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Chapter 2 by merkros merkros

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[A] The Human Female

You drift down through the air and squeeze through the gaps around the door. Perhaps if the barkeeper was attentive enough, he could just make out the brief wisp of your consciousness drifting up the stairs. Although it would require the most perceptive eyes and even then it would be difficult in the dusty room. You continue to drift through the halls until you come to your quarry. Your "vision" as it recognizes her as little more than a blob of consciousness within the darkened halls.

Draping over her like a cloak, you seep into her being. A brief resistance thwarts your way. It's an **** and untrained attempt at resisting your intrusion. However, as untrained as it is, it takes little for you to push through it. [-1 Power] As you tap into her mind, strange sensations wash over you. The wetness of her fingers pushing the soapy rag across the floor. The feeling of her clothing pressing against her skin. The sound and smell of the last cracking breaths of the wood fire in the common room below and finally the brightness of the candlelight hall as you tap into her vision.

For the first time, you feel Alive! [+2 Power]

However, it is a fake life. You are aware of this. These feelings are hers and not your own. You cannot move her fingers or her legs or bend her to your will. Not yet anyway. More power will be needed for that. Then when the time comes, take her over, use her as you see fit until you find a new host. For now, you are merely an observer with some minor influences over her more spontaneous acts. Power may be gained by influencing her to sustain your being through acts of debauchery. Acts of wrath, lust, greed or other similar vices are good sources of sustenance. They need not be hers. Certain activities are palpable in the air and may feed you indirectly. Especially if they go against the moral fiber of the being involved and peering into the mind of this girl. You may find it difficult to feed off of her direct actions.

Melaina Ashlie is quite an innocent girl. She's a human of eighteen years and has recently started working in the inn to help her mother keep food on the table. Her father left before she could know him well and she has no siblings. She's relatively short, standing at roughly 155cm and has a bit of a stocky build. Her hips are wide and her bosom is quite large for her size; easily hitting the range of a D-cup. She's a virgin who has barely even kissed a boy and does not seem to have many vices for you to prey on. However, her mind is easily malleable and it may be possible to manipulate her quite easily.

Your search through her mind is cut short by the feeling of slight elation as she finishes scrubbing the floor. "Finished!" Melaina sighs contentedly.

She stands and gives a tertiary at the hall before throwing the rag into a nearby bucket. After a quick wipe on her plain brown dress, she grabs the bucket and heads down the stairs. At this point in the evening, the tavern is almost completely empty. The only person left in it is the actual innkeeper whom Melaina approaches. She sets the bucket beside the bar before addressing him. Her voice is quiet and a little meek as she addressed the taller man. "Mr. Morvain, I've finished scrubbing the halls. Is there anything else you need of me before I leave?"

Mr. Morvain is a larger man. Slightly overweight, but not massively. Still, looms somewhat ominously over the much smaller girl. However, his voice seems calm and polite. "I think that's about it, Melaina. Just dump the bucket out in the street on your way out, then I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yes, Sir." Melaina nods and grabs the bucket. Before she gets more than a few steps, Mr. Morvain stops her. "Oh and Melaina..."

You feel a brief sense of anxiety coming from Melaina's consciousness. While you cannot feel any such intentions coming from Mr. Morvain; you get the feeling that Melaina fears that some night late in the evening he may ask her to do something...Inappropriate. However, his friendly voice hints at nothing of the sort. "Good job today. If you keep helping me out as well as you did today, then you have a bright future ahead of you working here."

"Th-Thank you Mr. Morvain." Melaina meekly looks down at the floor as he compliments her before turning and leaving. After a quick dump of the bucket, she begins walking down the streets towards her home. The night is cool and the occasional flicker of a city guard's torch give her the feeling of safety on the well-traveled boulevard of the city.

Sifting through her memories, you find that she lives a fair distance away from the inn. It's a trip that she usually takes on the main roads before turning onto the street she lives on. There is a shorter route. However, this shorter route is much less traveled by the city guards, much darker, and likely much less safe...

[A] You could with what little power you have, influence her to take a "shortcut". While you cannot **** her to turn and take the shortcut, you can plant the idea in her mind as she already knows it's a shorter path. It may be a road to some easy power, but you cannot guarantee the safety of your host. (Power cost: 1)

[B] You could attempt to **** her down the "shortcut". This would take a bit more power and implant a sense of being followed in an attempt to make her take the shortest route home. Again, It may be a road to some easy power, but you cannot guarantee the safety of your host. (Power Cost: 2)

[C] You could do nothing. While this is a moment where you can influence your host, biding your time and waiting may present you other opportunities at a lower risk or less of a cost to yourself. (Power Cost: 0)

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