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Chapter 4 by latexdoll latexdoll

So, where to go now?

A vision warns of danger.

Stepping out of the cold cave you find yourself in an even colder northern pine forest. Taking a few steps out your lungs fill with the chill air and you pull the furs covering you closer. Looking around all you can see in any direction is pine trees and snow, other than the cave, and surrounding rock wall. You have no idea where you are supposed to go or why you are here, but it seems that for whatever reason you have been reincarnated as this rather large person. Then suddenly your mind flashes with some kind of vision or something. You can't move as images flash in your mind in an instant, you see your body walk out into the cold woods and begin heading with a purpose in a jog to the south. Shortly thereafter his eyes perk up and his hand goes to his sword in a flash of motion. A pair of thick arrow like projectiles slam into a tree as he dives to the side only seconds before being impaled. Taking a defensive crouch he stands his ground as a flood of small 3' tall vaguely humanoid creatures with massive mouths full of sharp pointy teeth seem to erupt out of the forest, sending another volley of the thick projectiles you now know are apparently smallish spears as they charge. Your body sets upon them in a blur of motion and begins hewing them apart like something out of some horrific war movie. He makes quick work of them taking only a few nicks here and there for his troubles. Then you see him begin picking over the corpses taking small coins and apparently anything else of value. Then as he finishes you see a tiny dart poke him in the leg. He looks down and pulls it out quickly, but the damage is done, his motions slow and as you see a second wave attack, this time he is just enough slower that they get a few cuts in here and there, but once again he is triumphant. Then there it is, another tiny dart appears, fired from somewhere you can't even fathom. A third wave, and more bloodshed, your new body is now covered in small cuts and nicks, but the bodies around him are now piling up. A third time a tiny dart is found, and yet another wave, this time however it is different. The creatures don't simply charge in and die, they are more cunning running in and throwing their small spears before darting away unscathed, and you see they are now led by a deep blue skinned one adorned with feathers and wearing a mask. The attacks continue, and the tiny darts, you now see are fired from blowguns some of them carry, these are covered in leaves and white furs to blend in with the forest. It is like watching a group of primitive hunters take down a bear, but eventually they bring him to the ground. As he falls panting you see all of the bodies disappear, as well as most of the attackers till only a handful and the leader remain, the rest simply gone as if having never existed. The leader then walks up, pulls forth a long thin spear, and plunges it into the neck of your new body. As he does time stops and you see the the crystalline creature from your dream is there. You see a black mist flow out of your new body and into the night, the creature then takes the doll they made in your dream and touches it against your new body. As it does time reverses and speeds up, like you were watching a movie rewind, till you find yourself standing there at the mouth of the cave just as he was as the vision started.

"Guess I shouldn't go south." You say with a smirk, "So how do I know where I am supposed to go?" You call to whoever gave you the vision, but there is nothing. Looking about you come up with a little idea. Climbing up the side of the cliffs with ease, amazed at the sheer strength your new body possesses, to get a good look around. The view is breathtaking. You see you were higher up than you initially thought as from the top you can see for miles. Looking to the south you see what looks like a small walled city, and as you do you receive a tinge of what might be memory, of a beautiful woman wearing little more than a nearly transparent bikini and skirt and dancing on the top of a table in front of a crowd, and as you see the thin gold chain necklace on her neck you are sure you gave it to her. "Well, I guess I know where I was going." Looking around you can't imagine what is the meaning of all of this. "So what, am I supposed to continue on with this bodies life?"

"I may be able to give you some answers." A slightly raspy voice calls to you from behind.

Who is it?

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