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Chapter 2 by Lizzy Lovin Lizzy Lovin

What tale is to be followed?

A dispute over a pool of water

"This is Wildfang territory so the pool is ours!" The she-wolf declared, staring angrily at the young buck who had dared stray over the clear scent lines. Both of them were backed up by a few members of their respective tribes. The she-wolf was golden furred, her body extremely fit and healthy from her upbringing in the woods. She had only just recently entered into adulthood and her fangs were bared as she confronted the intruder. Her spear in hand though not yet lowered. Behind her were five other she wolves, arrayed in a line as they faced down the bucks.

"That's ridiculous! You just moved the territory line! It was by that tree just a week ago!" The buck challenged, not backing down, pointing at an elm behind her. Some considered the cervines cowardly, while it was true they could be skittish when surprised they weren't push overs. Especially not a posse of four bucks who had to prove themselves in order to get the Does back home to notice them. It also helped that they were with the prince of their herd. Erlend Ironhoof. He was unarmed but the antlers on his head would make for potent weapons if it came to a fight. He was also larger than the wolfess, a whole two heads taller.

"Our scent lines are clearly beyond the pool. Its been ours for moons!" The she-wolf growled, like the bucks she and her friends had something to prove. She was Reia Wildfang, one of the alpha's daughters. She and her party had been out hunting prey of the four legged variety when they'd come upon the bucks stopping to get a drink of water. Territory lines in the forest constantly shifted and this pool went back and forth regularly between the wolf pack and the herd depending on who was doing the scent markings that day. The older members of each simply shared it when they thirsted at the same time, using it as a chance to share news.

The young ones were not so inclined.

"Come take it then! Someone has to put you in your place bitch!" Erlend challenged, lowering his antlers. Quickly followed by his fellow bucks

"And what place is that grass muncher!" Reia retorted, flipping her spear so that the pointed end was at the back. A direct insult to her opponent. A move mirrored by her fellow huntresses.

"We'll show you!"

Does a fight break out or are they interrupted?

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