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Chapter 2 by Zozzon Zozzon

Who are you?

Alex - 26 year old male Intern

The bus shook as it ran over a rock, waking Alex from his sleep. Looking at his phone, it was a quarter past noon, six hours since he'd gotten on and was being taken to this mysterious resort. All of this started about to weeks ago when he got a letter in the mail saying he'd won an all-expenses paid trip to a resort that he'd never herd of. Even trying to search it up on the web seemed to give less information about it than what the letter and accompanying broacher had on it. But people reviewed it with a pretty positive outlook, even legit critiques seemed to enjoy the stay. What seemed weird was the fact that he was the only one invited out of his whole family. But he wasn't complaining, his parents that he still lived with would nag him to get a real job despite that his internship was to help him get a job within a few years. That being said, his internship wasn't that glamorous either. Most of his fellow interns were such kiss asses that he wouldn't be surprised if they were literally kissing the higher ups' asses. Not only that, but they would make him do all their work then take credit for when it was completed, making sure Alex couldn't finish his stuff in time and would be reprimanded for it, and if he refused anyway then he'd still be in trouble because he had seniority compared to them and should take "responsibility". Needless to say, Alex needed a break, and this trip couldn't have appeared anytime sooner.

Looking out the window, Alex could tell that the bus had traveled far from the city and was now in the mountains. He also noticed that his phone didn't have reception in the area. After unlocking it, he then started flipping through pictures he'd saved. This was his secret stash of porn he'd been saving ever since he'd gotten out of high school, particularly his most notable fetish was that of the Adult Baby/Diaper Lover verity, or ABDL. It's hard to say when he got interested into diapers or diaper related stuff, but puberty is most likely what seemed to really kick things into motion. It went from looking at typical pictures of very sexy women in diapers on the internet to finding porn and amateur videos. He'd even secretly ordered a package of adult diapers and wore them when his family wasn't home. He had also found the thrill of using the undergarments for their intended purpose. During the times Alex was able to wear, use and indulge in his fantasies were some of the most relaxing experiences he could remember.

But that was six years ago. The diapers were all used up and disposed, money was getting tight, his parents started encroaching on everything he did including purchases with his own money, and his internship pretty much sucked up any energy he had to do anything other than surf the web. It seemed that he had to face reality and start trying to out grow fetish, especially if he wanted a relationship. What woman would want to date a guy who was into something meant for babies and the elderly or infirm? Still, it would be nice to be with someone who liked diapers as well.

The bus slowed a bit. Alex looked up to see that a fancy gate blocked the rest of the road but slowly opened to let them through. On the side of the gate, in big metal letters said:

‘WELCOME to the WHITE CAP MOUNTAIN RESORT - By Appointment Only’

The same name and lettering as on the broacher. Alex quickly closed his secret stash and got ready for the bus to stop. Sure enough, a few minutes later, the main building came into view.

The resort’s front entrance looked like any type of mountain resort, rustic, mixture of dark timber beams with lighter shade siding. The place looked expensive, something that not Alex or his whole family combined could afford. Despite the lack of vehicle traffic, there seemed to be a good size of foot traffic. People ranging from young adults to a few senior citizens were walking, talking and enjoying themselves. Really nothing out of the ordinary. But something felt off to Alex. He didn’t feel wrong, instead it felt different.

The bus soon pulled up to the car port and the driver engaged the parking brake, “White Cap Mountain Resort!” The drive announced, “Please enjoy your stay.”

Alex gathered his suitcase and stepped off the vehicle, his legs a bit shaky for the long ride. The crisp, clean mountain air really hit him as soon as he disembarked, a nice change from the city air he was used to. And while it was a bit cold, the weather wasn’t too bad that he’d have to throw on his winter jacket. Already he felt more relaxed then he did that morning. But that other feeling came back as soon as he noticed three women in some hiking attire walk by. They didn’t look any older than he was, nor did they look ugly, but instead what drew his attention was to their waist, in that the tight pants they wore seemed to be a bit bigger around their crotch and asses compared to the rest of their figure, not to mention that they walk with their legs more spread out then what he’d normally seen.

Maybe he was just seeing things, and this vacation would, hopefully, fix that. Ignoring it for now, Alex soon entered the lobby. The air transitioned from cool to warm perfectly, and the sent of lavender and aloe vara was pleasing and not over bearing. Just like outside, people were around the lobby, chatting and enjoying what the resort had to offer. But that feeling kept eating the back of Alex’s mind.

He arrived at the front desk where a woman in a red suit dress typed at a computer, “Hello, my name is Alex. I got this in the mail.” He said, handing the letter to the receptionist. She began to look over the letter and typing some words in.

“Let’s see,” she mumbled, “Alex… Alex… Ah! Yes, here we go. Yes you were given the all expenses paid package for one whole week, correct?” He nodded, “Alrighty, we’ll get you set up right away, we just need some information filled out.” The receptionist hands Alex a clipboard with a form on it and a pen. The form has the typical things on it



•Phone Number

•Date of Birth

•Social Security

•AB or DL

•Emergancy Cont…

Wait, what?

Alex does a double take on what is asked on the form. Sure enough, it asks ‘AB or DL’. That must mean something else, it could mean…

“Excuse me?” Alex asks the receptionist, “What does this mean?” He points to the area in question.

“Oh, that’s just asking if you prefer the Adult Baby or the Diaper Lovers sub-package.” She says in the most matter of fact tone. Suddenly, that feeling from earlier ran him over like a train. This was an ABDL resort!

Sure Alex had herd of them before, but those were usually underground nurseries, people’s basements that rented them out for those that wanted to have some “little” fun. This was on a whole new level that not even Alex was prepared for. Looking around the lobby, he could defiantly see the signs much clearer. Everyone from guess to staff was diapered up, though they were covered, probably for decency purposes. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see one guy with a relaxing look on his face, indicating that he was urinating in his pants, while across the room, two women were sitting at a table chatting only for one of them to stand up, bend over a bit and make a straining face. She soon relaxed while her pants now sagged a bit more then she sat back down to continue the conversation.

Alex held on to the desk, trying hard not to faint. On one hand, he was excited to live out his fetish without any judgment or ridicule. On the other, fear, embarrassment, the thought that this was all some sort of elaborate prank and that there was some sort of hidden camera recording to millions of people laughing at his suspense or that he was still on the bus, riding to the real resort and that this was just him dreaming. But he knew this wasn't fake, that no one he knew had set up this whole thing as a façade just to make fun of him. This was real, a real resort with people who wore diapers just because they could without judgement or ridicule, and that he could enjoy as well.

"Sir, you ok?" Alex was brought out of his haze by the receptionist, who had gone around the desk and was standing next to him with a look of concern, possibly for his well being. It took him a minute to respond as he noticed the attractive resort employee's skirt did little to hide the bulky padded undergarment sticking out of the bottom, not to mention that it wasn't white but a golden yellow. Alex had to shift a bit to not have the third leg growing in his pants not show to her. He nodded and cleared his throat as it was suddenly dry.

"Sorry..." he coughed his response, "just a little tired from the ride here." He smiled and went back to the form in his hands. After filling the basic information, Alex went back to the "AB or DL" question. He noticed that there was a footnote next to it:

* Guests may switch packages or request certain parts of other package at any time. Exclusives are not eligible.

Keeping note of this, Alex thought of his choices. What did he want to do?

What should Alex be?

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