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Chapter 2 by Gassipons Gassipons

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Moondancer wrapped herself in the last strip of azure toilet paper. She checked herself out in the mirror. Nopony could say she didn't have a costume for Nightmare Night.

On cue, the door to her musty hovel knocked.

“Moondancer! C’mon, we’re gonna be late! You’re going to this party even if I have to drag you out!” She sneered at Minuette’s screeching voice.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Keep your saddle on would you? I said I’d tag along to this lame Nightmare Night party and I meant it.”

Moondancer opened the door, sending out a stale gust of warm soupy air. Minuette and Lemon Hearts froze for a moment, nostrils flaring and eyes pooling with tears. They didn’t want to say anything rude about their friend, so they just backed up and laughed it off.

“Uh, neat costume, Moondancer! You’re a mummy, right?”

“What gave that away?”

“I’m glad you dressed up,” Colgate struggled to hold her phoney grin, “But what’s with all the, uh, skid marks?”

Moondancer’s TP wrappings were smattered in brown stains, all different shades. That explained the obnoxious smell… well, half of it at least. The other half was just Moondancer’s natural aura.

“What?” She raised a caterpillar eyebrow, “Don’t tell me you girls are too high and mighty to reuse toilet paper.”

“Ewww!!!” They retched in perfect sync. “Moondancer, that’s gross!”

“Sue me, I can’t afford to go buying new packs every friggin’ week. This is a luxury brand anyways, it’s robust. And trust me, I really put that to the test.” She grinned. Of course, she neglected to mention the whole containing the trapped soul of a stage magician bit but that was best kept to herself.

“Look, if you’re that squicked out by it I can just stay home and-”

“No no no! I mean, it’s just a little eccentric, that’s all! Now come on, let’s go meet Twinkleshine at the ballroom!”

And off the three of them went, Moondancer’s costume standing out a lot more than the fairy Lemon Hearts was going as and Minuette’s dentist garb. Both friends chose to trot ahead of Moondancer, which was an especially good call when they started to hear bubbly groans of misery fluttering from behind her. Moondancer was going to socialize, but that didn’t mean she had to start adopting any stupid manners.

“Ugh, I think the chilli mac and cheese is coming back to haunt me.” She snickered, “How’s that for a Nightmare Night fright?”

The constant stream of flatulence didn’t make much difference when Moondancer’s pucker was already slathered in a coating of brown filth. She’d always been more of a ‘one wipe and you’re done’ gal, meaning the mess would just pile on and on, as it did around the rest of her body. This was no issue for her, but for Trixie--however much of her was still sealed in that paper--it had to be a neverending hell.

The trio met up with Twinkleshine, who was just as quietly uncertain about Moondancer’s costume choice, and they all went into the party.

This really wasn't Moondancer’s scene. The room was packed full of other ponies bumping into her as they came past on their way to the dancefloor. She groaned. “Alright, I’m here. I’m gonna go check out the snack table and find a corner to stand in.”

“Oh, come on, Moondancer!” Pouted Lemon Hearts, “Why don’t you join us for apple bobbing? That’s fun, right?”

“I don’t like apples.”

“Hey look, they’ve got a haunted hay ride set up outside! You just have to sit in one spot!”

“Pass.” Moondancer grunted. Her hooves were already starting to hurt and she wasn’t sure why they had to have the music so loud. It wasn't even anything good, just some electronic garbage due in no small part to DJ-PON3 helming the turntable. This kinda stuff always sounded like garbled farts to her, and if that was the standard for music these days she was a first class musician.

On top of being too crowded and too noisy, it was also too warm in here. Her costume now wore greasy sweat stains around each of her legpits. Good thing this paper was so absorbent. Only _a little _bit splashed onto the floor.


It was also a good thing nopony could hear the mucky trumpet note rippling her toilet paper. Nopony except her friends.

“Could you, like, maybe hold it in while we’re here? They smell really bad tonight!”

“No can do. That cheese sauce is beating the fuck out of my insides. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if I just soiled myself a little, that was a wet one.” She looked like that was something to be proud of.

“I guess it’s a good thing you’re wearing toilet paper then?” Twinkleshine suggested. A few ponies were glancing around trying to sniff out the source of curdled dairy but other than that Moondancer wasn’t causing any more of a scene than usual.

“Anyways, like I said I’ve got an appointment with that party food.” Moondancer scoffed, shambling off into the crowd with her ass cheeks rumbling a few more times on the way. She didn’t even have to push them tonight, they were slipping out on their own and brattling the tortured toilet paper around her flanks, each one leaving a deeper stain of sweat and Celestia knew what else.

Twinkleshine, Minuette and Lemon Hearts were disappointed. Whenever it seemed like Moondancer was taking a step forward, she took five steps backwards. Was it really worth dredging her out of her room if she was going to stand in one corner and stink up the party?

By the time Moondancer was ogling the Nightmare Night-themed spread her farts had turned downright watery. Each one cracked out of her rear like a snorkeling goose, dank greasy buttjuice splattering the layers of Trixie TP like an abstract artist going wild on their canvas.

“This all sucks.” She snorted, grabbing half the bowl’s worth of pumpkin-patterned cheese balls to cram in her maw. Not that she needed any more cheese in her system when she was already carrying a field of rotting queso. Anypony that passed by got one whiff and nearly threw up, dashing back to the party.

“You gonna eat that?” She turned to ask a mare dressed as a bunny rabbit, spraying mushed up cheese maize into her face, followed by an earthy belch. The mare bolted off hacking her lungs up.

“Drama queen.” Moondancer sniffed and went in on the devilled eggs she’d been referring to.

That did it. They must have contained the soul of the devil himself, because as soon as the first one hit her stomach Moondancer could feel everything swirling like a witch’s cauldron. a malicious grumble sounding out to hint at the type of malevolence ready to come out. Any sensible pony would take this as a cue to find the nearest bathroom fast. Moondancer just lifted her tail and pulled half a squat, still perusing the contents of the snack table while the hurricane spluttered out of her in bubbly spurts. The sound was somewhere between a chainsaw and a pig **** on soup, and the stench was beyond words. All of a sudden the entire room reeked like an open sewer and Moondancer didn’t care that she was the very obvious culprit. "Bubble bubble toil and trouble." She giggled.


Wincing at the messy cheek spreader, Moondancer raised a leg and squelched out another one. If anyone had been close enough to examine the back of her costume, they’d see the fat grease stain dripping onto the floor, a good mix of sweat and something far more sinister.

“There we go.” She huffed, leaning into the table, giving it a big push, and then-


Her booty quivered at the thunderous cannon of wet shit, blowing a hole right through the toilet paper layers and launching mud across the room. Judging by the screams, she'd probably drenched a few costume. Moondancer didn’t care. She was just enjoying the relief.

“Guess that TP wasn’t as robust as I thought.”

There was now a gaping hole in the back of her costume where the paper had been torn apart, leaving two shit-smeared buttocks hanging out.

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