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Chapter 2 by BlueCicero BlueCicero

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"Good morning, Sombra. I trust you've been enjoying your payout?" Sombra looked around at her new hacker lair, three times the size of her old one with twice the computing capability.

"Oh, just a little bit of spending here and there. Don't want to blow it all in one go, after all." The contact paused, not sure whether to take her seriously or not.

"I see. My employers are ready to give you your next targets, but they wanted us to touch base first. They're very pleased with your work so far. Haven't stopped talking about it. They're as amazed with your psychological hacking skills as they are with your technical ones. One said that you essentially just told them to strip and they did."

"That was hardly any trouble. Ashe's a paranoid asshole, Mercy's a bleeding-heart and Symmetra's beholden to Vishkar. Hacking technology is just finding out what happens when you do this or that to it. Humans are the same, and it's just as fun when you figure out how to make them dance."

"How astute." The contact eased back in his chair. "Tell me, do you find any pleasure in this yourself?"


"Stripping women. One of my clients wanted to know whether you enjoy this as much as they do." Sombra scoffed at the very notion.

"Listen, I'm into women, and I'm not against seeing them naked, but it's just a job. For this much money per target, I'd strip anyone. Even that fat bastard bandit from Australia."

"Noted. Well, I'm glad you can enjoy it on a mechanical level, at least. The joy of making humans dance." For a moment, Sombra's previous victories flashed in front of her eyes. Ashe, in the middle of a barfight with only a hat to hide her shame. Mercy, shaking as she removed the last of her dignity in front of a live audience. Symmetra, frozen in a state of orgiastic terror. And, to her surprise, something stirred in her for a moment...but only for a moment. She shook the images out of her head.

"Whatever. You said you had more targets?"

"Yes, and I've already sent them to your handheld. I just need to bring two more things to your attention." The contact touched a few buttons on his device, and a video of a news broadcast replaced his videofeed, the presenter pointing at a picture of Symmetra, fleeing naked at the exhibition."

"...the third case of a woman with ties to the Overwatch conflict ending up nude in public in the past two months. While any official investigations into these occurrences haven't been released to the public, the current popular theory is that they're connected, with the Vishkar incident in particular having the telltale signs of a rogue hacker. High-profile women working with omnics or machinery have started to take greater precautions, inflaming tensions between omnics and humans. Speaking of which, there was a recent outbreak of against omnics in..." The visuals switched back to the contact.

"They'll know you're coming. Take additional precautions." Sombra shrugged.

"They always know someone's coming. They won't expect me. I'll be prepared. What's the second thing?"

"They want me to accompany you. Not physically, of course, but digitally through your implants. Among other things, they want me to take notes on your, ah, stripping strategies. They believe you have a natural skill for it and we can learn from it." Sombra paused for a few moments before nodding.

"Fine. But you're going to have to give me a name to call you."

"Excellent. We'll have a camera droid delivered to you for this purpose. And you can just call me Mr. Black." The videofeed blinked off.

Sombra shook her head as she reviewed the new targets. 'Mr. Black' was a terrible pseudonym. A bad pseudonym for a boring man working for a bunch of perverts. Still, she had the money to think about. Definitely _just _the money to think about.

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