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Chapter 3 by hunttty hunttty

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2 muscular mommies become common

As this wish was made a power would swell up in the world and in a flash you went out to explore this new world that you hoped to be changed. As you went out things were much better than you could ever imagine, instead of having the women gain magical powers, weakening men or other supernatural traits, these forms made sense.

Instead of superhero beauties ALL the women of the world became filled with physical strength, making all the women able to crush and left several rocks with a single hand with ease. The weakest of the women would still be able to bend mettle and do other wondrous feats with the most important and beautiful quality being that these women not only had the strength of demi-gods but had the beauty of said works of fiction, dazzling all men and women of the old world, yourself included with this beauty on every single woman's face.

Though this on its own would be amazing, to spill over the chalice of lust each and every woman had features that would woo any man or woman of the world before the wish, including those misogynists who thought women shouldn't be strong as these features would be the large seductive areas remaining enormous for all women. As you go down the street you see tall muscular ladies with mouth-wateringly large breasts, melon-sized asses and a body that just seemed right, it wasn't like the women were muscle with a grape head, each of them was like an item crafted from Hephaestus. Perfectly proportioned in their own unique yet overwhelmingly powerful way as their skin shined and glistened like supple skin as it remained as hard as diamonds.

This change in bodies would both change history while keeping things the same, going through the street you could see as everything remained the same, the only difference being the women staring you down with a lustful gaze resembling a predator and its prey. But as you made it to the library you found differences in history, instead of the normal male stereotype of strength, women often took the dominant role in society with a considerable portion of men still being leading figures in the household. Going back through history several events would stand out, the world wars being fought by men, due to women being a bigger target and better for supportive roles such as digging trenches, operating heavy machinery and building defences. This didn't stop a lot of women though as instead of normal troops they would often wear severely heavier armour and use super-fast speeds to ambush and crash into enemy defences, having the women fight one another due to it being the best course of action during the night like a couple of Kaiju going at it.

Other events would be similar with a focus on female supremacy in strength but ultimately an equalised stance on power dynamics. These thoughts would be rushed away when you are suddenly shaken by a large crash into you which you thought must of been a truck. When you looked up all you saw was a lady your size, thinking she was the equivalent to short women in this era you apologised, trying to gauge her, only to hear snickering as her mother came. It would turn out these were no ordinary women but instead, your neighbour's daughter and wife as the women of this era, even at a young age, could easily overpower men while still being so young.

In this shocked realisation you decided to head home, needing to reconsider this new lifestyle only to be confronted in a random street. With ease this woman captured you hovering over you with her hands pressed against the wall and her massive breasts inches away from your face, in the next instant she picks you up, slips your pants off with a pinch and begins sucking you off. Before you have time to react this new sensation makes you cum, the lady opens her mouth seductively, showing you the gooey mess, then swallows it, overpowering you with a great and powerful tongue technique. Not wanting to get swept away you try to take the lead, making her push harder and get even more excited, in the next instant she pushes you down onto the ground and fucks your penis with her strong suctioned uterus. You would try and struggle only in vein as she dominated you again and again, by the end of the experience you were drained empty and she was resting with you, using her large frame to act as a cushion or a mattress as she enjoyed the sweet moment.

When you woke up she was waiting for you, having taken you to her place she made you breakfast as you found out that she didn't have any "male" food, learning that due to all women having large bodies, the creatures and foods made available were not only larger but more variable. Having things like giant livestock alongside normal ones with this not being a separation of gender and instead genetic engineering over generations like normal farming. Another thing that you had found out using her large laptop was that though men and women were seen as equals, women were still inherently superior to men in physical standards, meaning that they themselves wished for a partner for various reasons, whether it be genetics, sexual appetite or anything else. This caused several men throughout history to attempt to assemble a sexual relationship with numerous ladies, only for them to die during sex due to the sheer emptiness of their partners with even just a second woman, having the men of the modern age barely able to take 1. This had developed into such a state that it was decided to create special spaces for women to enjoy themselves such as designating alleyways and buildings as female property, meaning the men who entered consented to a sexual encounter like how you did with the tall blonde muscular babe.

Hence why no guy had several partners but like a gift from god, you were different, after the sex you saw a notable change in your body, you had more stamina, a greater appetite and most importantly, your dick was both more stiff and slightly larger. With this idea you quickly finished the food and pounced on this tall mommy, thinking she had your pattern down she remained without opening, in the next instant this would change as your new sexual appetite seemed so different to the little rabbit she was playing with (this is how all women see men during sex in this world) and was now a rabid ferret. This new drive and experience compared to regular men drove her into overdrive, causing her to go even harder, wanting not to lose, during sex you changed again, going from a ferret to an elk, just barely the sexual apparitions of the two would put the two into a tired state, once again nestling in her breasts. The difference was that the two were both sharing the same energy of a tired state, huffing and puffing as a small amount of semen spilled out of her womb, she was pregnant. With this she gave him a kiss, this kiss was more sublime than any kiss before, due to her large stature this was not an ordinary kiss but a kiss filled with the love of a larger woman, often between a mother and child.

As she was asleep, you woke up long before her, realising that this was a big deal, showing that you outpaced her and though she was not tired, her body wished to bask in the pleasant delight and allow the sperm to nestle into the eggs. Going out you felt stronger, deciding to get tested you went to the doctor and explained a bare amount of the history so as not to leak the wish or physical changes as the doctor stated that you, like other men, had been in a situation so **** during sex that your body changed. Becoming stronger and more able as to better handle women, but this in itself was rare and unknown how to replicate the effects as this can only happen in situations of a need to survive/surpass and pleasure. As most men and women who attempt to facilitate these reactions often fail, killing the male and those who survive being crippled with little changes.

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