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Chapter 3 by Nemo of Utopia Nemo of Utopia


1A: (Most Of) The Egyptian Pantheon. 2B: Play It Cagey.

You look around you and discover many of the old familiar faces are here, Osiris, Ra, Geb, Nut, Set, Hathor, and Shu: but also some that should not be here when you are born, such as Sekhmet, Bastet, and Aten. You're not sure what to make of this, so you decide you will play the long game, you rose to be Ra's equal in your previous life through cunning and craft, so you will do this again: you ruled well and wisely for many years, and this time Set will not **** his brother, you will SEE TO IT.

Ra, he of the eagles head and the missing eye, opens the discussion of what the pantheon is to be and do: "Children of my power and their descendants, I, Ra, Lord of the Sun, welcome you to this new world: some of you are unknown to me, but as before, I will be ruler of this pantheon. At this time we are all reborn together, we-chosen-few who will forge anew the glory of Ægyptus. We are each reborn at the height of our physical strength, but the lowest ebb of our mystical powers: and for myself, my mind is sharpened to a razor's edge once again. Let me speak plainly of some things which transpired after my ascension to the golden bark: Sett, thou shalt make no affray with thy brother! You each shall be set as ruler of half of Ægyptus, and whichever of you shall undertake that task best will rule the combined realm when at last the twain are united. Isis," your head jerks up in surprise. "that trick thou pulled with the Cobra made from my spit shall not be permitted again! My soul is my own and thy usurpation of it will not occur a second time. Though you used that power for good, it was not yours to use at all, and as those who came long after would say it was 'fruit of the poisoned tree'... Aten: thou art not the sole deity of this pantheon, and thou art to obey me in all things. Thou may be hundred-handed and able to fly above the earth, but I am Sun Lord here! You will obey me and serve alongside the others but you shall not seek to dominate all Ægyptus, is that understood?" Aten flashes hand signs fast and complicated, which Ra seems to follow but you do not. "As you say, it was a disaster, I am glad you have learned from it," Ra replies.

"Now, know this, my descendants, you are no longer directly kin: the bodies you wear are no longer divine, they are something akin to mortals, you can die, and if you do it will be a true and lasting ****. This means that you may marry among yourselves without the stain of ****, which was the ruin of our realm in the elder days. Go now, pair off among yourselves to be married and have children, for I fear that if you do not, we will be overrun by the others who even now exist on this new world..."

Things to vote on this time:

1: Four Gods Now Court You: Whom Will You Accept?

1A: Osiris: A New Beginning, A Second Chance...
1B: Aten: A Very Handy Sort Of Fellow...
1C: Bes: Your Children Will Always Have Protection...
1D: Set: Perhaps Marriage To The Other Son Will Be More Congenial...
1E: No One: Demand They Court You Properly...


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