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Chapter 44 by Loeman Loeman

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Vanessa's thumb moved on its own, scrolling down the bright screen of her cell phone. Her mind sucked in every word of the text exchange. Multiple exchanges. Words that were supposed to have come from her. Seemingly innocuous words, for the most part, but still she felt violated that Brand had used her phone, her name to... and more importantly that she... she was dressed like... and...

James was coming over. That was the crux of it. James! Elly's boyfriend! A boy she had known for, god, since... his mother Leigh had moved away from Vanessa's block... maybe 6 years ago? She had known James... Elly had known James for 8 years then?

She could still see the little boy playing, playing with Elly. He was all grown up now of course. He and Elly... Elly could have been doing better for boyfriends, or at least that's what Vanessa had thought. Thought, and maybe even implied once or twice. Maybe even implied to James, though she believed... not harshly or often. But he was still almost... god, he was almost like family wasn't he? He was... he...

"No," She said calmly. She straightened her reduced-length cheerleader skirt, and her fingers brushed something wet and hairy. Brand took her phone from her hand. He had to pull to get her to release it. Her fingers were trembling.

Vanessa stomped her foot. It was in a white sneaker. "No!" She yelled, and Brand's brow tightened in annoyance. Vanessa flinched, and backed away. She could feel it coming, could f-feel it feel it feel - " no no..." She shook her head. She looked into Brand's resolute expression. She whirled.

She ran.

Vanessa ran and Brand followed closely. She ran straight upstairs into her bedroom. She slammed the door behind her. She flopped onto her bed. She kicked her little heels and... some part of her could see it, from afar... but she couldn't stop herself. She was out of control. Completely out of control.

She wailed. Vanessa - a mother and a professional, kicked her heels and pounded her fists and wailed into a pillow.

She threw a tantrum. A real, real out of control tantrum that built on itself. That snowballed bigger and bigger and roll-roll-rolled her up and tumbled her down, down into some place she hadn't been since she was four years old. She thrashed around senselessly. Dimly she heard Brand behind her, but she was far too gone for words. Just wailing and flailing and squealing and...

Brand sat partially on her back and pulled down her panties. Vanessa barely registered his massive weight except to thrash around more, buck and -


Vanessa paused, confused. Her butt stung like crazy! But she started again, she -


A second. The hard spank again pulled her out of her childish tantrum for a moment. A moment, but it -

Her body spasmed. Her ass! Not a, a spanking! It stretched and strained. Her body arched and went rigid rather than flail. In one go her anus was fully penetrated by...

Her tail. In her brief moment of non-movement, Brand had stuck it right in her butthole; and she finally stopped and shut up.

She had slept in it the previous night. Washed it in the morning and peed in it and ate in it and washed it again. She had returned it to her room, when she thought she was going to get dressed in her own clothes, rather than... than Elly's... clothes and now J-James.... Vanessa felt her muscles twitch.

Elly. James. She... A wail rose in her throat. A-again she, she was -

Brand pulled it a bit, and the action swiftly nipped her almost-recurrance. She felt her sphincter clench around it, fight to keep it in, like... like she had grown accustomed to when... by...

"Shhh," Brand shushed her, and stroked her ass. He gave her tail another hard tug. It almost slipped out that time, but Vanessa held on tight with her anus, clenching, fighting the tug. When he relaxed she flexed a little differently, sucking it back into place.

"Would you like Mister Fluffy?" Brand asked calmly. Vanessa didn't answer. She just clenched her butthole in case Brand tried to yank her tail again without warning. The big white man gave her pussy a little pat, and Vanessa felt the bed move, felt his weight shift off her. She breathed into the dark space of her pillow. Brand's pillow. She didn't have a pillow anymore. Just...

The pillow was removed from her grasp, and replaced by a slightly bedraggled, sex-smelling Mister Fluffy. Vanessa hugged it close, and buried her face and... kissed it. The bed sunk under her hips again. Brand tugged on her - her hair had been done up into two little fluffy, nappy pigtails that poked ridiculously out of her head. Poofy, drooping fluff balls. He tugged one affectionately, and went lower. He touched her panty-covered pussy... he petted it, and rubbed it.

Vanessa was calmed. Not normal. Not in any right state of mind. But calmed and fuzzy and, "Daddy?" She whispered to the younger white man stroking her vagina.

"Do I have to do this? I... I don't know if I..." Vanessa choked up again, and hugged Mister Fluffy to her chest, and put her butt up a bit for more... comfort.

Brand stroked her proffered sex. She wished she could cum. She might have calmed easier, better if he would just let her cum. Maybe not even had her little tantrum. It ached constantly, driving her wild, even more for knowing that she couldn't... take care of it.

"Yes, Nessie. You have to do this. I'll tell you exactly what to do, okay?" He tugged gently on her tail, "I'll tell you all about what you'll be doing and why, so you'll know what you're supposed to be, how you're going to make it up to this young man now that we know your Elly is slutting around behind his back..."

Vanessa nodded in mute agreement, not bother to defend her... just remaining, as long as she was stroked. Head down, ass up. She nuzzled Mister Fluffy, and listened, and was petted. And underneath the sick comforts that she... she needed, she knew exactly how pathetic she was. She relearned it all the time, most recently as she was told how she was to further betray her daughter, and herself.

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