the mainland. From the docks, it was a straight shot to the main building and the pack of furs began to march toward it. The island was beautiful. The air was warm and carried the smell of sea salt. The waves of the crystal blue waters gently lapped at the white sand as the lush tropical foliage swayed in the breeze. Further in, Angus could see the angular, modernist bungalows nestled into the greenery along meandering paths that made it look like a tiny town. 'If this is some kind of trap,' he thought, 'It's a damn convincing one.'

Soon he was standing at the reception desk where a stocky lion was tapping away at his computer.

"Hello, welcome to the DeLeon Resort!" He said with a big toothy smile, "Can I have your name, please?"

"Angus Bos."

The lion typed on his computer and squinted at the screen with a few clicks of the mouse. "Aaa-ha, here you are. You're all set!" He said before pulling out a keycard and map of the resort and handing it to the bull. "You'll be in suite 12, just go out the door and take the path on your left. Do you have any questions?"

"Uh, do you know who invited me here?"

"Ah, sorry bud. 'Fraid I don't know. The owner's the one who decides where and how our brochures are distributed and he keeps a tight lip on all of that."

"I see... Well, thank you anyways."

"You're welcome and please enjoy your stay!" The lion smiled big once more and waved as Angus left the building and looked at the map.

The map of the resort was quite expansive, taking up almost all of the tiny island's footprint, with numerous different amenities. A buffet, a pool, a movie theater, a games room, a library, a children's play area, and even a few things he'd never heard of like a "milk bar", whatever that was.

If he was going to be on vacation, he might as well make the most of it and actually try to relax, right?

Where to first?

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