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Chapter 2 by bryce193 bryce193

Will Aaron call somebody?

Call from Chloe....a friend from Aaron's highschool days

As Aaron goes through his contacts, over and over, trying to decide who to call. He instead gets a call from a contact he hasn't talked to in a while, but has texted with recently. The screen says Chloe, now Chloe is a old highschool buddy that he liked, but would never be more then friends with. This was due to the fact that Chloe was a Lesbian, and only went for other females.

But they did become friends and hung out in the same group at school. That was 4 years ago now, neither has actually seen each other since graduation. So of course Aaron is surprise she's calling instead of texting, but he still answers.

"Hello." he says as he answers his phone. "Aaron.....please....I need you to meet me, I'll be at Cafe Rio...please" she says, sounding like she's been crying. "Chloe are you all right?" Aaron asks concerned. "Just come, I'll explain once your here" Chloe reply's before hanging up. The call did make him forget about his sexual urges that had kept him up, but now he's worried about his friend, for she seemed pretty upset. Perhaps it's nothing more then Julie breaking her heart for the untenth time, but she uselly just sends a bunch of texts when that happens. "Shit ...Chloe you know I can't not come when your upset" thinks Aaron, knowing this must be more then just a breakup, why else would she call, and not tell you over the phone.

He then gets on his phones browser , maps, and puts in Cafe Rio. "Well at least it's close by....oh it's only been open for a week, no wonder I don't know the place" says Aaron, as he grabs his house keys and leaves for the Mexican restaurant to meet his friend in need.

Next Be........?

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