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Chapter 12 by FredWeasleyLives1 FredWeasleyLives1

What happens in the hospital?

A decision is made

This has really not been a good night for me, Harleen Quinzel. I am currently laying in a hospital bed wearing a pink gown. There are ten stitches in my left shoulder and an iv of medication attached to my right arm. Of course, the iv had to be attached with a needle which is one of my greatest fears. If a boggart ever escaped Harry Potter's world and found me, it would probably turn into a needle. I guess I should feel lucky. I incurred worse injuries during my stint as Joker's worthless whipping girl. Since it is just after midnight, and I still can't get to sleep because of the pain in my arm, I have nothing to do but think about how I wound up in this hospital bed to begin with.

I was having dinner with my mentor Joan Leland when my girlfriend Pam called me on my cell phone. I knew something was wrong right away because Red's voice sounded so off. Since I know Batman's secret identity, I wanted to contact him so I would have an insurance policy. I guess the Dark Knight was already on one of his haunts so I had to go in alone. When I found Pam at her place, she looked so lifeless and she tried to kill me with a kitchen knife. After we fought for the knife for a little while, Pam connected with the knife and took a slice out of my shoulder. Now that I am in the hospital bed, I keep seeing the knife coming down in my mind over and over. I wouldn't be anyplace at all if Batman hadn't saved me. It turned out that Jervis Tech was committing a hate crime. He didn't think Pam or I were fit to live just because we are lesbians.

Now that I think about it, the pain in my arm is not the only reason I can't sleep. It is because I am alone. I have been having this problem at my apartment lately. It is becoming harder and harder for me sleep without Pam. I simply need her in my life. I love her more than I have ever loved anybody else in my life. My heart aches when I am without her. I have made a decision. I want to advance our relationship to the final level. I want to pop the question. I want to ask my girlfriend Pam to marry me. As I take comfort in this decision, I start to get woozy. The medication is finally starting to take affect. Nighty-night!

When I wake up in the morning, I see my favorite redhead looking at me and sitting in a chair. I almost ask her to marry me right then and there, but a hospital is not a very romantic setting to propose to your sweetheart. I want to be able to give her a ring. I want to be able to get down on one knee and that is hard to do when you are in a hospital bed with an iv sticking in you so it will have to wait. Red gives me a kiss. She then gives me a pink teddy bear and a bouquet of roses. She sits down and starts crying. It looks like the attack of the Mad Hatter hurt her more than me.

"Don't do this to yourself, Red!" I admonish. "I've told you! It's not your fault!"

"I know that!" Pam countered. "There is a small part of myself that keeps telling me that it is!"

"Are you okay, Pam?" a friendly voice asks as she enters.

Joan has arrived to visit me with a box of chocolates. As soon as I see her, I get an idea.

"Red, why don't you take a walk with Joan for a few minutes," I suggest. "It might do you some good."

Red agrees and they both leave. I am not alone for long when Bruce Wayne shows up with some daffodils.

"How are you feeling," Mr. Wayne asks.

"As well as I can be," I answer with a weak smile.

"I've arranged for you to take the next week off from work," Mr. Wayne orders.

"Thanks for that, and for saving my life," I thankfully acknowledge.

"That was a clever message that you left for Alfred," Mr. Wayne compliments.

"I wanted to make sure no one could figure anything out in case someone heard me," I explain.

Bruce Wayne was about to say something else when Joan returns with Pam. Red doesn't look very happy, but at least she has stopped crying. She sits down and thinks about something for a minute. She then looks at me.

"Harleen, I don't want you to live in your apartment alone in case someone else tries something," Red orders. "I want you to stay with me until your arm heals."

From the look on Red's face, I know that there is going to be no arguing with her so I just smile and nod. Red's concern for me has reinforced my decision. As soon as I get some time alone, I am going to buy my girlfriend a ring. Then I am then going to propose to her.


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