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Chapter 3 by DKRouga DKRouga

Pleasant home for a pleasant person.

A Generous Stranger and a "Generous" Stranger

Nariko enters the house and takes off her shoes, putting them in a nearby closet. "You need to take them off here. Mom is pretty serious about that tradition." Not wanting to seem rude, you do just that. You can't help but notice the pleasant aroma wafting from deeper inside the house. "Yo, Mom! We're home!"

A rather stern voice comes from down the hall. "About time. I knew you would be late, so lunch is almost ready. I will let you know when it is done." Nariko winces at her tardiness being called out, then grabs your arm and brings you into the first room on the left.

This place looks like a discount potion shop. Vials and flasks each filled with various colored liquids cover almost every surface. Near the back wall is an ornate couch that looks like you would sink between the cushions, never to return, if you sat on it. Nariko pulls you onto that couch, which was as soft as you imagined. She has a big, excited smile on her face.

"So dork, how about we play something to pass the time?" Nariko asks with a toothy grin. You smile back and grab the controller she hands you. As the system and old box television turns on, the intro of some fighting game you have never seen before starts playing.

The first couple of matches go by relatively close. You both are having a good time. Nariko elbows you in the side. "How about a bet on the next one?"

This piques your interest. "What are we betting?"

"How about this? I win and you owe me a favor. Not a big one, just something small."

"That feels a bit loaded. What do I get if I win?" You are unsure where she is going with this and honestly rather worried.

"If you win you can play with my tits however you want for up to five minutes." She sports a wry smile as a blush spreads across your face.

You knew there was something off about that. You knew it was to good to be true. You knew that your upstairs wasn't doing the thinking when you said "Deal!" It should have been no surprise when she proceeded to perfect you two rounds in a row.

Nariko starts laughing. "And that is how it's done." She sees your shocked face and wipes a fake tear from her eye. "Couldn't resist my girls, huh? I can't say that I blame you." Your eyes are drawn from the screen to see her cupping her tits and jiggling them. In a swift motion she pulls up her top, revealing her lacy white bra and the breasts they supported. Despite that view, you couldn't help but notice her rather well toned abs. It was a painfully short time before she pushed her shirt back down. "Normally I don't do consolation prizes, but I am feeling particularly generous today."

"Hey, this might be a bit personal, but-" Nariko looks you up and down with curiosity. "What is your soulcore? Normally you can kind of just tell by looking at someone. There usually is some kind of tell in their appearance."

You clam up. What do you even say here? Yes it normally is fine to let others know what your power is. In truth it is even a common question on job applications. You see images of people standing over you, laughing as a cold liquid runs down from your nose. You remember the numb pain in your eye and cheek. Fingers snapping in your face bring you back from these images.

"Geez, way to zone out on me. If you don't want to answer that's fine. I was just curious is all. If you are curious though, mine is this." She pokes you with her finger and a sharp but brief shock hits you. "I can create electricity." Her smile is friendly and comforting.

"Dinner is ready!" The voice from earlier rings. Nariko and you enter the rather modest and much more normal kitchen and dining room. Nariko and the woman inside share a quick hug. The woman turns to you and asks, "Sorry, dear. I know it is your first day here, but would you mind setting up the table?" You nod and Nariko helps you out.

The meal was pretty simple, but had you salivating. Breaded cockatrice cutlet with rice and alraune bud as a side dish. Before eating, your host, Nariko, and you (after they instructed you on the tradition) gave thanks for the meal. You made sure to savor your first few bites of the cutlet, the taste of which sent tingles up your spine. The alraune bulbs provided a spice to the meal and comboed well with the rice's texture.

Nariko was practically shovelling it all into her mouth. Your host however suddenly stopped eating. "Oh my. I forgot to introduce myself, did I not?" She looks at you with a welcoming gaze. Yet looking into her eyes somehow makes you feel small. "My name is Ayame Yamamoto, but you can just call me Ayame."

"Oh. I-It is a pleasure to meet you, Ayame." You say feeling very nervous. Soon the weight on your chest disappears as Ayame looks away and continues eating. 'What the fuck was that?!'

She suddenly looks up at you with a confused expression. "You say something, dear?" You shake your head no. Out of the corner of your eye you catch Nariko resting her forehead on her hand.

Getting a better look at her, you notice that Ayame looks strikingly similar to her daughter. The only notable differences you can see is that her her hair is a solid white and she looks older. Said hair is in a rather mature looking bun. She wears a beige sweater. She was stunning to all but the most tasteless of judges, for sure. When she stands up you notice her blue jeans hug her hips and thighs tightly.

"-llo? Mr. Johnson!" You are snapped out of your thoughts as you notice that Ayame was talking to you. "I asked you to hand me your plate."

You didn't notice you had finished your food during your staring. Still, you shake your head. "Please let me do the dishes. It is the least I can do."

She smiles back at you before nodding. "Very well. Thank you." With that, she hands you her and Nariko's dishes, then heads off upstairs.

As you begin washing, Nariko comes up next to you. "When you're done, you up for getting your ass kicked some more?"

You chuckle. "Only if you don't hold back on me. I won't lose the next time we bet."

"Ooo, big words for someone who couldn't land a single hit." She teases before walking away. "Hey, Alex!" You turn just in time to see her smack her ass, causing it to jiggle enticingly. "Just thought I'd show you the badonk that won't be getting kicked anytime soon. Don't take to long, dork."

After cleaning up you head back into the living room where Nariko is waiting for you. You take your earlier seat on the couch and prepare yourself to give it your all. Despite this, your biggest accomplishment was landing a frankly lucky blow at some point. 'Why does this feel familiar?'

"Whew. That makes us 10 and 0, not counting when I was playing around earlier." Nariko proclaims while throwing herself back against the couch. "How about we play something else next time. I got this one action platformer we can play together."

You look at her confused. "We are done already?"

Nariko sighs. "Yeah, I have my afternoon workout to do now. I told you these are just how I relax, right?"

Giving her a nod of understanding, you get up and head upstairs. You catch Ayame reading an untitled book at a small table near the stairs. "Exploring the house, are we? Your room is down the hall, on the right." You give her a nod and go to your room.

It is rather plain, something you are quite familiar with, yet it feels rather welcoming. You close the door behind you, drop your bag on the floor, and plop face first into bed. Exhaustion overtakes you as you drift off for a nap.

Talking to people is tiring.

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