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Chapter 2 by Withness Withness

How does the world end?

A curious rapture

The world as you know it ended in the span of a timeless second. One moment, people were living their lives, the next moment, the population had taken a sudden and dramatic change. Familiar groups watched their numbers plummet from tens of thousands to the dozens. Spouses, co-workers, acquaintances, friends, family, no one was immune to the instantaneous disappearance. If anybody bothered to do a census, they'd estimate of the 7.53 billion people on the planet, over 80% had vanished. Just over one and a half billion left. In addition to the pure numbers though, they might notice some curious trends. For one, nobody under the age of 18 remained. Secondly, the gender ratio was severely skewed towards women. Perhaps one male existed for every 20 or so females. A very odd trait of this gender ratio, if anybody cared to notice (nobody who did cared) was that all the women left behind were attractive. The least attractive woman was at worst a 7 on an objective, international hotness scale of 10. Every single one of the remaining women could have made a living as a model. The males in the world remained a broad cross section of humanity. Adding to this was nobody aged anymore or experienced any negative physical change. People seemed to be locked in some kind of stasis where they couldn't get older, though there were rumors of getting younger at will, but never more than 18 years of age. People didn't need to eat, drink, sleep or do any of the regular maintenance of staying alive anymore.

More than this however, was the mental and spiritual change that occurred to everyone left on the planet. When the mass disappearances had happened, everyone on Earth had the same feeling, a moment of bliss and contentment that promised to stretch into eternity. But the people who came back to normal reality knew down in their souls that one moment would be all they get to experience. A soundless voice spoke one thing to every remaining person,


And then it was done. In the core of every leftover person's soul, down in their heart of hearts, something vital gave up. Or broke. Women didn't care what happened to them anymore. Anything unpleasant would at worst get token resistance or protest. Men didn't care how they acted anymore. They did what they pleased and didn't need to answer or concern themselves with any authority. People reacted to the new state of their lives differently. Some people locked themselves away, knowing they could stay in bed forever and they wouldn't be any different than the moment they crawled in. Some people went through the motions of their lives out of **** of habit. Going to jobs they didn't have to anymore and doing work that nobody depended on or asked for just to pretend that they still had normal lives. Others went berserk, moving to the wilderness and living in shacks where they spent their days doing anything they pleased, be that carving nonsensical verses into trees or repeatedly bashing their heads into rocks. They couldn't die, they couldn't be permanently hurt, what did it matter? Some stayed in population centers, rioting whenever the urge took them or doing anything else they felt like, from graffiti to pretending they were in a live version of GTA. Some traveled the world alone or in roving bands, just doing whatever came to mind. Searching or wandering, it didn't matter. Most people did all of these at one point or another.

No law stopped anybody from doing anything. No authority tried to keep the peace or impose restrictions and reason.

On some level everyone was utterly free. But what to do with it? On another level, everyone understood they were trapped. This was it. This was all they had from now on. What should they do now?

For some people, the answer was...Anything They Wanted.

(Hi all. This was inspired by the movie Seeking a Friend for the End of the World and the story Pleasure World by Robopoop here on CHYOA. I've just had this idea/scenario/setup in my head for a long time now and kin1041's story gave me the opportunity to express it. I don't plan on this being a major story or very involved. I just have some scenes I want to get out eventually and decided this would be a good place to put them. I hope you enjoy.)

Who are we dealing with?

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